Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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department o f yo ur s to re and buy a b ig ' paper cla mp. Fo ld yo ur card o ver th e cross br ace o n yo ur hand lebars an d p ut th e cla m p ove r it . I have used th is met hod for t wo years and ne ver have lost a card. B) Also a t a stat io nery d epartment you can buy a plas tic zippered bag use d for p rotecting items . usually prepunched for notebooks. Tape it to your gas tan k. C) Ha ve your enduro too tsie sew a pocket just a lillie bigger than your card on the front of your ridi ng jersey. Use Velcro (T:'I) for the fla p and yo u can get t he ca rd in and out with ease. Team Bultaco uses this method. - Honda enduro bike ..... til Look fo r H onda to sp ri ng a new enduro bi ke in the fall. T hey a re currently testi ng a new concept (fo r th em ) in th at the b ike will no t be s tre e t lega l in Cali forn ia. It migh t be a 175 but pr ob abl y will be a 250 . It will come withou t turn signa ls and battery and may even be eq uippe d wit h kn obb ies right off th e sho wroom floor. ::: 00 ::: < Larry Langley FinallSDT team selection The Al\IA has o ff icially announced its pick of 36 rid ers to rep rese nt the U.S. at the 49 th Int ernation al Six Da ys T rial at Camerino, Ita ly this fall. Tho ugh th e U.S . was originally alloted 30 billets. the A.\IA has petitioned for the extra slots. Amateu r ac tivities manager Jim Nidiffer anticipated no pro blem in obtaining the req uest. th o ugh if it is de nied by the ISDT organizers. some of the teams will ha ve to re-aligned. O f th e 3 6 named, 26 rod e the 1973 ISDT, earning. amo ng them, ele ven Gold . six Silver. and four Bronze Medals. Nidi ffer cal ls it "the strongest team in the hi s t ory of A merican ISDT involvernen t , The rid ers. their mounts. and their 1973 record: World Trophy Team Jack Penton 400 Pen Gold 350 Pen earl Cranke Go ld 175 Pen Joe Barker Gold 175 Pen Tom Penton Silver 125 Pen Paul Danik Gold 100 Pen Dane Leimbach Gold Silver Vase "A" Team (defending 1973 Vase) Ma lcolm Smith 360 Hus Gold 504 Hus S ilver Dave Eames 350 Hus S ilver Dick Burleson Ed Schmidt 504 Hus Gold Silver Vase "B" Team Jim Hollander 360 Rok Ret. Gary Snider 340 Rok Si lver 340 Rok Bro nze Jim Simmons 340 Rok Bron ze Jim Fogle Oub Teams Silve r Lake Enduro Riders 175 C·A Bill Uhl Gold Gold Ben Bower 400 Lin Lars Larsson 357 Pen Ret. Connecticu t Ramb lers Mark Adent 250 Pen DNC 175 Hus DNC John Sitton Red Bush 125 Pen DNC EI Cajon MC 250 Hus Silver Ron Bohn 17 5 Pue Doug Wilford Gold Dan Young 175 Pen DNC Mayw ood Mustangs 'DNC Bob Islamaf 250 Pen 250 Pen Tom Shaw DNC 400 Hus Ken Maahs Ret . Manufacturer Teams Penton "A " Team U Help IIt!veni Bike Decay with ArmorAiI Spray-On Preservative distributed ~nationally by Beck/Am ley. Throwaway all your waxes, silicones, and cleaners. With ArmorAIl GTlO, you can protect, p reserve a nd beautify any part of your bike you want, for up to six months. ArmorAIl refurbishes and protects sects , cables, saddle bags, a ll rubber components including tires . It also enhances the appearance and protects painted surfaces as we ll. Armo rAIl g ives the greatest protection to le a the r or vinyl jackets, pants, boots and gloves. To g ive you r motorcycle, auto, boat and hou se ho ld items ~c:: the new look, "G IVE THEM THE, " - "" l ARMORAll TREATMENT:'See yo ur dealer . . hclc /Amley C......... atlon 548 Brood Hollow Rood. Melville. L1.. N.Y . 20 1.5 West Alameda, Denver, Colorado 80223 G.n. Shillingford & 5onI, Inc. G. eee la ne and Roddiff. Str eet , Bristol. Po. 19007 KK Motorcycle Supply e - n y 421 East Third Street. Dayton, Ohio 4.S402 Nichol. Motorcycle Supply, Inc. 4135 w..t 12 Chi ago (A1,ip). 11I1"';, 606.58 6. c Montr.... Motosports, Lt••• 270 Beaubien W.fO., Montreal. P Canada .O. s-thwe.t _orcycle Parts DlstriMltor 1 810 Texos A..-enue. Houston, T.txas 7700J Milne A«e,sorie. P Box 11, Azusa, California 91702 .O. florida Cycle Supply . - BECKIARNLEY CORR cec · - . - '\- . ,. !('i" - ," ... . '\. . . ' ,'_' , 4227 Ointon Avenue, Jacksonville, Aorido 32207 - ... 'l- 011(", C . -, J~~~~~~~~ ~: 0_ , /" , ~_; ..... . ._ _--.._ ,,--,.,.. up _'" _ _ t MIt t bo ............'" In . . _ TNt .." u.s. -.... "". ..... prof,t oppon ",....".II("'L7J!ICI ........... HoIIv _ _ . CA "MS . 121:U~. 01 -'

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