Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P layin' pavement scratcherw ith AFM: W inning is a gas sit 350 Production started out like this - Scott Cloug h (Yam 351 leading Bob Tigert (Yam !:!4l. After a few laps, t hough , the ever-tightening chase turned into a swap. Now Tigert led, with Clough second. Bill Henry (Yaml never got close enough to challenge the 350 leaders, but wasn 't challenged m uch himself, either . Third Hanging oll lets b ig bikes go fast where the isn't bad . engineers thought they wouldn 't. Oh my my! It 's Stevie McLaughlin (Kaw 83) out in front on the first tap of Open Production. right when everyone 's busily tak ing pictures of the closely-bunched racers , Smile, Stevie . Behind are Mi ke Parriott (Kaw) in second and Ron Pierce (BMW) in fourth. They'll finish one -through -three just that way. 14 I_..--..::.:."'--'------'----~~------'----'-"----' The batt le ended t he way it had started , though, with T igert chasing Clough as they head into 't he last t urn of the last lap. But for at least a little while. it was anyone's guess who wouk:t win . What do you do when you run out of ground clear_3!,ce and you're atreadv hanging off. ma? AFM Road Race Ont ario Motor Spdwy. Ontari o, Calif. A ugust 11, 1974 by Jim Lester 125 PROD John Ulrich Bill Silver Jim Lester 200 PROD Ed Unini Don Unger Joh n Chermak 250 PROD Wally Karpynec Willi Hardin Paul Vogel 350 PROD Scott Clough Bob Tigert Bill Henry 500 PROD Jim Lipanovich Fred Ko ren Greg Goodman OPEN PROD St eve McLaughlin Mike Parriott Ron Pierce 50G P Karen White Doug St ant on Steve Zimmerman 100GP John Kunns Flemming Juliussen Mike McAvoy 125 GP Mike Baeder Minoru Matsuzawa Jim Keys 200GP Ralph Leclerey Larry Cochran 250GP Mike Devli n Bob Endicott Joh n Volk man 350GP Richard Seif ried Bob Endicott Harry KIinzmann 500 GP Keith Code OPEN GP Harry Core Phil Frank Miles Rossteusher SUPER STR EET/CAFE Mike Parriott Mike Siming Fred Koren DKW Hon Yam Hon Bri Yam Y am Suz Suz Yam Yam Yam Suz Hon Kaw Kaw Kaw BMW Ita Ita Ita H·D Kaw Yam Yam Hon Yam Duc Oss Yam Yam Yam Yam Yam Yam Hon Y am Yam BMW Kaw Kaw Hon Mike Devlin (Yam 1271 gasses it through turn 18,250 GP. lap one. Hounding are Ron Pierce (H -D 971.Bob End icott (Yaml ,and John Volkman (Yaml. Pierce will lead from lap three until lap eight, when he simply disappeared off the lap sheets. Devlin, Endicott, and Volkman finished 1 -2-3 .

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