Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 47 of 47

r.n II 5lQ ..c • ;II!: 5lQ ...:I g ~ g -e- c- Ol --' 0 c- .., ~ New superstar Guennady Mo isseev has gotten the Penton/KTM all to get her and is leading t he 250cc World Championship in motocross. Carl Cranke and Jack Penton combined to win 4 out of 6 Two -Day Qualifiers and spark Pento n Sportcycles to the ir 4th straight year as U.S. Trophy Team !!!!! DEPTH Tha t 's what Penton sportcycles offer yo u. A line of machines so well-engineered, designed and manufactu red t hat they are competitive in GP Motocross, Six Days Tr ials, National Enduros and all the other competit ive dirt spo rts And we're t alking of 1 model with the Depth and versatility bu ilt-in. If you demand the finest in eq uipme nt you must co nside r Pent on for your nex t machine, 100, 125, 175, 250 and 400 - all Built for Champions And I might add the Penton is t he top of t he tra il cyc les ..... t here is no other!!!! ! . - Penton Imports, 3709 W. Erie Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44053 r - - - - - -------------- - - - - - -------- - - -. 48 .. .. . I Send me info on the '74 Pentons Name -._ ...- ..-------------.-------.---.----------- I .-..I and my closest dealer. I I . Addres s - - - ---- - -- --- --- - ----·_·_ --------- - I I Enclosed is $1.00 for Super Boss , I City--·- -·- - - ------State- · --Zip--- I I Penton Pen. .. ~ - -.. - - -..... -...... . - - - - - - -- - --_. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ ... .... ....... - - - .-,_ . -. .

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