Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-S~;n-Mitc h ell , -;;- Long Beach, CA wri ies f '"Why not an Anglo -American flat tra ck ' serie s j us t like th e Angl o-Am eri can road races in England?'" \l'h y not ? Be ne at to see how so me of th ei r grasstra ck an d spe edway sta rs would adapt to our Class C style . Barr y Briggs likes to run o ur sho r t tracks. O ur North Id ioter find s there 's all kin ds of P NTA and other fol ks trials go ing on in Oregon an d Washingto n, but we're getting no re po rts. A nybody up there wa nt to become a fa m ous t rials correspondent? Sam e goes fo r Cl\IC night mo tocross a t Asbury and Wo od burn. OR . An y ta kers? If all goes well, the winners of the 1974 Cycle New s Political Enduro should be announced next week. Tell your ma and tell your pa to write letters to ABC-TV requesting a motorcycle show on television. Wide World of Sports is a good start, but we want more! Publisher Shar on Clay to n now has a press age n t (David Steinberg, who also handles Sammy Davis Jr.) in ho pes of getting a li ttle good pu b lici ty for moto rcycli n g, and ma y be selli ng anot her paper or two, If livestock is really as unprofitable as the meatmen say it is, there might be some !irazing lands opening up for you-know-what riding. Hank Scott (Gary's younger brother) broke t wo vertabrae in the July 21 Ken ton, Ohio AMA Half-mile. He is a t Blanchard VaUey Hospital in Findlay, Ohio and probab ly will be in traction abou t six wee ks. Car ds make time more endurab le. Teppe Lanssivuori (Yaml won both the 350 and 500 classes at the Swiss GP road race July 20-21, beating Phil Read (MVI by 26 seconds in the 500 clas s. Briton Bany Sheene (Suzl and World Champion Giacomo Agostini (Yaml crashed together at speed in the 500 race, winding up with "minor" broken bones. (Yes, that description puzzles us, too.l TH E SECOND HOP ETOWN GP IS Dirt Diggers M.C. November 2-3 . Be ANN UAL LAST ON according to th e T entative da tes are there o r be sq ua re . When the new Kansas hel met law was in effect for the first fu ll y ear , mo torcycle fa ta lities almost do ubled, fro m 22 the prev ious year t o 42, while cy cle reg istrations _ nt up a m ere 12%. ;\ dirt bike rider startled th e h orse l\liss Donna Schopp , 26, w as riding in L A. 's Griffith Park, ca us ing the animal to panic and kiD the lady . The cycler is being sought by police, be cause dirt riding is prohibited in Griffith Par k. The b~es totally dominated the Barcelona 24 Hour this year . A French entered, Egli framed 900 Kawasaki with Godier/Genoud up took the win twelve laps ahead of another French entry, Ruiz/Huguet on a 1000cc JapAuto Ho n d a • Last year 's winners CanellaslGrau (860 Duel led through the hRlfth hour. 2 CNW Ed itor Charles Clayton is off to Austin, Tx. fo r the road ra ces through the street s of that ca pital tow n (Aug. 4) , the nce up to Sturgis, S.D. for th e Blac k Hills Classic whingding, th en o ver to Bonneville for the Speed T ria ls and fmally up to Twin Falls fo r Evel's extravaganza (Sept. 1-8). Loo k for th e Cycle ews Blimp o n the ro ad . th at 's him. The secret of preparing dirt tracks that will stand up to a day's racing is, start with a smooth sub-surface, treat it with Paczyme (a chemical developed for making roads and runways on mud and tundral and then layer six inches of d irt surface over that, a half-an-inch at a time, rolling and watering each layer, and spread calcium chloride on the last four layers. Pa p a wishes to make an unsolici ted testimonial for Armorall , that stuff yo u squi rt on rubber to keep it from deteriorating. Hey, it really wo rks ! Papa used it on his antique cycle tires and Wor ld War I flying goggles a year ago . Made 'e m look like new then, and th ey still do . Somebody ought to tell the AMA pub I i ci t y mongers that i t is International Six DAYS Trial, not International Six Day Trials. CRUNCH COUNT - Mert Lawwill 's crash at San Jose gave him a sep arated shoulder, sprained ankle and bruised hip. Dick Mann got off a t the same place and broke a bone in his heel . Evel K. was presented with a letter of commendation from AMA General Manager Ed Youngblood wh ich said in part, "through your explo its you have su cceeded in focus ing the attention of the American public on ou r great sport, and considerab ly elevated its image in the publ ic eye." Due to Mast ery will have 21. not earli er. circu mstances Beyon d Local (B.L.:' l.) the Ch ap arrals ~l.C. th eir Co yo te Chase Sep tember Sep te mber First as reported Rocket Rex St aten was cited fo r no Gree n St ick ie while h is Honda was par ked in h is van on a bu rger joint par king lot. Some California Highway patrol ma n did n' t get t he message, ob vio usly . Th er e's a d octor goi ng aro und d oi ng rese ar ch o n d irt b ike inj u ries who 's o n o ur side. He's Dr. John Whipp , an orthope dic resid ent at UCL A and av id 400 Husk y-riding deser t Nov ice . fi e h ope s to co me up wi th ti ps on h ow to avoid t rashing yo ur bod in th e d esert when he 's done . Want to drop in on a three week trials get -together? Ron Spraybeny of Bakersfield P.I.T.S. is going to be camped in at Greenhorn Mountain County Park nea r Lake Isabella, CA from Aug. 1, through Aug . 20, hosting an informal tri al-in during h is vacation. Fish, sw im, get t ogethe r an d layout sections, ride , do your th ing fo r $2 in a campsite that is said to be ne ver crowded. Jet your b ike for 4 ,000 to 7,QO!l .h . !! and get high . The peopl e who won U RA enduro entries in th e Political Enduro can u se them at any URA enduro. Septemb er 15 will be the URA Little Tuffy End uro (we recom mend that one to on ly th e serious en d uro ers), the Good T imes Family Enduro in Oc tober, an d the Frosty Cact us in J anuary 197 5. Further i n fo ca n b e h ad b y c a ll ing 213/42 1-9179 o r 213/988-2967, The CN Political Enduro has probably generated more favorable pressure for motorcycl ing than any single event. Can't hardly pick up a daily paper without reading a Poli-Endo letter to the editors. Sat urd a y , J uly 27 will be the lightweight road races at Laguna Seca, near Mo nterey, California. Sh o uld be a th riller with th e new Har ley-Davidson 250's versus the Yamahas. There11 also be a product ion race wo rth watching with the Levi's team of John Boo te from New Zea land and Aussie Warren Willing on Kawasaki Z-I 's versus Mike Kidd on the Norton and everybody else. Then Sunday, July 28, be at Laguna Seca by 11 a.m. for the Junior final and the National Championship road race. The National will begin about 2 p.m. and w ill be followed by the Sidecar race with 17 hacks competing. Next time yo u see a slack of th rowaway newspapers (n o t Cycle News) at the races. figh t Iitter by recycling them at your nearest waste paper processor. Used news print is up to $32 a to n , Corrections: At the Castle Ro ck National TT J u ly 13, Aldana threw away his Norton in practice, not a T riu mph as reported last week . He then borrowed Mike Kidd's back-up Tr iu mph to qualify and finish . A lso , it w as Charlie Brown, not St eve Baker, who went down with Scott Brelsford in the second heat. Ken Roberts earned eigh t points, havi ng been cred ited with a 14th place fini sh . A couple of issues ago , Kasey Rogers of P.U.R.R _ told us that Nancy Thomas was the AMA 0 -26 Junior MX Points Leader. We wish Kasey had not told us that - especially since Nancy does not even belong to the AMA. Th e A FM San Fra ncisco cha p ter will be holding a club road race September 15 at Lagun a Seca, An yone wh o does not have a 1974 AFM license bu t would li ke to race should co n tact A FM. Bo x 70 5, Bri sban e , CA 9 4005 right aw ay . Non-license holders m ay have to prove th eir ability in several races be fore the Lagu na event in or de r to be allo wed to co mpe te. California trail riders, if you don't get your green stickie before July 31, it will cost $18. After August 30 it costs $30. And the fines don't go into the ORV land fund. A Ge rman invented th e m o torcy cle , so trust MZ to co m e up with t he slic kest safety gadget in a lon g time - a kickstand th at sets the rear bra ke when it's pa rked. Can ' t fo rget an d ride off with it in a down po sition, I' ve lost a fe w frien ds from that ha ppening. "I said I would jump the canyon when I'm good and ready," quoth Eve! Knievel. "Well, I'm ready." The blastoff will begin right after the World's Richest Motocross in Twin Falls, Idaho first week in September. The Cycle News blimp will be there, whatever.

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