Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• To Los Angel..,\ VISTA Vi sta Way lACOS TA COUNTRY CLUB To $;.111 Diego There are two routes to and fro m the Carlsbad si te. One is lik ely to be a lo t m o re crowded than the other. Be clever, be di fferent, be unhas sle d. This is Carlsbad. Who sh ould you watch for? T he start list is impressive. Roger DeC ost er, o f co u rse. He need s the wi n to re main 500 MX World Champio n. Mikkol a, if his back inju ry permi ts hi m to race, will b e trying to wrap us his first Wo rld Ch ampio nshi p.. But, Adol f Weil, Willi Bau er, o r Gerrit Wolsink co u ld win th e wh ole thing. Bauer w on t his U.S . rou nd of th e Wo rld Ch ampionship last year. J aroslav Fal ta will be o n a 400 CZ but not racing for GP points. Never discount t he Swed es: Ake Jonsson, Arne Kring, or Ben gt Ab erg. T he spectat ing problem is that there Note five foo tbridges around th e co urse that will allo w you to change vantage points between mot os . Ho t set-up is pr obab ly the infield o f th e big uphill-downhilL At a GP , the "mudh?le" is usual ly not hin g to wat ch. T op riders just see it as a nu isance, arc too m an y really good riders in any GP . " F irst American" should be eit he r Karsm akers or Lackey, as last year, but there will undo ub tedly be somebody you 'd seldom guess who'll be charging aro und in the top 10. Tim Hart or Mike Hartwig, maybe. Or Tony DiStefano. Or ano ther American w ho ca n hack th e pace. This is the real th ing, with 132 Wo rld Ch am p io nship points to be divvied up among t he top 10 riders in ea ch moto. T here IS no thing m ore serious in 500cc mo to cr oss. • .. 29 -

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