Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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$ MOTORCYCLE DEALERS $ IS YOUR PROFIT lOW? TRY OUR TRICK TRIKES TM THE PRODUCT THAT HAS SUPER GOOD RETURN ON IN S N VE TME T. IF YOU LIKE 33V3% R.O.l . PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND CALL COLLECT 2J3 -92J-6675. ASK FOR NEW DEALER SALES OR WRITE DUNECYCLE, P.O. BOX 2967, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670. ~ ci Jo hn Sprague gasses it as Keith Moss pursues at Elsino re 0 -37 IT. DUDLEY & SON BARRIS SPORT CENTER H anford , CA 9 3230 Ph . 209/ 582-9 370 EI ca jon. CA 9 2 0 2 0 Ph . 714/447-73 37 $ ~ '- WESTERN POWER SPORTS, INC. B o ise , Idaho 83704 Ph . 2 08/ 3 7 6-383 1 $ Sidehack Assn. 0-37 IT: Gonna take my three-wheeled four a slidin' Ho nda sidecar rig making the rounds on the track. Strange, indeed. More o n p 22. Don Huntly and Gwen Ridgard decided to get into the side hac k act impromtu at Elsinore. By R. William Reese ~~oo~ro~~ n,\\s @ PICK A PAIR OF D ~ oo ~ rn rn ~ ~ ~ D CERIANI• • •ONE OF THE 'TRICK' SECRETS OF THE WOR LD'S FINEST RIDERS. GEN E RDMERO , WHO RECENTL Y SET A NEW ON E HOUR WORLD SPEED RECORD, CRED ~TS MANY OF HIS RACING HONORS TO THE EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE OF CER IANI FORKS. CERIANI FORKS AND SHO CKS, ALWAYS OF THE HIGHEST STANDARDS, ARE UNSURPASSED l 20 ELSINORE. CAL. ,JUNE 23 A disappointingly light turnout of the faithfu l showed up for today's point run as the Sidehackers held the third 0-37 TT point event run here in about as many weeks. T he small scene didn't stop anybo dy from h a v in g a good t ime, especially t he Hackers themselves as they treated everybody to an exhibi tion sidehack race, displayi ng their usual and unusual antics and cutups o n t he track. II was hot and everybody had their tongues draggi ng the ground before it was all ove r. Because of the small turn ou t, the Novices, Amateurs, and Ex perts were co mbined in the Open class . Here, there was some super good riding going on. and du e to his consistency in all th ree mo tos , J ohn Sp rague (Tri) took it all home over the likes of Keith Moss (Yam ) and Kirk Redding (lIIai). In the Sweepstakes, I\like I\linnig lo o ked like he had it made all the way down to the last lap, that is until Steve Fortune (Bul) made his move and took the lead to the end, with Mike second, followed by another small bore pilot, Steve Woskoski (Yam). Even tho ugh Steve Fortune won, I'm sure that the small bore domination until then left a lot of riders psyched. After the main program was over, the Sidehackers put on a little show of th eir own with only the machinery and lunacy that they display. Sidehack setups ra nged fro m t he inc redibly trick . super Ho nda of pilot I\like Haller and passenger Charlie Swenson, down to the smallest hac k ever made - an I\IR 50 Ho nda m ini -Elsin or e hack p iloted by Eric (age eigh t) and Brett (age five) Haller , two of the yo ungest side hac ker s ever. T he tea m of Haller an d Swenso n (Ho n) won t he side hack ex hib ition afte r th e Rleer/Mei kle tea m Yam aha hack fell o ver i n a turn ; t hey recov ered for seco n d with the tea m of Abb otoy /C hristiansen (Tri) th ird. As the race progressed, (if yo u want to be so bo ld as to say that ), th e p ictu re of what ki nd of mach in ry was running to o k on an unusual sight with t he Haller/Swen sen Honda h ack lead ing . then the who le shot so rt of regressed as it tu r ned in to a free for all tha t eve n included the tea m of Don Hu nt ley and Gwen R id gard on a stone stock street UJ Vl UJ UJ a: ~ c:: J .J '- ~ New promoters take over Champion Spark. Plug Classic Kenny Ro bert s and Giacom o Agost ini , th e American cham pio n versus the World champion, meet at Ontario Motor Speed way, California, this October 5-6 , in a rematch of a motorcycle rivalry that has spread across two co n tinents. T he battle between the two super-stars is to be the high point of t his year's Champion Spark Plug Classic, which is being rej uvi na ted by Trippe, Co x Associates. Inc ., promoters of the Worl d Cham pionship Mo tocross Gran d Prix at Carlsbad an d the Superbike Int erna ti on al a t Lagu na Seca, Cali fo rnia. Chan ges in t he for mat of th is year's Champion race inclu de open ing th e On tario infield to o vernigh t campi ng an d race viewing, an d possibl y runni ng th e road course in th e o p posite direction fro m pas t years. Sunday , Oct ob er 6, will featu re two 100·mile sp rint races, with a 45 -minu te in t ermission between . T he overal l winn er will be de ter mined from the o utco me of bo th. Saturday , Octo be r 5 , has be en reserved fo r ligh twe ight J uni or .Expert and mai n even ts for Novices and J u nio rs. Ten ta tive ly planned is a twili g h t ra c e f o r pr odu c t io n mo t o rcycles with headl ights , meani ng th e riders will finis h in th e darkness. Overnigh t cam ping is encouraged and a roc k band will be in atte ndance. I t's not only a mo to rcycle race , it's a thrill packed weekend of fa mily fun . _ ~ , ci

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