Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Brynn Bennett who finished beh ind him at fifth Overall, third Open Expert. The next five finishers were all on two-and-a-halfs. They included second through fifth 250 Experts Charles Gates, David Cheney , Terry Harris, Randy Fleming and first Amateur, Stephen Greenberg. F a II a wing seven th 250 Expert Whiteside to the finish was the first trailbike with Bruce Ogilive aboard. If another Trail Expert had finished besides Charles Hamill, jr. (seco nd ), he would have been third, as only two Trail Experts finished. S. Bishop put in one of his best 175 Amateur rides so far this year for 19th Overall, first in displacement class, and second Amateur. Third Amateur Overall was the BA king of SoCal, Gino Massara, also second 250 . Gino did his leg in really bad last year att this same Lucerne area, but got even with the terrain this weekend. Robert Wadlow got his ninth Overall Novice win of the year. William Wolfson should be receiving his yellow stickle through the mail soon, ge tting in one more ride as a Novice and picking up second 250. lIe should also get an award for being the best wrench in the desert, as he keeps his antique Yamaha running strong every weekend. Don 't forget the ladies of the desert. Linda Griffing of the Desert Barons was rust, followed home by several-time first Overall tootsie Kathy Anglin on her DKW. All I can say is Thank God next weekend is an off one. _ Results in the Results Section. Th is is not Cordis Brooks. (Rod Van Scoy photo) Saltzman salts away DRA Story and photos by Dale Brown 0·37 Hare-Scra s m CALI FOR...H A CITY, CAL.,jUNE 30 . Cordis e esoutontp By J im Stewart LUCERNE, CAL.,jUNE 30 Last year the Brush Busters put on their first District 37 race, a European Scrambles . This year, with enough . desert experience under the 01' kidney belt, they decided to put on a Hare Scram- bles. Considering the heat and all, the course was well laid out and marked. As almost every weekend, naked bodies clothed only in Rover and Stumpjumper jerseys were seen streaking through various clubs' pits . Not to be outdone, members from the Desert Barons. Prospectors . and Desert Foxes went one better and strolled, not streaked. into various camps, drinking a beer and acting as if they were not exposed to the elements. At the bomb, it · looked like A.C. Bakken wasn't about to be exposed to anyone's dust as he streaked past with a commanding lead, only to lose it all with a flat rear tire. From there on, the battle raged between now healed Cordis Brooks, (360 Gringo-mounted, with Pie Plate No . I taped up front), Benny Padilla, Doug Winchell, Robert Ballentine, Brynn Bennett, and Amateur Ron Pinion. Into the home check, it was Brooks firs t with Ballentine in hot pursuit. Next was Benny Pad illa trying out the Open class and running second, followed by har d luc k case, jim Wotring, Checker Ronnie Wright and Brynn Bennett. The battle for first extended in t o the second lap, with Brooks having to re~pass Ballentine a couple limes. The last time counted, as Cordis took the Overall win with Bob right behind. Their duel carried them well ahead of the rest of the pack. By finishing first in their respective classes, they moved up on Bakken and Wotring in the chase for the Number One plate in ~ 50 and 400 classes. Moving up from eighth Overall through the pits, familiar SoCal rider Art Knapp reassured the Over 40 bunch that there is still hope by finishing third and second Open Expe rt. Next to reach the finish was mysterious No. 780 (whose name I wasn't able to learn before writing this), wearing a Maico jersey and riding a Husky. One rider who will not forget this '1\laico -c1ad Husky rider for awhile is Bill Saltzman tightened the race for the ORA Number One Open plate by winning Overall on Sunday, ahead of Gus Paull, the current points leader. The 23 -mile course was very fast with "a few rocks to keep people honest," as one rider de scribed it. Big bike territory. jim Irby (Yam) took the early lead, but it only lasted a couple of miles past the smoke bomb before Saltzman (Hus) got past. Paull (lIus) came through the pits in third, not far behind the leaders. Dennis Tipton (lion) was the first Novice and first 250, running in fourth. Under 14 Beg inner Jo hn Garbe r (Yaml starts dow n the dro p-away o nt o the seco nd loo p. Just p lain Beg in ne r Ch ipp ers Grim m (Kaw) pursues. Ro n Burpo w atch es as Suzuk i pil ot gasses it u p o ut o f a d ee p wash crossing ORA threw in f or variety. Irby was moved back to third when Paull started his pursuit of Saltzman. Finally catching him about halfway around the second loop, Paull passed Saltzman. Then Bill passed G us. Then vice-versa, This wen t on five times before Paull lost it and crashed on a road crossing. Saltzman throt tied back and eased in for first Overall, lapping many of the Beginners. Paul got up and rode it in for second Irby finished third, garnering rust Amateur honors. D. L. McEvoy, all the way down from Fresno, passed Tipton to take first Novice honors on a 400 Husky . Tipton was right behind in fifth, still first 250. George Harvey and Howard McCasland, both Husky-mounted Open Amateurs, started together. Shortly after the start, they tangled handlebars in the dust and almost went down . Harvey came through on the first loop in eighth, r.lcCasland in 17th. ~IcCasland did an awful lot of passing on that second loop, ending up seventh, behind Harvey. Michael Williams, riding a 360 Yamaha, led both Beginner loops and smoked the rest of the Beginners. R ep orters N ot ebook : The dust was a bit of a problem today, especially at the start. Woe to the rider whose mount didn't fire on the first kick .. . One thing that's nice about the Mojave in the summer are girls . Spectating in the pits was great. even before the racers came through ... All results herein are unofficial. Complete and official results will be printed as soon as we get 'em. _

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