Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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rn THE PROFESSIONALS 51 SIll -= ... We're only Iii:II g in it for g the money ':t' ;... r- ' 0 This column ' comes to you after many requests and mainl y from a Northern California mot or cycle parts manufacturer. The requests were all the same. Thev ask if the "Crooked Promoter" \~ouJd say it like it is once again co ncern ing pro moters, track conditions and prize purses. Let's talk about one subjec t at a time. The first is the easiest. We promoters ar e all in it for on e reason only: A " Fast Buck". Some o f us m ight say we do it because we like the sport, or be cause we love it. But if it wa s not for th e cha llenge of the fast or big buck, we would not do it . T hat's the whole truth and nothing but the truth . Now, to th e subject o f tra ck conditions. Many years ago in differen t parts of the co u ntry th e AMA co ndem ned a few race tr acks because of the unsafe co nd itio ns th at existed. The final d ecisi o ns came af ter several serious injuries o r some on e was killed. Well. it loo ks like it mi ght happen again. Let's look back at a few. T h e Co lorad o :>liIe 197 3, th e A tlanta :>liIe 19 73 and the Ch arl otte. N.C. Hal f-Mile where Beau champ, Seale, Kidd and Alda na all went down. Co nsider the latest blunder , the Denver Half-Mile. No w the b ig question is wh y? Well I'll try to tell yo u. Some may say that their luc k ran o ut and their race track fell apart. T hen others will say "Bull" to th at. I'm afraid the "Bull" remark is right. The Big Buck is ba ck in th e p icture. This Big Buck can . go into one pocket o r several. It is possible to d o the following things: Pay off the press, pay a star professional racer to state during or after a National that the track and the promoter are the greatest. The Big Buck ca n also buy san ct ions. Is it go ing to take several more serious injuries or another death d ue to track co ndi tions to stop the issuing of sanctions to bad tracks and promoters ? Take a good look at your local track. Is the surface smooth and fr ee of dust? Is the fen ce in th e turning area of th e track, going into and co ming out of the turns, either ha y ba led or boarded up safely ? If not, they 're wrong and someone is going to get hurt. Is it goi ng to be you, one o f y our friends or o ne o f y our loved o nes? It is going to happen . Prize Purses: Recently a t th e San J ose :>liIe Nationa l th is same Northern C al i fornia parts m anufactu rer was sta nding next to me at th e starti ng line. lie aske d me d id I realize how much money was inv es te d an d sitting on the' starti ng line and racing for 5 I5 ,OOO? The answe r is abo ut 5.000 a bike co ns ide ring the mach ine. spares and rid er wear ing apparel an d su pp lies. In tot al th er e w as 5 100. 00 0 on th e line raci ng fo r S 15.000. A I th e Astro Dome thi s year there were 64,000 paid spec ta to rs for two days. The tickets ranged from 52.0 0 to $8. 00 . The purse was 52 8 .000 total for two days. At th e San J ose Mile Nation al, the tick ets went for 58. 50 and there were 9 ,00 0 paid. T he purse wa s $ 15.000. A t th e De nver Half Mile Nat ional th ere were I 1,000 paid an d th e tic kets were go ing fo r $ I 0.00 and the purse was $ 15,000. The abo ve are th e big bu c k race s and the hig hu ck prom otions. T he low doll ar pro races and th e smal l promo ter do not fall in the above ca tag o ry. All three of the above subj ect s, promoters. co ndl rio ns and purses d o exist. If y ou like them the way they are, do noth ing. If y ou d o no t , do so me th ing about it. I've done m y part. Now it is you r turn. l\ly ad d ress is: care o f Cycle News Central, 1' 0. Bo x 13245, Au st in. . Texas 78711. Tommy Conner - O'l O'l -: ;,. ...- ..."" ~ ':•.-."':l- . \. ,.~U ". . .. ~ .. Hand Wa shab le ~~~r ' ~ C"P"_. CA 9063D : '. " .. ~"'~,~'!o':~~: ." ",~ 17•., 1 8'1171017 COMPETITION MOTORCYCLE WHEELS DES IG NED. BUlL T AND REPAIRED SEND SOC" OR CATALOG ' fI'~ ~~ O H""i1n O ,,,t'lb -Ullnq e n . 18:' 77 Lud lo w S I . No,U""OQ• • c • . 91 324 COMPLETE MACH I NE S H O P R~P"" IR rx- A N D SERV ICE ' -;,._ Deal•• ~ Cycle EngIn e erIng & Supply " 4 0· "" N . K R A EMIEI'f ............. 1:1...... c .... tl 2 e06 ( 71 4) e3 0 · ~ 7 20 Save Save Save at ~I:)I\ ~~ for nearest lo~t~~~ : ( 21 3~ 334-51 95 * R iding • Racing • St ree t GLOVES 0.011•• InQuI""" In ....l eo {2131 J63 62 30 Goodyear is Carroll Shelby 213-82 1-3436 ~~If6' ~~AUST TUNER 1032 w. BROOKS Sf ONTARID.CA 91762 ·7 14 98 3-58 71 11

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