Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha Swingarms ~~~~~~~~~o~hoc"keS~d~o ~::~~gm~~Wfcat'f~~~ re q uired on stock MX's. Add s 2 " o f rear w heel travel. ' 74 Enduros MX 250/360/500, S85.00 . YZ 250/360. S850.00. Call or write for information on complete frame kits for all MX Yarnanas. M AVN ARD/PROFAB. 13666 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove, California. (714) 530·7340. (13fTFN ) Husqvarn a Buy your new H u sk y from The Husky Specialist. Call Malcolm personally, ask about our out of state freig ht allowa nce . Malcolm Smith's Motorcycles, 1689 La Ca dena Drive, Riverside, Ca lifornia 92501. (714) 68 6·8014 . (24fTFN) WAN TED , EXPERIENCED PARTS HELP. Robert M . Law , 22 4 North Anaheim Boulevard , Anaheim, Califo rnia. ( 24/2 x) Cycle Tr eks Mexi co Presents Baja off -r oa d tours. 3 day s/S85 .00. 5 days/$1 25 .00. Includes all gas , food , booze, back-up vehicles for supplies. re pairs, ' and broken bike retrieval . Info : P.O . Box 2911, L ag u n a HillS, CA. 92653. (21/4x) Mini Indian MX '14 Clearan ce sale. Requtar $465.00, now 1339 $359 .00 . Hol t v wo o d Kawasaki , Highland, Hollywood, California. (213) 463-6355 . ( 24 /4x) MECHANIC WANTED: YAMAHA EXPERIENCE required . Call Bill at Sunshine Vamaha (114) 633·0064_ (24/4x) Rest ored BSA Goldstar 19 61 Clubman 95 % 466-8451. (24 /2x) new l!) part s. (213) C'J 1973, 125 Pento n Excellen t c ondit ion. was used very little. very last, 100% reliable. Many extras, $700 .00 or best . (213) 315-4144. (24) WANTED: 441 BSA , 441 or 500 square barreI Victor engine , c o m p le t e. (2131 398 ·41501 ask lor Rich . (24) ' 72 Husky 450 WR, 5 Speed CZ GP Replica Frames 413 0 C hrome·M o ly H e liar c w eld ed . Accepts all stock com pone n ts. Comp lete w it h brake pedal and h oll ow rea r axle, $395.00 . Swi nga rm onl y ( f i t s stock CZ ) w i th axle, $99 .95 . THE C lairemont Ca lifornia F R AME WOR KS. 1893 Mesa Boulevard, San Diego , 9 2117 . 1·(114) 560-8412 . (22/TFN) CS5 Yamaha 200 Electric Moto Guzzi Small p la y racer. 1972 with f lat bars and extra set of tires. $450.00 or trade for really fine Metra lla or funky British single or street si de hack or ( ?) . EI Cttea po Gran de. (213) S ALES. SER V IC E , PA RTS . COM PET ITION 439-8239. (2IfTF N) Fullback 12' Travel Trailer $218.50 New Trailers $218.50 for compact cars o r mi n i t r u c k s. Sleeps four , optional to ca rry 2 motorcycles. Outside ga lley w it h 3 bu rner ra nge, 75 lb. icebox . 3 bike/ramp - evsern. or kit/F.O.B. Torsion bar, suspension weight 155 pounds. (213) 764-8392 or 762 -3721. Trans-Ex Company, 7361 Ethel Avenue, North Hollywood . California. (22/TFN·E.O .I .) ' 7 2 OSS A PIONEER. gooc condition. rebuilt engine, has street equi pment. $ 3 5 0 .0 0 . Call 8 : 0 0 a.m . to 8 :00 ja.m ., ask for Ralph (213) 619 -3634 . (22/3x) Pedro (213 ) 547-2203 . (TFN) , T H IS WEE KEND. $1395.00 . Some Slightly damaged, 16 ONL V, first come first choice. Kendon Motorhome, 1358 West Pacific Coast Highway, Harbor C ity, California 90710 . ( 213) 530'.1331 or (714) 530·0812 . (23 /2x) Honda CR 250 ti me . Also 635·8 058 . (38/TFN) W A NTED : Triumph . BSA , Norton parU/e nqlOes. (2 13) 391 ·9486 M on . , Tues . T hu r s. e ve n mss. ( 23/3x) I m m ed iat e open i n g for final i nspection su pervisor at Taiwan assembly plant. Must be Sing le, h a ve m in im u m of 5 ye ars m otorcyc le expeete nce , M u st k n ow motorcycles I nsi de an d out . M ust b e able to suoervlse. Q .C. experie nce h elpf u l. Contact. Mr . Jerr y Greer , (2 13 ) 532·1316. (23/2x) Trail an d T r ial R id er s Suzuki Owners (20 /TFN) T he secon d ed ition of ESC APE BV T R A t L B I K E Is n o w o n sa le . Send S3.50 to CYCle N ew s. P.O . B o x 4 9 8 , Dept . Ch ris, Long a eaen . Ca. 9 08 01. (35/TFN) 1.4 an d 2 .2 gallo n MX H u sk y tanks - original equ i pment n e w - 300·21 t i r es for $14 .95. A l so a com p lete l ine of parts and accessories at Imp e r i al Motor Sports, Ba ldWin Park. ( 213) "The ghost w h o smoke s." Available for Immediate d eli ver y at D irt Bike West , 7139 Canoga A ve n u e , Canoga Park, Ca li f o r n i a. (213) 340-6521. ( 2313x) new, ri d den a total of 7 miles Fast '72, 450 WR Husky YZ Price Breakthrough ! Fresh engi ne , top /bottom, H o n d a seats, Fi ltro n, n e w B in g an d shocks. Consiste ntly last 3 .6 ta nk available. $750 .00 or best Zee - Won WANTED : Honda 100 or 1 25 front wheel also full leathers. (213) 530 -6504. (24) '13 , 175 KTM Penton Mike's Racing Center shock mo dtt tcettons, Akronts, Cross 3, 8 ga . spokes , fresh bore, Ra hm lenders, Don Em ler pi p e and b ar r el . Too many extras. $800.00 or best offer . Bult aco 250 Pursang 1972 ofter . (114) 636-8648. ( 23/3x) Jawa Speedway Bike To tal 2 0 0 mi les, extra crankshafts , cylinder, pi stons, rings and lots more . TA 250 Yama ha with extra cy linders, piston and rings. (714) 534 ·7 678 Of (714) 642 ·8 274 . ( 24/2x) Cheng Shin, porting, quick throttle , runs perfect, ext ra c lean , never (aced, $750 .00 . '11 Honda 100cc Dirt Bike Daughter' S bi ke, hardl y used . Knobby 300x17 rear, 275x19 Iron t: Pet t v s, Filtron, magent a Ignition. extra 18' front wheel and tire, 149-6235_ (23fTFN) $160.00! (213) 312-9545 or (213) 312·9603 . (24) . '73 GREEVES G R I F F O N . STORED ONE YEA R. 10 hours on ever vttunq.Jooks an d runs like new . Must sell , $600.00 or offer . After 5,0 0 p .rn , (213) 644 -3926 . (23/2x) Super Rat Special Sale Cafe Racers & Road Racers Complete Rat l o ad ed with extras. engine, sp r oc k e t, reed, ported b arrel , etc . Many new spare parts. Call after additional information. $ 295.00 takes 250 Husky Reed Rocket Facto ry $15/30/5 Liabil ity Insurance E x am p le ; aencc th roug h ze occ. lowest, S59 . Hi gh est, $76 . Phone or wrrt e 101 acoucauo n . (213) 2 9 5· 4 4 6 9. California Motorcycle Insura n ce Agency, Bo x 4215, Inglewood , Califor nia 90309 . (16 /11 x) NEW B .S .A. , TRI ., 750cc, 3 CYL. ENG . and factory road racing frame, ,.795.00. New CZ 400 factory pi st ons, $450.00. Brake assy . ft . and rear c a m p., new. (213) 376 ·1237. ( 24) 54 8 ·0148 . (24) Cafe Racer Honda 750cc, 1972 35 0 TWIN two into one hea der s, $55 .00 f irm. (2 1 3 ) 8 3 1 -42 8 7. (24) Mechanic Harley-Davidson Ex pe r ie nc e d H ·D m ec ha n ic o p en i ng. Exce lle n t p a y and b en ef i t s for t h e r i g h t m a n . See o r ca ll E d R u ssell , ser vice m an ag er, H art ey -Davtdso rt , L o s A ngele s, 253 1 Sout h Miln St reet , Los Ange le s, Ca. (213) 749-6235_ (46/TFN) WANT ED : E X PER IE NCE D ME CHANI C . A c e Bi k e S h o p, VAMAHA In c .. (21 3) New toP and bott om end . Other tflck stuff . $500.00 C H E A P. Ca ll (114) 4 9 2 ·1 9 95 . (4/T FN) Need 750 Honda Frame 839 ·~361. ( 2 3 /4X) 896-6209. _ $2500.00 Invested, dual c ta rn pons , Arna c o Sho cks, Dia m ond c h ai n , F iUron, t ir es, exnaus t, sh i ft lever s, fa cto ry g lass road ra c ing tank and seat, m uch more. $1600 .00 . ( 213) 781 -16 2 3 . (24) $995 .00_ (213) 347·5721. (23/2x) New Road Racers For Sale New 250 TD 3 road racers. Used 250 TO 3 road racers. Used 250 TO 2 road racers. Used 350 T R 2 road racers. Used 350 TR 3 road racers. One 250 Suzuki Prod . Spare parts road race tires - Daytona seats. 8 : 3 0 a.m , - 5 p.m. (714) 465·9700 Dave Evans . (18fTFN) 1974 HON DA ST-90, like new , only 200 miles, $450_00_ (213) 691 ·2300_ (24) CZ lirst sold May '73 . N o t yet b roken in, l i k e new, neither raced. CZ , S775.00. Malco, $150 .00. (213) 866-5093. (24) 1965 Bultaco Metralla 4 speed factory full touring fairing an d cllp-ons. Large taper crank, double row primary, Iresh engine top and bottom, DLS front brake , 3 0 rn m carb o Body complete and near mint , owned by lactory trained mechan i c, $500.00. ( 303) 2 3 2· 76 19. ( 24) Wanted R27 Engine Need 2 5 0 c c engine for 457 -0100 d a y s. (24) '73 D& G TRAD E: Cherry 197 3, 25 0 Yama ha MX for 2 5 0 H o nda E n d u r o. (2 13 1 698·6684. (24) PART S , ** * 250 Elsino re *** All extras & shock rnoveup, Well maintained , leathers, Full Bores, helmet i n cl u d ed , T IRE S - · 18 . 19. 2 1 ··. M iscellaneou s Yamaha part s - trans. heads , f ork parts , e tc. A ll mu st go f or $50.06 . (213) 6 7 9 · 8688 e ve n in gs. ( 24 / 2x) TM 400 1964 B.M .W. (206) HONDA CR 125, all t he trick stuff . $800 .00. 596-7142. (24) (213) SUZUKI, 438 ·7894 Curn utts, or (213 ) lower ed , $450 .00 . (213) 374-6113. (24) '72 Yamaha 100cc L T 2 M X set up to win , c h er r y , S300.00 firm. 428 -1460. (2 4) Happy Birthday 20SJ, Gaz It! (114) 8 23-3 808 _ (24) Kawasaki Cranks Rebuilt (91 6) 622-9291. (24 ) G en u i ne lac t ory p ari s. VEN OL IA for ged pi st on s. Any bike fr om std n d ar d to . 0 8 0 o ve r. Dealer s soecrat ser v ice , fast. 8 :30 a.m . t o 12 : 30 . ~ 27 2 Troth S t ree t , Mlta Lorna, C A. 9 1 7 ~2. Cet atoc , $1.00 VENOLIA . (714) FO R engines, • 7 1 HU SK V 2 50 , 4 speed, 360 1 st, mostly t rail ridden, $485.00 . (213) 9 8 5 · 3 59 7. (24) (24 /3x) - ' - - - - - -- - - 380 Desert CZ S iock Wi th paper . (714) (213) 612-89 08. (24) 197 J Kawasak i 750, cust om designed flber91a s lank and set, KOnlS . exp an sion chambers , 30mm ear n s, rear set s, frame and all parts n ickel p lated, and m or e. Mu st see to appreciate, $ 2 , 200 .0 0 . Call Chris (71 4) CB (213) 1912 CZ 400. 1912 MAICO 400 R A D IAL S pare tires , 5 lor it all Cafe Racer, a Power Machine! , m od e l. Cylinder Head By Branch (24) Set up custom Harley·Davidsons. Excellent oPPortunity for good man . Sk illed or semt-sktued , Call Ar t lor acoomt . (213) any Jerry Bra nch fl ows and p or ts racing h ead s for champions . Goin g racing? Call Jerry at (213) 595 ·4659 . 2625 Lime, Lo ng Beach, Califor nia. (21/TFN) Perfect co nditi on, $6750.00. (213) 78 9-4917. Harley-Davidson Custo m Mechanic Used Bultaco Parts Any year, (21 / 4x) ·73 YAMAHA 360 MX, exc. cond ., fast, reliab le , $ 675 .00. (714) 824 ·0697. (24) 73Y> Bult aco 250 Pursang (23/2x) (24) (71415 93 ·7850. (24) Fron t wheel VDO, 38mm Mikunl, 3. 6 gal., C u rn u t ts , Matcotm bag, 3 .50/4 .60 , bashplate, plastic lenders, Honda see rs. $895.00/S850 .00 w / o sceeco . ( 2 13) 82 1·42 8 0 . ( 24/2x) Scrambles, short tra ck and lh mile equtpment , YZ tank, TT seat , aetoes. Konls, 38 Mlkunl , ersc brake, lull gearing and SPares fast! $850 .00 . (North L.A . ) (805) 2 5 9 · 1 8 3 5 . machine. 1974 Grand Pri x c y l in d er , reed, piston . N o ne other like it In U.S . Titanium/a luminum abound . S P ares : Cran~s l laft, Pi ston, beari ng s, filte rs, shifts halt, b rakes, angle reed plate . H as Curn u tts, 7 1/1 " tr avel forks. $99~ .00. ( 213 ) 367 · 172 2. (23 /2x. ) Late '11 ,360 Husky , 8 Spd. F ast and super reliable - d ese r t race rea dy . .0 1 0 over/recent rebuild new ctutcn, 5" cureur rs, Hon da seals, 3 .50 front & 4.50 6 ply rea r . W heels by Buchanan, J&R silencer/arrestor, alum inum ski d p la t e , new Diamond Chain, Tomasell i thro tt te, Presto n senvs, 34mm Mikuni, 4 gallon To rste n Ha llman aluminum ta nk. Best of everyt hing an d many spares (P. P. fe nders, origi nal t an k & Bing carb ., sprockets, Husky too ls, etc .• etc .) $125 .00_ (114) 544-5152. (24) G i vi n g up speedway. Eve rything must go . Bike has all the top access. Must see to appreciate. Call after 5 n.m. (714) 638-0424 . 450 Husky WR Enduro master Red Li ne Framed 36 0 Yamaha rer 175 SUZUKI, BRAND NEW, recei pts , kitted, DID, Cheng Shins. extra engine. ridden once, S1200 Invested . Your pr ic e, S5 00.00. Afternoons, evenings, 1510 Rock Glen A ve. No . 110, Glendale. CA. 91205. (24) New Diamond c h a i n , sp r o c kets , tires , 8 hours on m otor, $400 .00. ( 213) 781 ·16 23 . ( 24) 530-1340. (14/TFN) TD1·B Yamaha road racer engine parts. Including com plete top end wyremcte ttoatbow! GP earns. Cases, ctutcnes, 9ear boxes, much more . Most p a r t s w ill fit street 2 5 0 and 350 Yams . Call or write Rob at Cyc le News Central..!. \512) 444 ·7548 , POB 1324~, Austen, TX 1. (20/TFN) Street scrambler, stored since '69 . Has been serviced an d licensed lor '74. Top shape an d extra sharp, $ 500.00. Evenings (213) 864·030 2 . (24) '73 Kawasaki 2·1. 900cc, 1500 miles, I m m a c u la te condition. De nse·Lube self·lubricaling chain. MUST SELL. S1995 .00 - $995 _00. (213) 451-3353 . (24) ' 67 T riumph Trophy TR6C 1974 Yamaha 175 DT Enduro Brand · 1 2 HUSKV C R , 450 TRELLEBORG. 400 331-6811. (23/2x) , 250 VZs regu lar , $1745.00 . NOW ONLY, $1395.00! Li m i t ed supply. Call n o w (714) and gearin9. $1800 .00. (916) 422-8483 . (24) T Z 750 Yamaha Ossa Phantom Husky Bargains Ri dden little, Kanis, Honda sears. big Mikuni, ext. swi ngarm. immaculate, many extras, c enams. Ba rnes wheels and discs, ext ra p ar t s (213) 371 · 2183. (24) Attention We have the be st Pdrt s stock. Try us at C AMPBELL SUZUKI , 14200 Lambert Road , Whitti er , C a l if o r n ia. ( 21 31 6 9 6·3 3 06 . '14 Husky 400 CR, 5 Speed Champio n TA250 Half mi ler firm. (213) 836·0826. ( 24) Indi an M/C Co. Expanding Y am ah a sales m a n, full o r ca r t f u ll-time p a r ts m a n . ( 2 13) 1973 Yamaha 250 MX, $625.00 Mechanically perfect, YZ ported - ve ry last, 2 tanks , modified forks. Rode o n l y by a slow old man. (114) 194-2222 . (24) $150_00 . 9 a .m. to I p .rn. (213) 217·2911. N o rear shOCkS . 8 d eser t races, $650.00. (213) Wanted CB 350 f rame, wIring, filter, excellent condition, $45 .00 . (213) 889 -3842 . (24) New Rahm fenders and P.M .C . tank , 0 .1.0. , Valerian' s 34mm Mikun i . All new top en d and seals, new Kanis and springs, excellent con dition. Must see to believe $800.00 . After 7 p.m . (213) 377-7569 Jim. (24) J.A .P. Speedway 1938 J .A.P. sceecwev bike, excellent practice bike , rebuilt engine, runs strong, $400.00. After six (714) 728 ·7869. (24) 842 -3280_ (23/2x) 8 28·381 6 . ( 24) '13 Honda 350 Frame (213) 839-6060. (24) SER V ICES , I NC. , 1244 No. Gaffey St., san CLOSE OUT -' 72 CZ 400 Dua l ig nition, ex te n ded swlngar m, lo wered frame , 350x21 6 P l y, 450x 18 6 pl y , H on d a sea ls, 5 In. Curnutts, Diamo nd Chain, ski d p l a t e , F i ltron, T er r y ca b les , Sky way , Petty fenders . Best otter takes it all. (714) 6 8 5- 5 727. (24) '7 2. 400 CZ , excellent ccoe.ncn , extras , S800.00 or best offer. (213) 862·7462. (24) SALE new, - 8 HP 306cc $85 .00. (213) Tecumseh 376-8225 . Mammoth MX Wanted : Two 1 25 Novice entries. Call Steve (213) 361-9545. (24) 43

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