Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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II! is " I BIGGIES 1974 Inter·AMA Motocross 1974 AMA Nat ional Cha mp ion sh i~ 6/23 HM C Ol um b us . OH 7 /7 M San J ose, C A 7 / 1 3 TT Ca s tl e ROCk . WA 7 / 20 T T Ga rdena, C A 7 /28 RR Mont erey . C A 8 /4 H C M u skeg on, M I 8/9 ST H inSdale, IL 8 /11 HM T erre Hau te , IN 8/18 TT Peor ia, IL 8 /24 M Ind ianapoli s, IN 9 /1 RR Talladega , AL 9/8 M Syracuse, NY 9 /21 HM Toledo.OH 9/29 M A lban dy. CA 10/6 RR Ontario. CA 10/12 HM Gardena. CA 6/30 7/ 7 7/21 7/28 Widowmake r, U T Bal d win, KS Lexingto n , OH Soringville. N Y 1974 International Calenda r 7 /7 7 /14 7 /28 8 /4 8/11 Gr. Br i ta in u .s .A. H olland Be lgium Lu xembourg 6/22 6/23 6/29 9/1 9/2 10/20 9/1 10/26 10/27 So . Ca l.• A.T.A . No. Callf.LP.I.T .5 . Oregon..... N.T .A. N.E.T.A. Penn., P.T.R. cere., R .M .T.A. Mich., M.O .T.A. Kansa s, A .V .T .A . Okla., N .O.T.A, Stra igh t Arrow 8/11 St . Pa ul. M inn. Little Harpetn Nash v ille . TN 9 /15 9/2 2 10/6 10/13 10/27 125 cc MX 6/23 6/30 7/1 4 7/28 8/26 A ust r ia Czechosla vakia Spain U .S.A. B r it a in Trials 6 /23 9 /7 · 8 F in lan d Sweden Swit zer land Rhode Island, 1974 AMA Nat ional Endu ros 9 /1 8 /4 8/11 8/25 10 0 Mi . RMEA Denver, CO Ja ck P ine Lans ing. M I Kaw Valley Lawrence. KS 150 M I. A lpine . NY Black Coal E van sb u r g. I N 100 m i . Central V illage , CT Cotton Boll Orang e County Internation al R ac \Nay 8/18 8 /25 9/22 9/2 9 F inland Sweden C zec h os lavakia Swit zer land Road Racing 6 /29 7 /7 7/20· 2 1 7/27 -28 8 / 25 9/8 9/2 2 Holland B elg i u m Sweden F inland Czechoslavak ia Yugoslavia So.. ln Schedule of Events 1974 Fremon t M.C. Track 6/2 2 6/ 26 6/2 9 7/3 7/6 7/1 0 7/13 7/1 7 7/20 7/24 7/31 8 /3 8/7 8/10 8 /14 8/17 8 /21 8/24 8 / 28 8/31 9 /6 9/7 9/13 9 /14 9 /20 9 /21 9 /28 10/11 10/12 10/18 10/19 1 0 / 25 Starting in July 200 % payback to Pros every Friday night motocross at "freeway & gas close" 6 /23 MX Cockeysville . MD 7/4 ·5 MX Greenfiel d. O H 7/7 SC R Clevelan d ,OH 7/13-14 SCR Sheri dan. IN 8 /4-5 MX Man sfield.O H 8/1 0 · 11 MX Peorf ac f L 8/3 1·9/ 1 SC R Pat o ka . I N 11 /23-24 M X Phoenix. A Z 500cc MX 250cc MX A.M.A. Nat ional Tria ls Champ. I II 1974 Y·AMA Mini Nat ional Championship " 100"16 pay back to Experts . 30% Tr ophies e on lv $5 for regular racers, $10 fo r Experts-No Mail En t ry . AMC Membersh ip on ly $5 . $2 extra for non -members Scramb les ST & Mini Scra m b le s ST & Mini Semi Pro M X ST & Mini Scram bles ST & Mini Scrambles ST & Mini ST & M ini SemiPro MX ST & Mini Scrambles ST & Mini Scrambles ST & M ini SemiPro MX ST & M ini Sem iPro M X ST & Mini SemiPro MX ST & M ini SCrambles ST & M ini SCrambles Scrambles SCrambles sem iPro MX Scrambles sem iPro MX sem iPro MX Spectat o rs Sched ule Under 6 - Free Gat es open 5 :00 Practice 6: 00·7 :00 1st Race 7:30 Rider gate - 52 6-12 vrs - $1 13·17 yrs - $2 Adults - $3 714-532-3923 714-559-0580 Ama r illo. TX 11 /3 125 M I. C h oe k gl. MC Wh ittier, CA 11/10 125 M I. 11/7 11 /24 12/1 ca1k ~Y. zs Tulsa OK 1 2 5 M I. Perry Mt n. Maplesv ille. A L Steel Helmet Potost, Mo . 1974 Trans·AMA Moto cross ~ 9/29 Z c ceetc wn. O nto 1 0 /6 Un ad illa ; NY 1 0/13 1 0/20 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 11/24 12/1 Linn ville,OH Gainesvil le, GA O rla ndo, FL St . Peters, Mo. Lake Whitney . TX Puyallup, WA Liver more, CA Irvine, CA • • ~ o s • ~ c:: UJ III .._-------------_.g UJ > Race Schedule Ju ne 23 - Saddleback June 30 - to be announced July 7 - Carlsbad July 14 - Saddleback Info: 714 - 532-3 9 23 - - - - - - - You must fill out this form comple te with your name and phone number (so we can chec k back with yo u) and mail it in plen ty of time for it to reach us by noon Thursday, in o rd er for it to Dale of Event appear in th e next week's Calendar section. The more weeks it runs, the better you lo ok - so get it in early! No phone calls, please. We can only guarantee accu racy on items we get in writing. T im e of eve n t 1 Type of even t ( IT, MX, Enduro, etc.} Entry fee Sancti on Loca tion 1 .1 Mailing address How I All even ts m ust be received by noon Th ursday to ap pear in the upco ming week's Cycle Ne ws. No listings ca n be accep ted by p ho ne. Fill out blank a t rig\:! t and mail to : Cycle News CALEND AR , P.O. L;; 49S. L c a Ch. Ca. 90S0 I. : 10 gel there Additional information Your n am e - - 41

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