Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Winchell wins Rimrunner Hare Scrams; half the field gets lost BIKONI ANNOUNCES THE BEGINNING OF SPRING TIME AT YOUR LOCAL KO SHOCK DEALER By J im Ste wart CALIFORNiA CITY, CAL. ,JUNE 16 T he Rim runners ' trouble started at 9 a.m. when the start was delayed over an hour after a rider practicing the bani b run collided head-on with another co ming back. When the banner finally dropped, hundreds of racers streaked across the desert (with their clothes on" yet . . • Ed .) only to meet disaster when more than 50% of them got lost. Back through the pits, A.C. Bakken had a huge lead . over Bob Balentine. In hot pursuit were J im Fishback, Cordis Brooks, Doug Winc hell, AI Baker, Art Knapp, motocrosser Pete Maley and Amateur Mike Powers. The order could have been confused, as several Trail A mateurs and small bore riders, along w it h whoever else missed the th ird check or made their own course back, were in t erm ingled with the top ru n ners. Fishback ended his ride in the pits, and Winc hell decided that since he did in "The Animal," he'd go after the leaders.' Bakken was rumored to have had b ike troubles and direction troubles, while Balentine crashed trying to stay ahead of Invader Winchell. Meanwhile Bill Sa ltzman, who was also way up there Overall, took advantage o f others' misfortunes to get the 400 class . win behind a now-healed Cordis Brooks (2nd Overall, 2nd 250). B al en tine remounted and took second 400. Former AME Number One Pete Maley ied the Amateurs through the pits, but soon found out desert is not l ik e motocross . Several-time Amateur w inner Mike Powers got by . him within sight of the finish . I f the Experts were confused, consider what was go ing through the Novices' minds. Spokebender Bob Wad low and Rover Danny Phillips had their usual Novice battle, switching the lead back and forth. Wad low finally took about a fo u r mi nute lead after Phillips crashed, looseni ng his handlebars . Louis Darling on his baby Elsinore may have been t hird Novice and first 175 . Until the lap sheets are sorted out, man y f inishing positions will be impossible to figure . Watch next week for full results and feel sorry for the Rirnrunners• referee. • CMCWeek DeSoto and Clements win. Staten actually loses for a change in CMC's week By Alan Shepherd JUNE 12 -16, 1974 This week John DeSoto and Billy Clements broke their CMC long, dry spells and padded their wallets with first -place checks. . Wednesday night at Ascot, in his second attempt (after popping off his expansion chamber the week before to get bumped down to second), DeSoto came through with the v ictory. Lik e old times, it was via a sweep. Bry an Breker (Pen), riding his first CMC Pro class ever, took a tough second over last week's winner, Jeff Jennings (Hon) ." And Billy . . . A couple of weeks ago he had nothing but twos swirling around in his head. Try as he might in recent Sunday meetings, just about everything he did turned into a second. This week at Billy Cleme nts bro ke h is st ring of CMC seconds by winning at Saddleback. SaddIeback Park he turned that around and came up 't he 500 Pro victor over old foe, Jim West, his Husky teammate with another sweep. Ascot Mike Bell (Hon) added 20 more points t o his bulging gap in the CMC Points race with a triumph at Ascot in the 125 Pros for the second week in a ro w. Rick Bean (Hon) came up with the runnerup spot be hind Bell's sweep with Breker , th is time on a Honda as opposed to a Penton in the 250s, cashing in on third. Ti ny Luke Messer b ludgeoned his Maico about and collected the 500 Pro win from Bob Hosford (Hon) and Dan Barnes (CZ) . · Keep your eye on Warren Reid (Hon) in the ]25 Intermediates cuz he ain't' gonna be there fo r lo ng. In the last two weeks the Intermediates were run along with the Pros, (scored separately of course) , but Reid has been dazzling them with his fast start. and gutsy style. . ...~ TlIE SPRINGRECOIIMENOATIONS lISTtO HEREIN ARE ONLY YO SERVE IS A GUIOE FOR AVEDGE WEIGHY RIOERS USING SHOCKS AND SPRIN MOUNTtO IN THECONVEN GS TIONALPO SITION,lEN O D FSWING·IRM FORNORMILU I. SE. Free ", icbt 7W ' # btinr lpplie. tion 70;." 185,17 185,22.5 8'<," 215,14 78 lb. . 215,20 I12lb 8" .. 220,11 220,25 62 1b.1 140lb. 91 ",.. 240,95 91/2" 240"4 521b 181b .. .. 811 95 lb. 126lb. 76f·1307.76fI326 16F·1301.16fI326 76fI282.76fl271.16f ·1250SPI. ·1296 - W,lh KONI space, # 762911 flO mml. 76f·1302 without spacer ·1282. 76f 1271, 16fl250S PI. ·1296- With KONI spacer J: 76.zg.I] o(lOmml. 76f·IJ02 without spacer ·1282. 76F·1277. 76fl250SPI. 16K 1343. 76fI 282, 76F·1250SPI ..-:1 6f·1277. 76f·1296 16f 1283. 76f 1349 76FI283.'76f·1349 a 8' ''' .. CER # IG . - I .~. KONI SPARN WRENCH FOR SPRING ER KON MOTORCYCLE SPIINGS IRE 110.00 PER PAIR. 'SPA I AOJUSTMENT - $5.00. N OTE, THE IBO E SPICER IS 10mm THI CK INO IS INTENOE TO ESTABLISH PR PER PRELOIO IN THE V D O IPPLICA ONS IN WHICH IT A Tl PPE.lRS. IEHELLI 250cc Y-40 370c(Y ·50 2Sl1 1C 650Tornado In Irwindale Eropkin brought his string to three straight 125 Pro wins. It could have been a sweep but in the second moto crashed while in the lead . His fourth didn't hurt him, however. Don Bongiorno (Hon) wrapped u p second over Bell . Jeff Vidic (Mai) made it two 250 Pro races straight and defeated Rex Staten (Hon) in the process, no easy task. He did it by winning the final two motos to come from beh in d after Staten's first race victory. J im West (Hus) was forced to settle for third. But, not so in the 500 Pros. West, wi th a bit more horsepower beneath him, rocketed away to win in all three classes with lavish lead s. He 's already broken the single-season 500 win record at Irwindale as t his was his eighth of the year. K N Sprinr OI 500 ' 50. '60. •695 'SlI/5. '60 /5, .15/5 '60 /6.115/6. 090/6 . ' 90/ 6$ 250. 4~. 650 500. 150 BUlTIC O C ! O UCATI Sherpa T25O. 1350 PursangMk ~ /6 · 12~-3~O 125, lIS. 2Sl1. 400MX 13!l4 16F·1298 All 76F ·1282 111 16f·1283 72!l4 76f·1283" 10!l4 16F ·1282SP4' Mark 3 and Desmo 250 , 350 .450 GUllI MARlEY· 111 16F·1283 ' II 16F·1282 13 16f·I277· 72/73 76F.12~SPI' LAVEIOA 111 16f·1329 IIIICO 55/69 76C ·1290 Front 76C-1291 Ru r 69/73 16f·1298 750GT and Sport V7 75O(c & 8SOcc 10m 16f·lm· 72m 16K·1330 Alita 74 76F -I297 MOUI. SA 1lO.T£ HOlTON lOHO·SAl: HS SUZUKI 72!l4 J3!l4 7O!l4 70172 13 14 lI!l4 72/73 72!l4 69!l4 69!l4 72/73 70/73 71;f·1326 16K·I343 ·1318 16F 82SP20 16F·12 16F 251'2 ·12B 0 '1052.11.341.0 16F ·1353 16F·1282'" 16F.128251'20· 16F· 12~S PI · ISF ·I282SP20· 16F·1313 16F·12 PI' 505 ISF ·llOI 12m ISF·I307 72!l4 76f·I2815"· 69113 ISF ·I282 Il.4VIOSON NOKD. Saddleback Eropkin grabbed the lead in the 125 Pro first moto and held it all the way. . Second time out, a bad start loc ked Dave behind Don Bongiorno (Hon) and he remained clogged there for much of the race in seventh. Meanwhile, Lunde found the groove, took the lead followed very quickly by McDougal, Mark Tyer (Hon), Chuck Bower (Hon) and J ones . Lap after lap they stayed in a group, but Lunde started to fade, Tyer slipped back, too, and the dicing continued with a gap of 50 yards separating first from fifth at the halfway point. . McDougal, riding tenaciously, picked off the win and he ld Bower in check for second. Tyer worked back up into third, passing Jones, and Lunde ended up fifth. Overall, tha t gave McDo ugal the victory , (surprisingly only his second of the year after winn ing 38 in 1973). Rich Eierstedt and Rex Staten teamed up for the factory Honda sweep in the 250s, each winni ng a motu but Rich's seco nd to Rex's th ird in the other making the difference. Jeff Vidic (Mai) took third. After an outstanding Saturday ride, Tommy Croft (Fra) took a tired fourth. Then, of course, Clements swept the 500s ove r West and Mark Rodman (Yam). • Res ults in the Results Section. Bikoni Ltd., 150 Green St.,Hackensack.N.J. 07601 Available from motorcycle dealers from coast to coast. Write for detailedapplication chartandFREE MONI eecar Send .$ 3 .00 for 256 colorful p age cata log w ith mo re than 5500 ite ms. 11

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