Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Honda XL2S0Kl Note to Politi cal Enduro Entrants : Association took the time to answer our lett er request ing local political issues to be used as checkpoints. Comb ined w ith the fact that 95% of . the Political End uro entrants live in California, we abandoned our plan . Non -Californians can be assured that they have as much chance of winn ing as anyone, and at th is time two non -Californ ians are tied with several California residents for the grand prize . The next checks will determine the winner. It was our intent ion to have at least one checkpoint from each state covered by Cycle News West. With the help of the national Motorcycle Industry Counci l, we contacted the affiliate MIC for each state other than Californ ia in our coverage area. Of t hose (Washington, Oregon, Nevada, . Arizona, Uta h, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho) only Pat rick Halstead of th e Washington State Motorcycle Trade Checkpoint Ten , June 25 , 19 74 Checkpoint Eleven, June 27, 1974 In California, drivers are requ ired to have expensive commercial license plates on their trucks or vans if they use them to haul motorcycles. Also in Californ ia, if you have an off road motorcycle, you must either have a street registrat ion or a " gree n stickie" off road vehicle registration or a transport permit to be allowed to tra nsport it in your truck or van on publi c roads. Th at means th at you must A) pay an extra fee fo r you r truc k or van licen se if you want to transp ort your bike and B) pay eith er a street o r off road regist rat ion fee if you wa nt t o transport yo ur bike . Do you think t his is double taxation? If you live in Califo rn ia, write to your state representatives (bo t h your Assemb lyman and your St at e Senato r) and tell them how you feel about this. Ask for th eir fee lings, and also suggest to them what you thi nk should be don e about th is, if anyt hing. If you do not live in Californi a, find ou t if a similar situati on exists in your sta te. Is there doub le taxation on transporting off road bi kes? Is a commercia l p late req uired? If only a commercia l plat e is required , is th is discr iminat ion ? If no commercial plat e or off road st icker is required , write to your stat e repres entatives and commend th em. Te ll t hem yo ur feelings about Californ ia's system and suggest t hat th ey never adopt it, if yo u feel that way . Or tell them what you thi nk about your sta te 's system and suggest what they should do about it, if applicable. Send copies of letters to your state representatives to Cycle News West, Depart ment Polit ical Enduro, Box 498, Long Beach, CA 9080 1. / Write a let ter t o a da ily newspaper in your area about an issue of concern to motorcyclists. Your object is to get this letter in print . Therefore pic k your topic well. It must be import ant to bikers, and interesting enough to the general publ ic to get the editors to print it . Mail your letter to the paper on June 27, and send a copy of your letter postmarked the same day to Cycle News West, Depart ment Polit ical Enduro, Box 498. Long Beach , CA 908 01. T he Cyc le News Po lit ical Endu ro's last ch eck point will be a nn o un ced i n t he Cv cl e N ews d at ed Jul y 3, and on sale June 25 . The p er son co m p leting th e end uro w i th the least number of poin t s w in s a brand new Ho nda X L250K1, delivered in Se pt e mber, 1974 . Winner s w i ll b e an no u nced d urin g Ju ly . 1974. T hisskill co ntest void wh er e pro hib it ed b y law . Cycle News ,lnc. employees . co ntrib ut o rs. and t he ir fam ilies ar e no t eligible . All judg ing will be done b v Cvcl e New s,l nc., and all judging dec ision s are f inal. 1m 1111 I - - - - - - - - -~U B SC~~ N OW ! - - - - - - - -

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