Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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l . Of ( products Your one chance t o p u rchas e these o uts ta n d i n g product s f o r t his yea,'s \UIIIIII_ I .. ~ June 22. Su per Mo n st er 2 4 " x 36" F ull Color POSTER Loudon•• Nixon wins rain-called National, Scott debuts potent H-D 250 pumper By Gary Van Voorhis Feat u ri n g all the gr eat Su pe rb o w l M otocross stars. .. LOUDON, N.H. ,jUNE 17 only $2.25 ~ ~ Su p er fant astic si x colo r TEA-SHIRT A real classic . A ll sizes available. (Boys : 8. 12 . 14, 16 Mens : S. M. L. XL) Tea-Shirt only $4.00 Also , availa ble In same six color p r in t Girls Super Neat T ie Tops (one size fits all) Color : Red, Orange, Blue only $4.00 1974 M.PIIUI8Rt SUPER HATS $uperbowl rider and Race course on top. First in Su per Hats Size 5--M-L only $1.50 MR. . . .I POSTER A su per w il d 4 color p o st e r featuri ng the off i c ia l Su per bo wl r id er . Be sure to st o p by t he S u pe r Sh irt Shac k's at the • ~ .. IIeHK~' an d r egi ster fo r Y OU R c hance to w in a F R E E K AWASAKI f ro m Kawa sak i Motor co., In c . Boot hs located o n b o th si des of t he Coliseum . r-- your SUPERBOWL Products - - - - -------, For Send Money Order only to - SUPERBOWL PRODUCTS P. o . Bo x 1054 La Mi rada CA 90638 or p h o n e 213.944·3931 Qua ntity _ Tea -Shirt $4.00 51'0 _ Q u antity _ Girls T ie Tops $4.00 Co l or Desired _ Q uantity _ S uperbowl Super Hat $1 .50 S. M. L (circ le one) Q u antity _ Official Poster $ 1.50 Quantity _ Name _ Address _ Ci ty 14 _ Zip Ken Zahrt's EI Camino High School smashes AME's championship Story & photos by Dale Brown VALENCIA. CAL., JUKE EI Camino High School, led by Ken Zahrt, took the Overall win in the California High School Motocross Championships, held by the American Motocross Enterprises (AME). During previous 'Dunes events, an nou ncer John Grout had pre- G iant Poster $2 _25 L State separating h im from Yamaha's Gene Ro mero at the fin ish. Grand National Champion Kenny Roberts hel d down the second position for the first part of th e restarted National, but was dropped to fourth by Romero and eventual third place finisher Dave Aldana. Fourteen laps of the National had been run on Sunday, but rain brought out the red flag, stopping the race , At t he end of 14 laps, the o rder was Nixon, Romero, Yvon DuHamel, Roberts and Aldana. Rounding ou t the top tcn behind the front four were DuHamel (Kaw), Steve :\lcLaughlin (Yam). Gary Scott (H. D), Steve Baker (Yam) , Ron Pierce (Yam) and Paul Smart (S uz) . Saturday's events saw Gary Scott debut the new water-cooled 250cc Harley-Davidson twin two-stroke in stunning fashion . Scott dueled with Kenny Roberts during the early part of the race but apparent superior horsepower gave Sco tt and Harl ey the win . R o n Pierce took the show po si tion be hi nd Sco tt an d Rob erts o n a Ya m aha. Da le S in g l e t o n avenge d his photo-fin ish R o ad Atlanta loss by putting h is Yamaha clearly across the line first in Satu rday's Novice race. Skip Ak slan d to o k th e ru n nerup spot, also aboard a Yamaha. Co m p let e story next week. • only $1.50 Size Gary Nixo n scored his fourth Loudon Nation al win Monday . as he rode his wa ter-cooled Suzuki to victory with a six-seco nd gap _ .J DON, MISS THE "GREAT RACE ': SUPERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS JUNE 22 BE THERE ! dicted a 1000·rider turnout for the event, originally scheduled as a two-day happening. On race d ay, Saturday, only about 150 riders showed, all belonging to the regular corps of riders that compete in regu lar even ts. A few didn't even list the ir schools. Due to the lo w turno ut, AME Presi den t jack Kell d ecid ed to shorte n the even t to one day. A ll t he classes ran three seven-lap motos in p re paration for a fina l event tha t would d ete rm in e th e wi nning school. More o n that later. Zahrt, the Bultaco whiz kid, was the sole entry in the 500 Senior class . Running with the 250 Seniors, he breezed to two easy victories over the rest of the field. In the third moto, to make things more interesting. he came off the line d ead last. He passed all bu t Jan Kline "Hondogged" her way to first high school . Powder Puff at AME's 10% turnout "championship." th ree riders on the firs t lap and was out in front a hal f-lap later. Chris Bartlett (Pen), fro m Universi ty Hig h, won the 250 Senior class. His classmate, Vic Triepke, took the 125 Senior victory on a new Ho nd a. Hart High, which du e to its location would have to be co ns idered the ho m e team, won four classes in th e preliminary eve nts. They were the only ones tha t appeared to be making a tcam effort, as they carried an "H " on their helmets. In stagi ng a fina l. the A:\IE tr ied to eliminate team size as a factor. T hat attempt tu rn ed into a virt ual ho rnet's nest of problems like : Ho w to ge t 65 riders started safely; ho w to make the 125s competitive with the 250s and 500s ; and how t o keep Zahrt from running away with the whole thing. Although it had been Kell' s intention to run a 2C-minute final. it was shortened to five laps to try to eliminate bike size as a factor. For the start. the riders ·Iined up with their bikes on the west side of the starting line along the chain-link fence. At the sound of the siren, they clambered over the front Ken Zahrt leads Tim Dav idson, both from EI Camino. On Sunday, Zahrt ret u rn ed to race the regular AME race and broke his shoulder. wheel they had been straddling and tried to start the m ac h in es. T hen they were off. The scoring system was rel a t ively simp le. T he first sc hool w ith three ride rs across the finish line was the wi nner. Bartlett took the lead as it got underway, followed by Tim Davidson (EI Camino, 250 Pe n), wi th Zahrt in fourth. Zahrt gained th e lea d on the back straight and he ld it , w ith Bartl e tt and Davi dson fo llowing. T he rest of the pack came through in a fre nzy, a 125. Beginner holding off a 250 Intermediate and so on . Zahrt won, followed by Bartlett and Davidson. The roar of the machines ceased as the riders sauntered over to t he sign-in area to wait for the results. EI Camino won with Zahrt in first, Davidson in third and Dave Zahrt, on a 125 Bul taco in sixth. Hart got se cond Overall. Ken got the honor of accepting a five-foot troph y for his school, along with a check for $ 100 for the student body fund . All in all, th e event was run well enough. but it suffe red from too high expectations, As daylight greeted the 'Dunes on Su nday, the AME was putting o n a regular event with a S 1.000 purse. I t looked astonishingly like the one run the previous day. • Resu lts Powder Puff : 1. Jan Kline (Han) . 100 l o t : 1. Don Faulkner (HOn) . 100 Beg: 1. Tim Aldr ich (Yam) . 100 Jr: 1. Gary Wasson (Yam): 2 . Crai g Cole (Pen) . 125 Beg Dtv I: 1. Steve La ndrum (Han); 2. SCo tt Fa ulkner (Hon}: 3 . Paul Christenson (Pen) . 125 Beg D i v II : 1. Chris Ma llory (Ho n ) : 2. Joh n Ruan ( Hon); 3 . Mark Fu n derb ur o (Hu s) . 250 B ~ : 1. Stu Fau1kner (H on) ; 2 . Do ug las Bro w n fCZ ); 3 . Brian Stute ( Ho n ) . 500 sr . 1. Ken Zahrl ( B u ll . 250 Sr: 1. Chr is Bart lett (Pen )j 2. Bob Gorham ( M a il j 3 . Steve McFarland (Pen) . 250 I n t : . Br ian Summers (eZ): 2 . S te ve Roark (Bu l)j 3. JIm Evela nd (Ya m) . 250 Jr : 1. Mike Morrison ( Han): 2 . D w ig h t Stra ye r (CZ ); 3 . Mike LaC~Y (K aw) . 125 Jr: 1. Rob Westbrook ( Ha n); 2. Angelo Barbera (Pen); 3 . Tom B tc e (SUl). 500 I n t : 1. Ken Parry rcz i , 500 Jr: 1. Richard Mills (CZ); 2 . Greg Perry (CZ); 3. Mark K iel (Mai). 500 Beg:: 1. Jeff Milewsky (Hus); 2. Fred Siudera (Yam); 3 . Razz Reed (Suz) . 125 1. Victor Triepke ( Han). 125 Int : 1. B r ad Williams (Pen); 2 . D a ve zahn (Bul) ; 3 . Mark Raic he (Pen) . s-.

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