Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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SUPERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS on June 22 is going WFO to make it SRO . They're offering 100 buses to' transport 5,000 fans to the LA Col iseu m and promoti n g t o the tune of $257,000. 38,808 attende d last ye ar an d they look for o ver 4 5, 000 just to b rea k even. Well, there'I be at least 60 high school race rs if that hel ps an y . Cycle News got ni cked so me $5,000 by the U.S . Post Offi ce for having too m an y " u na u thorized " pe ople on OUf co m plimen ta ry m ailing list. People like sports editors, go ve rn me n t officials, relatives, schools and libraries , etc . So if yo u get cut o ff our co mp list, that's wh y. Other publica tions, look ou t. Postal inspectors are check ing ba ck t hree years. A 1200·acr e membership cycle park has opened at Knob Hill Ranch n ear Pescad ero, Ca. , abou t 20 miles south o f San Francis co . The park has a wide vari e ty of scenic terrain, some prep ared tracks fo r ra cers, and facilit ies fo r mee tings, cam ping, and picnicking. For more info on membership s, write P.O . Box 540 , Pesc adero , Ca . or call (4 15 ) 35 5- 7 1 11. Prestidge Unlimited is coming to L.A. town, se ismographe rs please note th e tremors. Pattie Prestidge , formerly of San F rancisco ai ms to represent pro racers professionally f ro m 6430 Sunset Blvd . (21 3) 469-1 121 . Tyr an Nu mber Two will be a vailable in dealer stores June I, fo r $960, including an E.C. Birt secret pipe and porting spe cifi cations fo r three stages. Saw a fore man o n a constructior. job last wee k rid ing around the work area on a Hodaka 100B. Somehow, the little trailbike looked right at home amidst the dirt and bulldozers. Wanna p ut your name on a Wor ld Record ? Do ra l Eckha rdt is needing a sponsor for his AAG ·350 Yamaha built to attack the 117 MPH class record at Bonneville. He swears the th ing went 152 at EI Mirage . Doral's at (213) 531 ·1645 . T he two American sid eha ck teams of Mon ohan/Ransden and Bell/Ridy ard, after ra cin g their first motocross in Belgium, co mm en ted t hat the Belgian tr ack " wasn ' t like Saddleback." T hey also said that thei r bikes weren't set up for suc h rough tracks - and n eith er wer e the y. Mon oh an 's Honda Wasp finis hed 18 th in th e first moto for best (and o nly) finis h by an American sidecar. "Relatively easy, interesting b ut not challengin g family co urse" is promised by the Conejo T ra il Riders as half of their 4t h of July Firecracker do uble end uro over new co un try in th e Lu cerne Valley. Proce ed s go to M.O.R.E. WHA T HAV E WE DO NE ? High School mot ocross is o ut o f cont ro l. Two, three, four, five, e ven six races per week a re now commo np lac e. We co uld n't cov er them all if we tried. Knowing th at, we won't. Summ ert im e, gas it! Both Brad (La ckey) and Ji m (Po mer oy) got frien dly motocross " CA R E" packages fr o m JT Racing during their last swing thro ulto Belgium. The goodies induded swell USA colors jersies, matching socks and , much to their delight and relie f, the little gree n squeezie do ughn ut to exercise yo ur hands and forearms. Brad thou ght it wa s some kind of a piggie bank as he tried to hold a Belgian franc in it and J im has undoubtedly be en lusting for one ever since last year when he quizzically watched John Huetter turning red in the face while counting silentl y to a 100, and asked, "What in the w orld are you doing t hat for?" Now his dreams ha ve come true. Maybe he can even get good enough to be an international m otocrosser.' . .o r green do ugh nut sq ueezer. Tow n an d Country Suz uki in Fulle rton, California lets each b ike b uyer gra b a paw ful l of silver dollars fr om a b ig bow lful they kee p on the parts counte r . Butch Baggs (27) broke his neck in five places at Valley Cycle Park May 19 and is unable to move anythi ng below his neck. Send cards and letters to him c/o Cyc le News. The new AMA fence su re is effective. .. The Citizens Council o n Motorcycles fro m Contra Costa Co unty in Cal ifo rn ia advises bike rs to vote for George Miller for Con gress Ju ne 4. Miller is an a tto rney, a biker and very awa re o f co mpl ica t io ns o f n o fault insu ran ce and lan d use bill s. He wo rk ed as State Sen ator Ge orge Moscone 's legislative aide and lawyer fo r five years. A coalition of all th e off ro ad vehicl e an d o utdoor re creation groups in Californ ia is in th e ·w orks. Th eir objec t? Beat t"' .-: con serv a ti on ists. Pap a go t a letter the other da y f rom C.B. " Co nie " Robertson, candid ate fo r Gov er no r of Ca l ifornia in the Democrat ic primary, June 4th . He is t ryi ng to bu ild a co nstituency of motorcyclists, sports/ racing car people , gun enthusiasts, and any other activity group facing repressive legislat io n. If that means something to you , look up his name on the ballot next week. You are go ing to vote, aren't you? If you ride the Kern Plateau/Kennedy Meadows area of the Sequoia National Forest in California, yo u should write an d let the Forest Service know yo ur needs in that area. When they ha d a public land use meeting in Bakersfield May 15 , only one biker showed up. Sierra Clubbers and the pack train o pe rators wh o want to throw bikes out will be there . Address you r co mments to : Kern Plateau Plan ning Unit , Seq uoia Nat'l.Forest, 900 W. Grand Ave nue, Porterville, CA 93257. If you ride the Hume Lake area of Sequoia National Forest in California, you'll want to attend public land use meetings scheduled for Miramonte, May 30, Visalia June 3 , and Fresno June 6. Check the Calendar section for exact time and place so you' can be therain significant numbers this time. 2 Did you know that Idaho has one of the hi g h est p e r - c a p ita ra ti os 0 f motorcyclists , to general pop ulati on ? The Idaho Motorcycle Dealers Assoc. reports 80,000 riders, an d that's a lot of bikers. Even th e governor rides. Terry Dorsch and his tuner, Ron Bonner were invol ved in a traffic accident en route to the Denver Half Mile. Bonner was killed and Dorsch was injured. Someday, says one of our exc ellen t un-named so urces, someone in the AMA is actually go ing to heed the voices in the; wind complaining of motocrossers burning "fuel" in their bikes. Additives like nitro me th an e may be found if som eo ne pulls a check on the line just before the on e m inu te sign. How does it feel to know yo ur heroes cheat. Don't forget to watch "Bad Rock," 9 :30 p.m. Sunday, June 2 on Lo s Angeles Channel 11. It is the best film we've seen since "On Any Sunday:' The Pl a c e n t ia Yamaha team of McCreary/Cooley/Clark actually was firs t 35 0 Pro in the AFM 300 Road Race May 12 . Scoring errors had t hem listed as second the first time around. Next year we hope AFM has less problems sco ring. Bell Helmets, Inc. has bought Torqua En g i neering, manufacturers of Whispering Smith exhaust systems. O imaxing a 13-year legal battle, New Jersey leg islature finally granted motorcycles the ri!tot to use the Garden State Parkway, admitting the fact that cycles should never have been barred in the first place. They do things kinda' strange out there in the industrial sinks. For motorcyde activists in Jersey, it's a sweet victory. Harley-Davidson is spending over 5 ~ m illion do llars in their Milwaukee plan t to m ee t increased de mand for the big tw ins. AMF's recreational ve hicle first quarter earnings jumped $36 m illion over las t year. One reader of CN got a ticket for riding in a vacant lot. Cost him $61. Ouch! All you smo ke rs , swi tch to Ca me l Filt er Cigarettes. T hey just pledged a $ 1,000 award for the firs t American in the J uly 14 Car lsb ad , Calif. GP MX. And h e doesn't have to be puffing one " he as takes the flag , either. Lockhart Industries, "America's largest manufacturer of motorcycle oil coolers," signed up as team sponsor for Tommy Rockwood (H-D) and Eddie Wirth [Tri), Sal Acosta will tune. On the Saturday morning before the Monday the Greenhorn start number drawing was held , a small boy ran through the Pasadena Fire Department headquarters ye lling " I know what number Steffan's on , I know what number Steffan 's on:' Funny thing is, he said number two. Funnier sti ll, Steffan drew number two. The little kid also knew ahead of the "honest" drawing what numbers Greg Ek ins and Jerry Hoffer would be on. Road Atlanta next week will be the first U.S outing of the new Harley-Davidson Italian 250s, pl loted by Gary Scott and Mark Brelsford. Applications for 1975 AMA National Championships are now open. Sad d leback Park is re ally serious about racers an d spectators cleaning up their act in th e pi ts, On e pro racer was suspended fro m the par k for 30 da ys fo r throwing a beer can at so me body whic h mean t he m issed the CMC $2 00 0 race last Monday. Besides tr ashing any kind o f p ro fessional image , tha t '5 e xpe n sive she nanigans. Whe reas road racing really has their act together. Hooray for road racing. Yeah, boy, do we ever love road rac ing. Road racing is neat and a lot more exciting. Road ra ... Pap a will not be able to continue thi s col umn until his broken fing ers h eal . No applau se, please.