Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 05 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ....... - INSIDE National Bast fan I was upset after readin g the Letter from Scott Pa ul (Volu me XI No. 18) about Steve Bast's flat tire at Irwindale. Steve had a flat tire from the first tum of the second lap and rode that way until the first tum of the last lap when the tire came off the rim. He rode on the rim and finished the race . Scot's opinion is just a little biased. 6 Roberts on the Mile Speedwa y 8 The week that was Pro Flat Track 10 Romero at Ascot - National MX _ D. BENDY Buena Park , Ca lif. 13 Surviving the mudbath Desert 14. 26 FIM ruling Silver Cups and Foxes Enduros 16 I am in agreement with the FIM's recent decision to ban the Yamaha TZR 700 and the Harley 750 from Formula 750 competition. I t seems strange that Yamaha, spending mega-bucks on their racers did not read the rule book. Maybe they thought no one would notice. I own both a Harley 100 Baja and a Yamaha RD350, but I think that if Kawasaki, Suzuki, Norton, and the rest play by the rule. then everyone should. Enduring five of them North 20 Qualifying and other pursuits World Champ. MX . ..25. 34 The best in the world High School MX 28 How to do it Trials 30 Frosty two days Technical 32. 26 E.C . answers; Profab frames Results 38 What you d id Test 42 Honda's onloff co ncep tion Calendar 46 Motocross , rain or shine Muddy freak Mike Plunkett advertised his race at Baymare wo uld be run rain or shine. Obviously, it wasn't and yet next week you co ntinue to advertise his' event after the phony advertising he put in the week before. I no longer wish to subscribe to your weekly . Add to your staff a muddy, woodsy enduro freak journalist and your rag would be 1000% for me instead of a mere 100% now . D. E. HA YMOND R.LEE Van Nu ys, Calif. Sharon Clayton : Publisher Th om as R. CuJp; General Manager: Edn a Mewton : Se cretary to Publ isher. Ad vertising Thomas R. Culp; National Dire ctor Trudi Culver; Assiatan t. Ed itorial Charles Clayton; Editor. John D. Ulrich: Associate: Editor. John Hue t ter : Feature Editor, Lane Campbell: Calendar Editor. Ar t & Production Catherine Lampton; Art Director. Nancy Gray: Advertising Art Director, Hector Aguilera; Lab Technician. Marion Ha tash ita ; Typographer, Melvin Phel p s: Assistant Typographe r. When an advertis er bu y s page space in Cycl e News, we cannot censo r th eir ads. We can co m ment editorially o n w hethe r a promoter d elivers w hat his ad promises or not. whic h Papa Wealey did fo ll o w in g t h is eve nt that also disapp ointed a co uple of staff racers. We're always sorry to lose a subscriber but wish it was f or a bet ter reaso n at least...Ed. More for M.O.R.E. Please see that Russ Sanford gets this con t rib ut ion , as I haven't been able to find M.O.R.E.'s address in the last five issues of Cycle News. You know, it only took me fifteen minutes to get the money order, address the envelope , stamp it and write this letter and mail it . But I spent hours looking for M.O.R.E.'s address. Therein may lie part of the support problem that R uss faces. I, and so me of m y friends may want to co ntrib ute to M.O.R.E . la ter, so wh y no t publi sh the ad d ress in every issue? Circulation Gaye Zaionz ; Manager. Chris Kolbet & Tw ila Wheeler; Assil~ tants, Rosemary Chandler: Collection, Daryl Christian; Assistant. Okay , M.O.R .E. 's address is Box 26062, Sacramento, Calif. 95826. We 'Il forward any donations if you send th em to M.O.R.E. or Russ Sanford in care of Cycle News West. Check the Ad index each week for M.O.R.E. 's listing. Services & Support Mike Colikas, Randy Davis, Bill Runyan, Jeannie Dunivan; Receptionist. West P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 (2 t 3) 427-7433: LA 636·8844. East P.o. Box 934·7850. 80S, Tucker, GA (4 04) Central P.o. Box 13245, Austin, TX 787 t I. Subscription One year, second class mail, $12.50; 2 years, second class mail, S22.50 : 3 y ears, second class' mail, $30.00: Single copy price, 50 cen ts. Co pyrigh t CyclC' News, In c. 1974 . Trade mark registered U.S. P..ten t Offi ce . All rij;lh l. re served . Published we('kly ex cept the first and 1.,1 week of the n lt"ndv year by Cvcle X('w. , In c , P.O . Box 49 8. Bea ch, Ca lifo rn ia. Se cond d ,us pOlbgc paid at l.on~ Beac h. CA . Edit orial storin. car toons. photos, e re. are we lcom e. Addreued. etam pe d eeeel ope Ulurcs retum o f unpureh.ucd t'di tori al maner. RcprintinJl: in wholt' o r part o n ly by pt'rmislion o f the publishers. Adwrtisinlt rates an d ci rc ula tio n informa tion w ill be sen t upon request. See 4 S.R.O.5. Goodbye, Len Lenny Macchiarella was the type of person that stood out from the rest. He was a natural rider. He moved quickly through the Novice ranks on his Hodaka. Then he bought a Husky and really started to add up the trophies. Len was only thirteen then. Through the next few years he worked his way up to be one 0 f the top Experts in our area. He was a real cro wd pleaser with his distinctive riding style. Finally he got a big break , the kind everyone wants. In May of '74 he received a factory ride on a Husqvarna. All this at the age of sixteen. Everyone knew he was going places now. The happiest people were his grandparents who had attended all the races with him . Our hopes died today when Lenny passed away in a hospital bed, afflicted with a tar e blood disease that he never knew he had. There must be a lot of truth in the phrase "the good die young." He has enriched the lives of everyone who had known him . RAY ARNDT Trophy Cycles M t. View, Calif. Ascot disp ute Berry and Tobey (in the J unior Main April 26) were not dead even going up the back stretch. Berry had Tobey by at least one half bike length or more. I have not seen them but I understand th ere is one or more pi ctures that will back me up. B.H. Anaheim, Calif. " Effete Sierra Club" In regards to th e rather ad ept letter of Mr. Murchie, Issu e No. 16, I think it might be appropriate for him and other members of the e ff e te Sierra Club to re ad James Michener's Th e Source, and see just what man has done to man over the years. While "The Club" may not appreciate ORVs. the idea of eliminating them from existence is no different from genocide of the Hitler era. The ability for mankind to do his th ing only comes in degrees, and motorcycling has a place on this earth right along with the rest of mankind. Diplomacy might be a to ugh thi ng for so me, while o t hers concern themselves wi th j us t th at as a regu lar part of life . T hink abo ut it. W. H. SPENCE R Fre mont, Galif. S.A. WIL KINSON Mojave, Calif. Rheba Smith; Manager. Pam Hobbs &= Chris Andrews: Assistants. Accounting Th e readers want it, we do it. We have tak en a staffer away fr om th e desert and roadra cing this week end and set him adrift in th e mud of a N orthern California end uro. Unless he sin ks into quicksand, the High Sierra Enduro report will be in this issue . . . Ed. RON TANAKA Gar dena, Calif. CR125 big end My Honda CR I 25's big end bearings blew re cently. I understand a racer is bound to br eak, but my gripe is that a $2 bearing can n o t be replaced because Am erican Honda doesn't sell individual bearings or rods, only a new crank for $51.80. This is how American Honda can advertise so much. MARK PAPEL Montebello, Calif. sex Hey Monsieur Papa Wealey, yo u may be right about the Frenc h not d o in g anything in a hurry except ch anging governments, (Right now w e su re co uld learn from the m .) b ut abo ut be ing lo usy lo vers you are w ro ng, w rong, wrong. I m ar ried one . EDWIN L. ETHR IN GT ON Santa Cruz, Calif. Off-road registration For weeks now I have been reading about the Green Stickle law. What about riders who own dual purpose motorcycles and have them properly registered fo r the street? The law says that this registration entitles one to operate the vehicle off-road. Okay ... if I do any serious off-road riding I naturally remove the mirror, lights and tM license plate. No where does the law say that this p late must be displayed while operating off-road A judge has agreed with m.y interpretation twice since there IS nothing in the Vehicle Code co ncerning the legal configuration of a street registered bike operating off-road, But can I expect to be harrassed in the future? Can you shed any light on this? It must affect a rather large group of riders. DONALD W. KURTZ La Verne, Calif. Boyd & Stellings blues Does anyone know where Boyd & Stellings is? PAT BU RKE. Carmel Va lley , Calif. Boyd & Stelling» are out of business. Their assets were purchased by Ken Ma el ey Ent erprises and U.S. Sports . . . Ed. Yeah! Yea Tony Distefano! Lets give a hand to Tony and the rest of-the privateers of Pro MX. These guys really dese rve it . JOEL JAMIESON Garden Grove , Calif. Green St ickies . .. - In your May 9th issue you made a grave mis take. You failed to let al l us readers no that lIariam Davis faktori team will enter there 1063cc nine cylinder "Swine " at Ontario later this year and most of all that Mernt Unlawful will ride it. I just read Scott Eastburn's letter concerning the Green Stickies. I am very much disturbed abo ut the who le mess. I haven ' t seen any good come of the $15 I paid (foolish ly) fo r im m uni ty fro m prosecution for riding on " public " land. How dare the state say that I can't carry som ething in the back of my pick up without a useless sticker they rip me off for. 1984, here we co me ! LADMO "STREAK" (and J did) Mung MIKE FITZGERALD San Diego, Calif. Dear Sikle Nuse .. .

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