Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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:c Win the bike more 1973 AMA D-37 top ten enduro riders rode than any other model - a Honda XL250. A brand new XL250K1 can be yours in the 1974 Political Enduro. This skill contest void where prohibited 'by law. Cycle News, Inc. employees, contributors, and their families are not eligible. All judging will be done by Cycle News, Inc., and all decisions will be final. % = Here's how it works: . The Political Enduro consists of several checkpoints, just like a regular enduro. You must complete each checkpoint on the date specified in the manner specified . For example, one checkpoint may require you to write a letter to a legislator. You would mail that letter on the Checkpoint date, and also send a photocopy or carbon of that letter to Cycle News the same day . The letter must be postmarked the ' date specified . Checkpo-ints postmarked early or late make you gain ' points, (two for each day early, one for each day late ). Lowest score wins: The Sweepstakes winner gets a brand new Honda XL250 from American Honda, delivered in September, 1974. One class only. Other prizes will be announced later. There will be checkpoints applicable to every state that Cycle News West covers, as well as ones of national interest. Checkpoint One, May 15, 1974 Find out -the names and addresses of : Your state representatives in your state capitol; Your United States Congressman ; Your state's two United States Senators; Your state's governor , and your country's President. Send us a copy of your list, postmarked May 15, 1974 . Th is is a free check for anyone who finished the enti re 1973 Political Enduro and received an award for doing so; they don't have to do this one . Checkpoint Two, May 17, 1974 U.S. House Bill HR10 would establish a system of national no -fault insurance inc lu di ng motorcycles. . According to insurance industry sources, such a system will increase mandatory motorcycle insurance rates to about one-half the current market value of the machine . If. this bill passes without excluding motorcycles from no-fault insurance, and your bike is worth $1,000, you will have to pay $500 insurance every year just to ride it on the street. That eVen includes enduro bikes for street legal enduros! Write to your United States Congressman telling him how you feel about this bill HR10. Mail your letter May 17, and send us a copy postmarked the same day. r-----~-----------------I DEPT. SUB. P.O. BOX 498 LONG BEAC~. CALIFORNIA 9 0801 CYCLE NEWS WEST (1 yr .l •. • . . . • $12.50 CYCLE NEWS WEST (2 YIS.l . . • .•• • 22.00 CYCLE NEWS WEST (3 YIS.) . . • .... . 30.00 Via 1st class mail for one year Via air mail for one year This is a Renewal Please bill me I enclose check or money order 40.00 50.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Na me I Ptea se pr inl leg ib lv ) I I I· I I L I Address City Sta l e Zip J 13