Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kawasaki Motorcycle Store For Sale BOOTS Top Gear Buckle High Lace Cy cl e Acme Cowboy Durango Harness $59 . val ue $39.95 35. va lue 24 .95 25 . value 17 .9 5 27. val ue 19 .95 Danpost 60. va lue 34 .95 Logger 2 5 . va lue 17 .9 5 Eng in ee r 25 . va lue 17.95 D.f'!Ss Z ippers 25 . value 13 .95 Work Shoes 20 . va lue 1 1 .95 Add $2 .00 Ma il Order plus ta x D ist r ibu tor f or Vend ramin i boots Around $ 55,000. Financing ava ilable. Conta c t CaP ital Kawasak l 333 Sandoval, sa nta Fe , New M e x ico 815 1. Phone (505) 983·9460. 6 (l4/ 8x ) 848-4628. (16) (2 13) 772 -1647 . (1 6 / 2 .) F r a m e or enti r e Jac kp iner w ith b lown engine . Call - after 6:00 e .m . (2 13) 9 41 · 10 1 1 . - (1 6 /T FN) 197 1 VAMAHA 125 MX. $35 0 .0 0 o r be st offer. ( 21 3) 8 6 1·5994. (16) 2 0 Ga. steel rolled and seam spotwelded ready to design your own chambe r. 3 Pc. sets, $12.00. 4 Pc . se t s, $14.00. 5 Pc. sets, $16.00 New racing shoc ks to f it t he Elsinorel Cer iani shocks fitted with standard 80 lb . springs. Other spri ng rates available Ibs. This shock, inexpensive to reb uild with o nly two replaceme nt p art s , is easil y refilled w he n flui d is req uired . S pe cially formulated fluid in t hese shocks reta rds heat bui ldup and resultant d ampin g fade . O rder E-1350 a n d specify sprin9 rate desired . A LSP O RT D ISTR I8 UTI NG CO .. 233 So . Se ve n t h A ve ., C ity o f Ind ustry , CA 9 1706 (2 131 336-4502 . Po stpaid . Ca lifornia re sid en ts add 5 % ta x . Quani ti tv d isco u n t s available . Send your d imensions t o A ir c o Sheet Metal, 15209 Grevillea A ve:J: Lawn dale, Calif. 90260. (213 ) 675·5290. (T. N ) Two XR75 Hondas, 1974 Just buil t . f o r ge tru e. Shot -peene d. to mention, The w ife says they 're too sm all . Ridden three t imes, looks new.J. $4 25 .00 each . D .M .V . tags Bran ch head, Red line primary, Norris, eatancee, Magnaflu xe d hard -chrome . T o o many tr icks $995 .00. Call Tom White No. 80 caR-am . . .orcycles by b ........rdler '69 Yamaha 175 Desert 1974 YZ 125 Yamaha We bco head. p ipe. 21"·. 32 Mik uni & more e xtras . E xcellent cond ition. " fast ," re liable , Better than new, Konisj. tires an d lots more. $ 295 .0 0 . (213) 767·4622 . (16) $795 .00. (213) 883· 651> . (16 ) '12 JA WA 9 0 trail o r street . L icensed, 19 0 DKW 125 miles, $225.0 0 . (213) 340-4218 . (16) Super Chain For Super Bike to a p preciate, $5 0 0 .00. (71 4) 644 -1 006 . (16 ) M ade In U .S .A . Self lubricati ng and p re -st re t ch ed u p t o t h ree times the l ife o f a n ormal c hai n . A vailab le now 5/8 x3/8 o r No. 5 3 0 . D ealer In Qu ir ies In v it e d . H ouse o f SUZUk i , P. O . B o x 8 5 3 5 . F ountain Valle y . Ca . Bu rak Bye Prod . En g. Mods, S800.00. Days (2 1 3 ) 7 8 0·1768 . (15 /3 x) Yamaha Swingarms ~7~~~~~a~to~h ocnke:d~0 ~::~~9 m~dW~cati6~~ (2/T FN) L O ST , Orange County Cycle (714) 530-7340 MX Ya mahas. MAY NARD/PRO F AB , 13666 ' 7 0 SU ZU K I 9 0 ST R E ET OR D IR T . New D ia mond c hain. su per clean , just rebu il t , lo w m ileag e go Od tra nsportati o n. Call after 7 : 00 p. m . (2 l 3 ) 391-8986. Asking $25 0 .0 0 . ( 16) ( 16 / 2_ x.:.) G ar de n G ro ve , Califo r n ia . Big Welding Equipment Sale 73~ 6" ply, Cheng Sh i n . never raced. and only r idden 5 times. $900.00 or best offer. Call (213) 869-6552 after 5 ,0 0 p.m. (10/TFN) 72~ Su per ex cellent condition. A ll the extras. Must see to believe. (714) 776-9971. (16) Penton 125 Excellent c on diti o n. cleaner then you'lI ever seeu $500. 0 0 . (213) 889-74 26. (16) HouseClean ing . (213) 439·8239 . (8/TFN) Carabela 125 - 5 Speed g O Od les~ Cer ian l forks. moved shocks, $4 00.00. (213) .96-4487 . (15/2x) GET CYC LE N EWS THREE TIMES A WEE K w h e n you su bsc r i be to all th r ee ed ition s. Spec ial d i sc ou n t , on l y $ 25 gets y ou one year each o f Cycle News West. Cyc le N ew s Ea st -Dixie an d Cycle N ew s Central. Rea d about It all . Sen d check or money order to Cyc le NewsJ. I n c' P.O . B o x 498. Long Beach. Calif. soao i , ( FN) t T r ail and T r ia l R i ders MAICO ' 6 9 , 360 extras $350.00. HO NDA The secon d ed ition o f ESCAPE B Y T R AIL B I K E Is now on sale . sen d $3.50 to Cycle News, P.O . B o x 498. Dept. Chr is. Long Beach, Ca . 90801. (35/T F N ) 1912 , 24 0 m il es. super clean. l i gh t s, co w -tral ted o n ly . $625. 00. Call Ru ss ( 213) r-----------., , 6 Tow n & Co untry Cycle _~."" I .... ~~~~~b~~ND PA RTS. -;'1 I I ?· I f I Fu llerton.. CA C~~~ · ., .• ! I L 714 -871-2460 D U NE C:';C LE ,-L ' ...J I ",". ~ ~ BSA parts -new &used Shipped Anywhere Specia lizing in BSA . Triumph & Du ce ti rep a irs Jim Hunter Motorcycle Repair 1140 S. Cypress Unit A UI Habra , C A 90631 (114) 525-1504 Hastevama Americana '13 Suzuki TM 400 . (1 6 ) 968-5772. (16) '72 Husky 450 Give Away Like new co n ditlonJ. low miles. extras. Must sell, $7 5 0 / 0 1Ier.j21.) 899·071 0 . (1 6 ) Like New '12 Maico 400 Due t o tnt urtes bike no t rid d e n fo r o ve r a year . B i k e and tra iler, $9 00 .0 0. (114) CI'o.eU Cycle Shop paTt'~ice '@> OSSA HODAKA MAICO P ENTO N 10427 Pra;';e Ave .. Inglewood. Ca . 12131 673-5562 Husky 125 , '13 Sk y wa y, MX p egs, f oam ai r f i lt er . k ill butt o n. 398 ·2875 . (1 6) Basket Case Take A Look Zeb 1969 BS A V icto r d irt b i k e co metete, motor together less carbu retor, $100 .00. ( 2 13) - For sal e : 1 p air stock 1 25 E lsin ore Shocks. 8 3 7-4 5 5 8 . ( 16) :;;c~~ f~de;c~I~~'nf~':,anC~tSI~~~kJ;a~~~d~Oi:'~ HA RL EY Si de-car. $250 - or trade f or s m a ll d isplacement m otorcycle . (7 14) (16) i n . Kon is i n good condition. (714) 674-4048 . 897· 9425 . (16) - '73 TM 250 Suzuki One Of A Few Lowered frame, ported, 36mm M ikunl. custom p i pe , p tast tc t a n k , Rahm sl decove rs an d f enders . New tires an d m ore , ri dden very 197P4 Husky Fresh engine. new ctutcn, Honda sears, 2 tan ks. Perfect c o n d itio n . Must sell:. $600.00 fir m . Must see to ap prec iate. (805) ,,52-9198 . ( 16 ) Ultra-Trick 125 Pursang '7 2 B u ltaco 125 Pursang. stored 1 year. fresh throughout. DH reed. super porting , IRZ. an d much mere. Must r ide to believe ! $595 or offer. (213) 336·6082. (1 6) HODAKA 90. excellent c o n d itio n. recent '12 " 250" Cota Mont esa F a n t asti c cond ition - like new. $150.00 or best o ffer . Call (714) 842 · 28 15 or Chuck at 1972 Kawasaki 100 MX 19" f r o n t Wheel, Pre st on Pettys. F iltr o n . Uni levers. T&M Pipe , cu t rotary valv e, e xtra frame & barrel. pro ven winner. good cond iti on, $ 25 0 .00. ( 71 4 ) 638·8798 . (1 6) '13 Dune Buggy '13 Dune B ugg y - large t wo-cycle e ngi ne. split rear axl e. d ual Hy dra b ra kes. roll ba r, extra large gas tan k . off -road r egi st r atio n . O .H . D ir t re ady , $195 .00. (213) 823-3890 . (16) ' • 1970 OSSA St iletto - frem engine top an d b ottom. e x tra s. d e ser t rea dy $425.00. \\/, AT DISCDDIT PRaS ....( TRAIL KIT P O BOX27666 . TEtvV'E f>Z . 05282 74 Clews 550cc Thumper Super light 4 -st rok e. Similar t o J ohn B an ks ' b ike. Like new. barely broken In . perfect c ond i ti o n . Must sell. sacrifice for $1 5 00 o r trade . ( 213) 374-7 216. (16) '73 GT 380 Suzuki , Street Like new, onl y 4.00 0 miles. clean . runs great. $90 0 .00 or best offer. (213) 325·8884. (1 6) 125 Elsinore '13% ' 7 2 , 2 5 0 H USQVA RN A C R. Excellen t co ndition . Must sell! many extras. $650.00 or offer ? Call Clays (714) 825-0401. (16) 749-6235 . (46/TF N) dollars invested. $70 0 .00. ( 213) Tr ade Yamaha 115 for Honda 125 7 WA N T P E NT ON 175 P ip e . ( 2 1 3) 241·38 05 . ( 16 ) Bultaco Matador Frame SWingarm. seat. fiberglass. fe n de rs, Tripe Tree (bearin gs, races) , kick stan d . Rel at ed items ne ed s w eld i n g but can be fixed. $40.0 0 . ( 21 3 ) 399·2 567. (16) Penton 125 Frame Ea r ly style, st ee l , $35.00. ( 2 13) (16 ) ' 13 A lp l na set up f o r t r tat s, ex ln t. performer , $795 .0 0 . .' 71 4 ) 675·5491 eves. (16/2. ) 399·2567. ' 7 1 SUZ U K I 400. new in '1 2 . O H V st i ck er, good sh ap e. A sk i ng $43 0 .0 0 . ( 2 13 ) 343. 0 487 . Wanted: Sidecar Outfit (16) A chea p a i' Good'un o r a good 0 1' ch ea p ' u n . Funky Br it ish Si n g le, ol d B M W, or what have you ?? Oo n ' t min d If It needs a little work; must b e EL CH EAPO GRANDE ! ! ( 213) Super Trick '73 Penton 125 Sm all tank, DI D rims an d X4 sp okes. p l ast ic fen ders an d si d e pan el s. p o r t ed , milled head . 28 mm B IOg carb , modified Pi p e. K o n i sh o cks and mor e. F ast and reliab le, $700.00. (213 ) 439·8239 . (8/TFN) 843-03 27, ReSi dence (213) 289·1390_ (16) 11 4 08 Ex peri ence d H ·D mechanic o pening. Excellent p ay and benefits for t h e rig ht man. See or call Ed Russell , serv ice manager, H arle y- Davidson. Los A n gel es. 2531 South Ma in Street. LOS A n ge le s, Ca . (213) Bultaco 350 Alpina H ad excellent care. many extras, N ew Cheng Sh in 350 tire front, ri dden very little. See to ap preCiate. $55 0 .00 or offer. Business ( 213) WO R KS , D iego . C A 92121. Mechanic Harley-Davidson Must see, $700. 0 0 . ( n o) 98 2·7117 . ( 16) Cherry '11, 250 MX Yamaha FRAME R d ., San 883·9790 . (16) 1974 Yamaha 125 MX , T HE 1'(714) 453·7562 . (16/4x ) Never r ac ed , thousand excellent con dit ion. Plast ic VZ tank. A k r on t r im s F & R. trick . #i i-" ' $ 99.95 . So r ren to D all y ( 714) 774·9115. (16) (2 1 3 ) 6 9 9·877 8 . (16) We specia lize in Bu ltaco o nl y 7627 V a n N uv s Blvd , Van Nuvs, C A 91405 (2 131780-6300 (21 3) 9 94·7468 O pe n la t e Mo n . & F ri . niqh ts CZ GP Replica Frames 4 1 30 Chr ome·M oly H e lla rc welde d . Accep ts all st ock co m ponents. Complete w i t h bra k e pe dal an d holl o w rear axle. $395 . 0 0 • Swingar m o n l y (fits stock CZ) wi th ax te , little, $550.00. (714) 674.4048 . (16) more, $ 8 75 .00. (714) 735-0 276. (16) 637·9942 . (16) . PIIE·SSf- mms (16) Modesttt d o w n p i p e. sk id Plate. flywheel, extras. $775. 0 0 or offer. (114) 528·3816. '71 Husky - mint con d ition. new trick paint, orig inal fenders. new t i r es. No rim d i n gs, never r ace d. Must sell - best o ffer . (114) $80 0 .0 0 or o ff e r. (213) 29 3 · 10 4 3 . (16) 8 sp eed 400 H usky. M int cond ition w itn fresh eng ine by Malcolm Sm ith . D ua l ignition and . M in i Tra il extras . $125 .00. (714) 526-4032 . 599 ·2975. ( 16) Ossa, Mick Andrews Replica 19322 Beach Blvd., Hu ntington Beach (7 14 ) 968·3306 ' Kenny Weems' SILVER TRAIL . AWMIUM AlUIY ~:\i TRAILERS . '71 , 250 MX YAMAHA . BLOWN TRANS ., top end. crank, an d frame i n go od sha p e. New ti res, etc., $ 200.00. (714) 526-7590. (16) Attention B izarre collect i on o f sprocket s f o r sal e. cheap . Fits Ossa, Yamaha , even TrJ. & H ·D. Also all k inds overlay sp r ockets. E I Cheapo Grande, @ cam p i o ff e r. (213) 596·8148. (16) '13 Maico Radial, $1075.00 Sprocket To Ya!! KAWASAKI HUSQVARNA DUCAT! CZ MAICO Su pe r fire road an d d esert b i ke . N e w cond i tio n with lots of extras. $415.0 0 or (213) 636-2741. (13/4x) Late ' 7 3 , Plasti c _ 450 Ducati Ne w w e ld i ng and cutt ing unit, cart. tanks. Special, $161. 0 0 . List p r i ce . $224.11. Reb u il t sets also . 225 A MP A r c Welder, $99.00. McDonald's E qui pment. Com pt on, Ca lif. (13/4x) Sill, s Srrv icr Parts Auruorirs SHO R T HAIR POINT E R . f emale, liver an d w h i t e. V i ci nity: Corona R aceway . Re w a rd. (1 14 ) 6 8 8· 6 9 74 . SPEED W A Y b ike. Jawa. New lower end . Lucas ma g. 22 " wheel . (114) 919-5071. ACTION CYCLE G E RM A N req uire d on st ock MX ' s. Add s 2 " of rear wheel tra vel . '1 4 E n dur os MX 25 0/3 6 0/500. $85 .00. VZ 250 /36 0, $8 5. 0 0 . Call or write f or Inform ation on c o m plete fra me kits f o r all Elsinore 250, Another winner fr om good till ' 76 . (21.) 92 6-15 27. (1 6) (714) 846-6581. (1 6) (714 ) 530·7340 . ( l 3/TFN) INTE NSIF IED Reeds, por ting. t r i ck r el o ca te d f oo t p egs & rea r bra ke lever, PlaStic fenders an d knobb ies . Recent rebu ild. Have owner & sh Op manual , wheel puller , and sh ifter sna p- r i n g t o o l . Stri ctl y d i r t . Over $1 ,0 0 0 in hike - have rec ei p t s. Seat missing. Ca U ( 213) 830-5816 Carson . ca l if. (16) 1973. 6 SPd •• Cu rnu tts, Pi p e. very clea n. See 250 Greeves '14 Desert Griff H ar bor Bou leva rd . offer. (2 13) 545·1837. (16) '13 Triumph 750 Engine ELSINORE SHOCKS FROM CERIANI 411 S. Br ookhurst . \~ 72'% Bultaco Pursang 250 C om p letely overhauled b y B ay Area Bultaco. Reliable & stock e xtras Included - schoo l t u ition f o r ces sale. Must sell, $650.00 / be st * 1973 Hodaka Wombat, $350 * Wanted 175 Penton Jackpiner Expansion Chamber Cone Sets SUZUKI '71 Super Husky 250 $65 0 .00 or best offer. Great cond ition. H onda sea ls. See to ap preciate . Must sell th i s week. R .G. buckle b o o t s - size 9, like new, $40.00 . (714) 833-0859 . (16) Why Buy Used!! ! u.s, 12086 Broo khu rst , G a rden Grove 714-537 -6535 1772 No . Tust in Ave .. O range 22522 Westm inster Ave., Sant a Ana or 9 0 t ccts . jets. Must sell, p r i ce $425.00. ( 2 1 3 ) New i n cra te '73. 125 Yellow tank . $695 .00. '74, 250 CZ red ta nk, $995.00 . '7~ 25 0 CZ gray tank, $11 95 .00. '74, 400 C" b lue t ank . SI095 .00. ' 7 4. 400 CZ gray tank. $ 1295.00. Lim ited supplies, sh ip anywhere i n Work Shoes Unlimited are 60 , 7 5 1970 H US K V 250. V E R Y CLEAN . ne w :r:~~e FW~o"'n~d n~e;t~~b c~~~on~ ~~I-;'~ ~~"f,.~ L ATE ' 1 2 PEN T O N 12~ EXT RE MELV F AST . all trick stuff. 203 I bs . wet. ver y e ec en d abte, Must sell creme, $~ 95 firm. very firm . B uyi ng 2 ~ 0 Pe nton. ( 213 ) 355·1229. (16) 656·6720. (1 6 ) 1973 Bultaco 125 MX Mark. Si x Pu r san g. many extras. fast. e x ce ll en t ccnctn cn , $5 00.00. ( 213) 656·6720. (16)

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