Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ANNOUNCING • THE SPEC IALJlES,,,,- Stmke Benders H&H: MrciaH a olley first PP RADIAL HEAD! By Jim Stewart LUCE RNE VALLEY . CAL.• A PR . 2 1 Revolutionary for the Honda. Prevents heat build-up by means of an improved dissipation system perfected by D Hangsleben an while he was managing winning teams consisting of such riders as Bruce McDougal. Mark Tyer, G Bartock, Tim Lunde, Mark reg Anderson, Rick Bean and D Pessy. Now ave in his own enterprise, DG Performance Spec ialties, D welcomes you to come in an ead and other . or call about the Radial H innovative accessories. $49.95 FOR HONDA ELSINORE CR12S SOON AVAI LAB LE FOR CR250 HEAVY DUTY IJTORCYCLE CHAIN WBRICANT -=;;;!t9G DG is exclusive distr ibutor of Swing Arms 'WITH: MOLYBDENUM-DlSUL· FIDE & S YNTHETIC SPERM O IL for HondaCR125 and CR250. Maico-type construction, 4130 chromoly, needle bearing bushings. W stock shock and moved-up 10ith cati~ s . With brackets and jig to move top location forward. Complete kit $99.95 HA VE WE GO T PIPES FOR YOUI EXPANSION CHAMBERS for street or dirt. W ider power band lacking in factory equipment. A DC TUNED RACING EXHAUST will really turn your machine on. DYNO TUNEO RACI NG EXHAUST FOR HONDA XR75 T he o n ly pr od uct of • $32.95 $47.95 $57,95 AVAILA BLE FOR MT125 AN MT250 ..: D ALSO AVAILABLE Exhaust syst ems for SL and XL70 (Racing or Stree t) Expansion chambers for MA50 AMEA . C A N P " COMPANY 890 9 W. O lymp ic Blvd. Su ite 118 Beverly Hills, CA 902 1 1 (21 3) 360-4883 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED DG Performance Specia" ies. DEPT. eN 1230 WEST COLLINS . ORANGE, CALIF. 92666 • 714/ 639-7020 SEND $1.00 FOA THE OG " B OOK OF TAtCK S" Trans AMA Qualifier SA LES SERV IC E Welding Po rt ing Accesso ries Sunday, May 19th 1352 Centinela, W. Los Angeles Corne r of Santa Mon ica Bl vd . & Cent in ela Open 9 to 6 Tues-Sat 9 to 9 on Thursday All classes Saturday, M~y 18th No A ffiliation req 'd. Deschutes Cycle Park Bend, Oregon 28 503 389-1479 man y cam e close and few: walked away under their own power . In the en d it was Paul Delatorre of the Prospectors l\IC keeping the bag up the longest for the firs t wine -c . Trophies wer e to be handed o ut . un t il so me turkey walked off with the m . m ost likely so me loser wi th so ur grapes. At the bomb it was A.C. Bakken (Hus) with th e lead , followed by Amateur Ron Pini on and Co rdis Brooks (Bu1). Past the bomb . A.C. unloaded giving the lead to Pinion . who held it un til the second chec k where gea r problems set in . From th en on it was Cordis' s ra ce. getting th e lea d and fini sh ing with a larg e gap b etween himself and th e remoun ted A. C.• who co n t in ued on for second Overall . firs t 4 00 Expe rt. Fo llo w ing A .C. through th e pi ts wa s B. Bennett (H us). Mik e Cummins (Yam). Benny Pad illa (Yam ) and Wayne Cooke (Ha n ). Cumm ins forced his way past Bennett o n the rough but fast seco nd loop to take third Overall. Second Division I Expert. ma king Bennet: follow in his dust for fourth Overall and another second. but in the Open class. Padilla didn't make the second loop wh ich let Cook move up the ladder in Overall finishing position s to fifth O verall. thi rd 250. Con sistent top finisher in the 250 ~xpert c1~s. Jef~ Kirk (Yam ). again finis he d high up m the ran ks at. sixth Overall. fo urth 250. J eff did so me n ying on the second loop. m oving up fro m eleventh Overall in t he pits to his six th finis hing positi on b y the checke red. Fo llow ing Kirk. was ano ther rider who ~i~ so me fas t riding him self. Andy KIrk er (Yam). Not o nly was he sixth Overall. but he was m oun ted on a 175. Needless to say he got his class win first • Division II Expert. B. Wallingford was the ne xt 175 Expe r t. b ut so me twenty-seven places la ter at thirty -fourth Overall. Righ t behind Wallingsford was the first Amateur in thi s division . Robbie Parma (Yam ). Robbie. after breaking down Results Overa ll : 1. Cord is Brooks (250 B u l ) ; 2 . A .C . B ak k e n (400 Hus) ; 3 . M ike Cummin s ( 2 50 Yam); 4 . B . B e n ne tt (40 0 H u S) ; 5 . way ne C o o k ( 2 5 0 Hon ) ; . 6 . Jeff K i r k (25 0 Y am ) ; 7 . A nd y Kirker (175 Ya m ) : 8. K . McKean (400 H UI ) ; 9 . Sm oke B o m b Geatz (360 . a m ) ; 10. C harles Gates (250 Vam); II. Y T . R Id er s (400 Hus) ; 1 2 . A r t Knap p (4 00 HuS): 13. Rober t Balentine (369 Yam) ; 14. J im Summners (400 Hus); 15 . Jim Evela n d (25 0 Y am) . $1200 Purse Top U.S. Motocross Stars 250cc - 500cc Amateur Event On ce aga in it was time for the an n ual Sp ok e Benders' Bo ta Run. nam ed aft er the win e drink ing co n tes t held the night before their race. The obj ec t o f the con test is to ~ee who ,can drink co nsta n tly . straigh t armmg a Bota Bag for the lon gest time. Several entered. ti me after ti me on hi s tr ail bike decid ed to give a bigge r bi ke a chance and has been doing j ust fine late ly, Anot he r ho t rider in this class la tely. an d several ti me win ner. Jeff Kap lan (Hus), settled for sec ond be hind Parma. but didn 't mind sin ce the y have been rid ing together since they w ere No vices. In th e T rai l Expe r t class it was a hot ba ttle be tw een Bob Rutten (Hod) and Bru ce Ogilive (H-D). Both have won seve ra l ti me s. b u t th is ti me it was Rutten wh o pulled off th e class win. with Ogili ve pulling in right behind him. Third T rai l Expe rt was ne wly turned Expe r t Robb ie Zam o ra (Yam ). T he firs t Am at eur Trail bike to reach the finish a t six ty-eigh th Overall was Mike Lec kich (Ho d) . Rounding o ut the top t hre e T ra il Ama teurs were Dave Dixon (Pen) and J aime Haa s (Hod) . Bru ce Co lby. riding a new 250 Penton . got hi s last tran sfer toward becoming an Amateur thi s weekend as he wa s fir st 250 Novi ce . and also the first Novi ce to reach the finish line. Follow in g Co lby w a s a no t h e r not-far-long green sticker . K. Pillars (Hus) for second Novi ce. First Ope n. John Moray (Yam) . se co nnd 250 , R. Miller (Hus) secon d Open, an d E. Shule r (Ya m) third Open, we re th e next three Novices to recei ve their Bora Bag finis her pins . Warren Perkio (Pen ) was sixth Overal l Novi ce . but took his .class win sin ce he straddled a 175 . Danny Walliams of Dustrna kers, who has wo n this class the las t several weeks. got a nat. hurt his foot and still finis he d seco nd Division 11 Novice. Gerald Kr oeker Jr.• with th e nu mber 97 t hung on the front . hung on the longest in th e dust. (since it was definitely a big bike cou rse and riding a trail bi ke yo u seld o m co me up for dean air ). for fir st Trail Novice. In t he new Powder Puff division . (tha t's th e numbers with th e yellow backround) number 102a was firsl while 13 1a was second. Dave Aldana sure has been doi ng a lot of riding out in th e desert lately. this week starting som e three m in ut es be hind eve ryone. and co ming through th e pits twentieth Overall. T ig ht sandwasbes, whoop-de-doe san dwashes ; rocks. r olling tigh t trails. deep san d . and even a fire road were much to the liki ngs ' of those who finished. T he only thing no t included were uphills an d d ownhills. Grea t! Flat ti res . bro ken spokes. and lost d own p ipes were presen t th o ugh . as pro ved by t hird 175 Expe rt Ti m Bow ma n wh o finishe d wit h a br ok en pipe an d a rear n at. C y cl e News co ntribu tor Marcia H o ll ey smoked th e Powd er Puff A m a teurs, d isplacin g usual winner Lynette Zuber. 11 had to ha ve been t he m ost pe rfect weeken d imaginable for a deser t race . While Cord is Bro ok s would agree . h is bro ther Tom. now ridi ng a Husky sure wo uldn 't, T hat's desert racing. Yo u win one. you lose two . • ~ - ;; e ;: • u X S ~n ta Mon ica Blvd . N ~ .. W+E S li n t . Mo n ica Frw y . .;, J ~ 400 A m : 1. N . Nichols (Yam) ; 2. Dwayne Carter (Hon) ; 3 . A . May (Hus) . 250 A m : 1. R. Kolbuss (Hon) ; 2 . 1275x: 3. B. N elso n (vam) . 175 E x : 1. Andy K i r k er (Yam); 2 . B . Wai llng sf o rd (DKW ) ; 3 . Tim B owm an ( D KW/ . 175 Am : 1. R obbie Par ma (Y am) ; 2 . Je f Kap la n (H us ); 3 . Ma x Ed d y (Yam) . 1.0 0 Ex : 1. B o b Ru tte n ( Hod); 2 . B ruce Ogillve ( H ·D) ; 3 . Ro bbie Zam o ra ( Y am) . 1 00 A m : 1. Mike Lecktcn (H o d ); 2 . Da ve Dixon (Pen) ; 3 . Jamie Haas ( H Od ) . Nov : 1. B r u ce Co lby (Pe n); 2 . K . Pilla rs (H us ); 3 . John Moray (Yam). Powder Pu ff A m : 1. Ma rcia Holl e y ( Hus) ; 2. L y nett Z ubek ( H u s) . . Powd er Puff Nov : 1. D awn Grant ( O K W ) : 2 . Tru dy B ec k ( Pen) ; 3. Lisa D ow n h i ll (DKW) . CRC Carlsbad . By Gee Jay e CAR LSBA D. CAL _. A PR.2 1 0 • C ~ In Keith Bake r and Andy No rth ru p are the two lop Mini racers sti ll in c o n ten tio n for th e CRC num be r one Mini plate and trophy. Keith and Andy charged off the line

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