Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.:- 0.. We t1Ue~totjr about a"CJJananaCJlole" illmygearbox. Steve McLaughl in (Yam l pilots his TZ·700 away from Don Vesco (Yam) and Hurley Wilvert [Kewl, ACA road race By Jim Lester R IVE RS IDE, CAL., A PR. 2 1 D on 't be sur pr ised if Cycle m a ga zin e' s subscrip tio n rates clim b in t he n ear fu tu re. Du rin g morning practi ce for to da y 's ACA road race, edi tor Co ok Neil son wrote-off a $4000 Du cati 75 0 against t he tum nin e wall (t he 100 MPH banked tum connecting th e tw o st raigh ts). Co o k survived , the b ike d idn 't. Marty Lunde j umped off to a four-second lead d uring the fir st hal f of to day 's fi rst race, t he 250 Sen ior. It was apparent by the sevent h lap, how ever, that yo ung Pat Evans was rapid ly closi ng o n th e lea de r. Pa t had more hors ep ow er, an d sneaked past to lea d the next two lap s. Mar ty regained th e lead a t th e end of th e ten th lap, but lo st it again in th e high -spe ed esse s. Going in t o the fin al lap , Pat held an eight bik e-len gth lead, b ut Marty 's last ditch eff o rt brought h im to wi thin five fee t of Pat at th e fini sh. If that didn't excit th e crowd, th e closing dash for third place must have, as Kent Ro ckw ell ed ged Allen Engel by half a bike -length . Harry Klin zman (350 Yam) spent the first nine laps of the Heavyweight Jun ion GP buildi ng up a ten second ad van tage ov er Yos himura t ea mster Mike Parriott, Mik e's Kaw asaki was doing so me hairy wobbling in the bumby 12 0 MPH t urn one left-ban der. The b ike's fantastic a cceleration was making th e fro n t end too light to steer. With the race see mi ng ly " in th e bag," Klin zman was forced t o make a 55 ·sec o nd p it sto p to tig h te n down a car b uret o r cap which had come loose, s t icking the slide at full -throttle. Par riott was the vict or , wi th Klin zman barely taking second Overall from David Bree two r, Ste v e M cL augh lin l ~d the Heavyweight SeJ1!~r G? wire-to-w ire on his w. ~tcr-cooied Yamaha 700 . T eam Kaw asaki rid er Hu rley Wilvert closed to within tw o and a hal f seconds a t the fini sh , as th e p air lapped a co uple o f slower riders . Tunin g wi zard Don Vesco was third, foll ow ed by Reg Pridmore .(BMW) and Wes Co oley Jr, (Ya m). Early in the ra ce loc al ace George Ro che c ras hed and bra ke his co llarbo ne . Shimpei Yam azaki (Yam) topped Phillipe De Laspinay (Yam) in th e 125 class. Yamaz aki had a race -long battle going with two air-cooled 250s, an d thi s rep or ter can ' t help but wonder how fast he'll be wh en he fina lly st ick s a fairin g on his bike ! T he final ra ce of the day was for th e b ig b or e Production machine s. Reg Prid more (9 00 BMW) cha rge d to a three-quarter m ile lead o ver th e Team Yoshimura racers by th e end of fo u r l a p s . H av in g shown th e BMW's p ot ential, Reg p ulled in to th e p its, leaving th e vic to ry to Mike Parrio tt. F allowin g Mik e hom e we re Dale Alexander (Yos ), St eve Mall on ee (9 00 Kaw) , Sca li Clough (350 Ya m ) and Dar rell Lee (350 Yam ). • -< .. "I n ev er reall y th ough t When I went to , pick up my bike much about whether my gear case oil was doing a job for me. I I saw a hole in the gear case larg e changed it after just about every enough to stick a banana through and I realized that th e oil st reak race and that was about it. I saw was mine. "T here was one time th ough when I was forced to think about gear oil. I was'running in th e first of two 20 minute motos when I began to ha ve trouble shifting. I noticed a streak of oil on a berm bu t didn't - really think abo ut it much. I missed shift after shift but lucked out and finished first. " At the star t of the , second moto I couldn't _ get into gear and was left at the line. I finally man - bucks worth of junk, bu t it didn 't aged to get moving and happen. Everything was perfect, worked my way up to third th e b earings , sh iftin g fork s, and then crashed on the last lap . s p in d le s, e ver ythin g . Th er e wasn't even any sign of blueing. Now I thought that was pretty good since I ran for abo ut 30 minutes without oil. I use Electro M ol y ' 2 1' G ear Oi l. I ne v e r thought much about it before, and I probably won' t think much about it again , until I punch another banana hole in my gear case." Steve Sullivan is another p rofessio na l who ins is t s o n Electro Produc ts. Electro Lubricants .. .They help you finish. STEVE SULLIVAN 400MAICO OPEN EXPERT ELECTROFILM INC. 11 16 l , ufel c.nyon Blvel lItortl'l Hollvwood CaM , 9160!l PhQ (2 13) 764 0200 ". TEl EX6S -1438 ,_.H@~~@~ ~Cl' N Ul~m ~ . . ~ / CYC LES B...klmMJC:If1l Met~ 100% F_ anl 22126Ytnl\lfl B1w.. W oodllrtd Hill•• CA91364 (21313tO-1191 jiM fishbACk's -~ YAMAllA oi ~-D~1Jj.\~j.\ @ SMU~LER A cor-ipie te tr ave l t ld lle l desiqned 10 Cd " Y 5 bikes Hand waS hable. . • R ld ln; . ;I,j,. . * Rac ing •••, ~. • St reet Stay h." ~ GLOV ES So f t ,,~ . ~~ JOURNEYMAN TRAILERS 1" " .1 i.'I(]W .I') AV~. l C I ,d" oJ'l :j l 'i l I ,'" 1.11 '1:'4 -:"l 111 f) '\'''\~ ,.• ..•'1.": \~ "·~1~1p o . 8 0_ . . . . il -, 444 . CyP'~" C A 90 630 1714 1 817 ,7"'7 (714) 822-2252 9008 Sierra Ave., Fontana, Ca. WARDS RIVERSIDE MOJAVE (S, Senelli ) PARILLA CAPRIDLD MV AGUSTA 250 SIANCHI CAPRI SCOOTERS COMPET ITlQfll MOTORCVCLE WHEELS DESIGN ED. BUl l TAND REPAIR ED. SEND 50( "'O R CATAL OG! C O .....P L ET E: ........ CHI N E: S H O P PARTS World's largest inventory forItalian molD rcycles Rebuill Engine Exchanges CO SMOPO LITAN MOTOR$. INC . Hatbo ro . Pa 19040 AND SERV I C~ ,Jr R E P A IR rC' ~ PI...... Ileal., ~Cycl. Engln_rlng & S~pply 1140· A N . A ""A ... E I .... . KR ... EME I:l c .... 9 2 eo~ ( 7 14) 630 · :572 0 ,. 25

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