Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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----- - MOST CHAMPIONS DEPEND ON 'THE MATCHED SET' ... so CAN YOUI LPS #1 For Motocross .~ ~ Enduro.. . or juststreet riding... this new performance-ra ,reaseless protector has to be used to be believed. Dries out ,gllitions. . . protects the entire elect· rical system... protects the cable mechanism . keeps chrome sharp... even protects yourvinyl. Fantastic? You said it! LPS # 3 There has never been an ell-weather chain lubricant and rust inhibitor like this. Its complex formu la will protect your chains whether the course is wet or dry, hot or cool, smooth or rough. And it won't sling off. No wonder it's the West's hottest seller. ~ " Write for free copy of Mike Capalit e's test repo rt on LPS # 1 in " Cvcle Guide." Write for free copy of ~ Kendick Perfo rmance Product's , evaluat ion of LPS #3. If LPS is not yet available through yourdealer, write: lPS RESEARCH LABORATORIES , INC. 2050 Cotner Avenue, Los Ange les, Cau t 90025 • (213) 478-0095 ~~.:d~ ~: ~:~::i stroke carbs. Also conversions for alcohol & nitro fuels. ~UL.T=C= Bultaco International Ltd . P.O. Box 62547 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 _ _ -J Save Save -Save at We now have 74250 & 400 CZ GP's in stock. Special MX & Desert set up on all CZ·s. We guaran tee our work. ".~~ 14 (714) 645-8008 ~ 'iI ~ ~ I\~ ~ for nearest locat~'t>ne : (213) 334-5195 - _ . t032 W BROOKS ST. ONTARtO.C A 91762 · 714 98 3- 58 71 THE NATIONAL PAPERS The only breather on th e AMA Nat ional professional schedule is fast com ing to an end. The mo nth of May find s the big buck slate resuming with two first-time Nation al dirt track races, one at San Jose, California, the other in Denver, Colorado. Slight confusion co nc ern ing both races : San Jose race will be on the one-mile dir t oval and n o t on the half-mile on Sunday afte rnoon, May 19th. Las t ye ar San Jose had a half-mi le National an d a mile National. Th is year there are again two Nationals at San J ose. Both will be on the one-mile dirt oval. Why two mile track events? Only those fan s who have never seen a mile would need to ask that q uestion. The San Jose Mile National last year has been cal led on e of the greatest of all time, so why not sti ck with a winner? If a survey of hard-core race fans was taken, the mile would win hands down, so th is ty pe of racing has to im press the first-time cycle fan as well. The second mil e track National at San J ose will be on J uly 7 th . San J ose promoters have lon g been hung-up on the ear ly Jul y dat e, a da te fo r m an y years that found the Na tio nal hal f-mile running. When Sa n J use aske d for and was granted two Nationals o f the sam e type the r e were some eyebro ws raised , especially in th e East, as to why and ho w . First of all , nob ody before ha s ever asked for two Nationals during the same season on the same track. Second, a purse o f S 15.00 0 fo r each event was agreed up on. T he most im portant fact cou ld be tha t th e San J ose mil e last year was table-to p sm oo th and pu t on th e bes t dirt sho w o f th e year. than ks to th e prep ar ation of Harol d Murrell . More seats are being ad de d fo r th e May 19th event an d they will need everyone of th em . Ti ckets wer e o n sale at th e April 7 hal f-mile th ere an d go in st ro ng . T he San Jose May 19 and July 7 miles, p lus the Go lde n Ga te m ile lat er in th e year give t he Wes t a recor sin gle-season o f th ree mile tr ack even ts It is a totally di fferen t p icture from jus a co up le of ye ars ago wh en it looke like th ere wou ld be no miles west of th Mississipp i. T he real ly new hal f-mile is located a th e Ad am s Count y Fai rgro unds on th n orth side o f Denver . It 's a terri fic trac th at has b ee n the sce ne of som non-sanctione d by any body half-mile with a few lo ca l area Den ver riders 0 little o r n o e xper ience trying their luck T he Fair Board has guar anteed th promoter at least 10.00 0 sea ts for th Sunday afternoon . May 26 Memoria Day weekend eve nt. Some of them wil be under th e roof. T he Denver hal f-mil e replaces th Co lorado Sp rings mile. th at was run fo two years. Th at mil e was both sand and rough and th e seat ing was limited The switch should prove to be a wis cha nge fo r Denver and the surroundin ar ea. In addition to the hal f-mile National th e event will also fea t ure a road ride tour that starts on Saturday at Honda 0 Boulder, a firt-time motorcyclist's gol tournament on th e course that adjoin the tra ck , and a carn ival out in fro nt 0 the grandstands fo r the kids. It's a roa r ider's dream, with all of Saturday t get there and all day Mo nday, Memori Day , to get h o me. The promoter ha hired a top-ra ted dirt track man to pu th e track into National cond ition . T he old Colorado Springs mi l co m ple x has undergone a Face-lif'tin and th e plan t now has a short trac half-mile and a T .T . Track where som non-National racing will t ake place 0 the two nights prior to the Nation half-mile an hour up the road. San .Iose and Denver actually kic

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