Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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with Andy h olding a slight edge when Andy's frame crac ke d in half. Keith too k th e lead until all of a sud de n co mes the fastest red Honda you ever saw . " Gas p " wen t t he cro wd, " Wh o co ul d it be ?" None o t he r than Gregg Youngwh o , regist e red with NMA as a N ovice , wh o signed up as su ch and led th e pack fo r n o t one , but tw o st rai gh t m o t os, taking th e Overal l. I n the Powder Puffs, Pat J ones was Overall winner with Donna Smith sec ond . Karen Ab bo tt was th e p re-race favorit e but af te r her bi ke quit for the sec ond tim e in t he firs t m o to, a loud "FUDGE" w as heard coming fro m her general di recti on. End of Karen. T he Open Novi ces we re bl o wn in the wee ds b y Mike Burkhardt (Mai) . Open Beginners Bill Whi tm an an d BiU Withers tied at six p o in ts ap iece b ut Whitm an ' s second in the fina l m o t o gave hi m the overall vict o ry. • Band benefit race AD ELANTO, CAL . 395 Cycle Park will be the scene of motocross action Sunday , April 28, as riders race for the Vic torville High School Band Belgium tri p. T he Deser t Phantom s of George Air Force Base will h ost the even t on a co urse de signed fo r the Beginner, Novice, and Powder R. Marqu is and his Honda roa red int o the second 500 spot. Gripsters 0-37 IT ELSINO RE, CAL., APR. 2 1 CL EMO NT· FERR A ND , FRANCE, AP R . 2 1 Ph il Read of En gland, rid ing Giacomo Agostini's old MV-three, won th e 5 00cc round of the seaso n's first Eu ropean Grand Prix road race after Ago re t ired his Yamaha at th e hal fway poin t. Ago . had built up a 9-second lead on Read b efor e pulling o ff for und isclosed reason s. Second p lace was ta ken b y Br it ish er Barry Sh een e on th e wo r ks S uz uki and Gia n F ran eo Bone ra on another MV-th ree pl aced thi rd . C anadian wh iz Yvon DuHamel, m a k ing h is G P debu t on a works Kaw asaki , d ropped ' out a f ter t he firs t lap , an d Gar y Nixo n was see n in th e pits loo kin g for a rid e. ./ Agostin i clean ed the 35 0 cc class on his Ya maha twin. • The Minis st arte d off the sche du le. AIl day , it was tigh t racing between G . Fa ulkner (Suz) and J. Murph y (Yam), with - t he win going to Faulkner. Third was R. Flores (Han). A class with so me of the ho ttest action o f .t he day was the 125 A mate ur /E xpe rt. It was a battle be tween M. TidweU (Yam) an d R . Naymola (Y am). Every lap they too k, they were du kin g it o u t one-t wo a U the way, leavin g th e rest o f t he pack be hi nd . In t he second he a t, th ey wer e so close o n t he last lap that they crashed in to each othe r after they got the checkere d flag. Fo rtunate ly, nei the r got h urt. T hey finishe d the las t heat , too. In the 500 co m b ined , R . Mar quis (Ho n) m ad e himself known as a re a l threat in each h eat, but t o no avai l as M. R eich ert (Yam) wo uld p ut it o n h im from th e fron t , and B. Tolson (Mai) wo uld be b rea thi ng down Ri ch's neck from h is third place spot. By th e way , th at 's how th eyfinish ed for th e d ay. • Land ho! Puff s. All cla sses will be offered for an entry fee of $3.5 0 w it h 40% trop hies b eing give n o ut on ra ceday. Gate fee for ad ults is $2 .00 fo r the greatest show on earth. 39 5 Cycle Pa rk has d ona ted the track and t he H u nti ng to n Racing Association will p rovid e it s e mergency firs t-aid unit and pe rs o nnel a t no cost enabling all proceeds to go d irectl y to the Jackrabbit Ban d . • By Rex William Reese Read, Ago share French GP J une 22 , 19 75 - U.S . Grand Prix 500cc Mo t ocross (AM A) June 29, 1975 - Mo to cr o ss 125cc World Cup (AMA) July 13 , 1975 - Motocross 125cc Worl d Cup (CMA) J uly 13, 19 75 - Canadian R o und , World Trials Ch. (CMA) July 20, 19 75 - U.S. Round , World T ri als Ch . (A MA ). • A 630 acre portion o f the Howard Harris Ran ch near Hollister is up fo r grabs , $60,000 down on a full price of" $330,00 0. Real Estate broker Claude De Mos s is trying to arrange for a gro up of 15 0 to 200 motorcyclists to pool re sources to buy it. For 150 people, th e ta b works out t o $40 0 a share d own an d $14.81 a m onth on a 20-year co n t ract. T he tr act is p rime m o t orc ycle lan d , ro lling an d green, d esc ri bed as t he best off -roa d ri d i ng area in Central Ca liforn ia. Th ere are picn ic areas, ca mping areas, an d over a d ozen oval, TT , m o t o c ro ss, an d GP cou rses pionee red t he re . It's one of Kenny Roberts' ol d stompin g grou nds, a place he still co mes back t o fo r a little off-season pl ay ing. De Moss has had about 4 0 re sponses so far , including feelers from San Jose P . 1. T.S ., L.A .R.A. , and in te reste d de aler s. A unified organ izatio n has no t been crea te d yet, but th e plan is for people who b uy in t o b ecome members of a cl ub and hold an " undi vided ' in terest " in th e p roperty . Membe rshi ps wo uld be transfe ra ble. T here is ano t he r tra ct o f 2 4 0 0 acres abo u t a mil e d istant which is b ein g mention ed in the same brea th (t he S tate is curre ntly d ickering for it). Whe n q ues tio ne d ab o u t it, Mr . De Mos s said th e area could concei vably be d eveloped a s a motorcyclists ' com m un it y, com plete wi th h omesites and sm all b usinesses. He can be reache d fo r more information a t 4 15/368 ·5 646. • Canadian, American World Point events set for 1975 The American Motorcycle Asso ciatio n go t .togethe r wi t h its Can adian co unterpart to co-operatively sch ed u le world champio nshi p even ts in the two co un t ries wi thin a week of each other. Participan ts in 500cc Mo to cross Championshi p, 125cc Moto c r o ss W orld Cu p an d Worl d Champi onship Observed Trials will ge t opportuni ties t o ride tw o point-paying events on th e No rt h American co n tinen t in quick succession. Both AMA and CMA expect this sched uling t o impro ve the international field a t their respective even ts. The sche d ule, with specific sites ye t to be c hosen, is as follows : March 9 , 197 5 - F. 75 0 R oad R ace (AMA, Daytona ) , .. BANG TEN MOTOCROSS SOCKS REGULAR $2.98 NOW ONLY rl $1.50 DIRECT FROM FACTORY WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTOR Send t his coupon wit h $1.50 + .50 for postage and handli ng (total $2.00 per pair) to L. Bell, P.O. Box 7089, Burbank, Calif. 91510. Name (Print) II . Address . City Size: : . State MEDIUM 0 LARG E Zip . 0 • CASH OR MONEY ORDER ONLY Make Money Order payable to L. Bell DISCONTINUED MODEL - Facto ry co nve rted from s ilk s creen Hang Te n Feet t o e mbroidered Hang Ten Feet .. SH IPPED SAM EDAY ORDER RECEIVED ~ - . 29'"

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