Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE NEWS has just completed the following Tour Packages aboard regiJlarly scheduled air transportation to a number of major motorcycle events throughout the U.S. A ,special package program is included for the upcoming INTERNATIONAL SIX DAYS TRIAL. We are offering this to our readers as an additional reader service. For further information write: CYCLE NEWS, INC., P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801, Travel Dept., or fill out the handy blank below. \ ISDT-Italy the special Passenger Protection Contract prior to offered, Camerina. Italy - September 9~14 InClusive. 1974 September 1st" 1974 Included: 14 Day European Excursion - 7 Day ISOT- Round Trip Air Fare by scheduled carrier from the city indicated - Coach Class including transportation tax. Transfers to and from Birmingham Airport. 2 nights hotel accommodation near Talladega . 1 General Admission Ticket to the event . All applicable taxes, both rocal and Camerino Tri.J1s Los Angeles . Chicago and New York ; the European Port of Arrival and Departure will be Frankfurt, Germany. The flights will be on board Boeing 747 Jumbo Jets operated Departu-e Monday. August 26th, 1974 Return Sunday, September 15 . 1974 Includes : Milan - Ven ice - Munich - NuremburgCologne - Amsterdam - Brussels - Paris and Rome plus 7 full days at THE ISOT Trials in Camerino - all hotel accommodat ions - sightseeing and ground transportation. Note : This program is based upon a minimum of 15 persons participating. New York Chicago Los Ange:1es For Only $999.00 $1099 .00 $1199 .00 · the German Flag Carrier and subsidiary of Lufthansa, the German National Airline. Fly From for only Cheapest applicable Scheduled Air Fare Departure Dates: Depart Arr ive Frankfurt ArrillO Ancona (Camerino) Depart Frankfurt Arrive • 8) 21 D.JY Tour Program (No Adv.Jnce Booking Required) A) 90 Day Advance Booking Program : There will be 3 departure points from North America - by Condor Airlines - Talladega Road Race being accepted for inclusion in any of the flights New York $369.00 Chicago $42~.00 Los Angeles $489.00 $631 .00 $725 .00 $822.00 Sept. 7th Sept . 8th Sept. 8th Sept . 21 st Sept . 21 st Sept.3rd Sept . 4th Sept. 4th Sept. 16th Sept. 16th Sept. 4th Sept. 5th Sept. 5th Sept. 19th SePt . 19th federal. FROM Los Angeles New York Chicago Boston From: $549.00 - Includes Round Trip Air Fare to Italy. plus ground transportation to and from Ancona. On brio Included: Booking Dates: Prices Includ.: Round trip air fare to and"from Frankfurt Los Angeles - June 22nd . 1974 Included ::. :': ..1 - Round Trip Air Fare by scheduled carrier from the city indicated - Coach Class including transportation tax. Transfers to and from Los Angeles International Airport. 2 nights hotel accommodation in Los Angeles . 1 General Adm ission ticket to the event . All applicable taxes. both local and federal. FROM C~LY Boston New York Philadelph ia Washington from the cities indicated above; round trip rail transportation from Frankfurt to Ancona, Italy (Camerino) ; transfers between Frankfurt Airport and r=rankfurt railroad station . Prices are based upon Travel Group Charter rates filed with the United States Civil Aeronautics Board IC.A.B') and flights are operated strictly within the rules and regulations governing Travel Group Charters as stipulated by the CA.B . Prospective passengers will be required to sign $34u .GC $329.00 $323 .00 $316.00 $290 .00 $262 .00 $262.00 $235 .00 Cleveland Ch icaqo 51. Louis Oallas $282.00 $154.00 $114.00 $184 .00 REGULAR V CLASS $388 .00 $374.09 $364.00 $354 .00 $318.00 $280.00 $254 .00 $210.00 October 6th. 1974 Round Trip Air Fare by scheduled carrier from the city indicated - Coach class inclooing transportation tax. Transfers to and from Los Angeles International Airport. 2 nights hotel accommodation in Ontario. 1 General Admission ticket to the event . All applicable taxes, both local and federal. FROM ONLY REGULAR V CLASS Boston $340.00 $388.00 New York $329 .00 $374.00 Philadelphia $364.00 $323 .00 Washington $316.00 $354.00 Crel/Oland $290.00 $318 .00 Chicago $2BO.00 $262.00 St . Louis $262 .00 $254.00 Oallas $235.00 $210.00 Superbowlof Motocross Important: Participants must complete and ,sign the - tic;;::~;" Pr9t ect io n Contract, prior to any flight reservations or- dE~~~: monies bei,ng accepted by CYCLE NEWS. INC. ITravei Dil;)!.! REGULAR V CLASS Ontario Road Race C) Special 1 Week Businessman's ISDT Quickie september 7 ..15th Reservation forms accompanied by the required depos it must be received by CYCLE NEWS. INC. (Travel Oept,) at their California office by the dates indicated below : New York $65.00 deposit on or by June 4th . 1974. Chicago $80.00 deposit on or by May 31st. 1974 Los Angeles $95 .00 deposit on' or by June 1 st. 1974 ONLY $256.00 , $185.00 $152 .00 $206.00 ., ,. r~-------------------------------------------------------------. I understand that all parPlease send all information to: Please r~sh me further information on the ticipants must complete items I have checked below: and sign the Passenger Protection Contract, prior to any flight reservations, or deposit monies. being acceptedby Package A [ 1 ISDT TOUR I C[ I B[ CYCLE NEWS,INC., P.O. Box 498, Long Beach CA 90801/ Travel Dept. SUPERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS [ I ONTARIO ROAD RACE [ _ Address City --'- _ State "'26 ' .. .o. '" Zip _ I Telephone ( - - ! TALLADEGA ROAD RACE [ I ---~----------------------------------- L_~ ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . '" Name .o t • • .. •• I _ ~

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