Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Walk before you run Then let Rolf Tibblin and Mickey Qu ade improve your dirt-riding skill tu ne yo ur bod . Begin ners to pros. A ll mak es of b ikes accepted - rentals ava-Hable. T uit ion fee of $1 75 .00 covers all. Contact : 9 .Husqvarna InternationaI Training ·Cent er 4935 MtHc ury. S a n Dte go; Ca 921 11 Ph . 714 /Xl2·06 70 I!IiII't PRODUCTS INC. 2 13 4 OLD M IDDLEFIELD W AY MT V1EW .CA 94043 0 (415 ) 961- 24 46 rT HAND IT HELPER . 1 1 BUILDS -- ..........lllJllJ'lJ""-'""( ENDURANCE @ Randy Lim beck (738) pulled dear ?f t his Cycle News North Deschutes CP MX By Jan Newman BEND, ORE., APR. 7 595 ) CALIF . R ES. ADD S ALESTAX , Keep those cards &! letters co ming Speedway Enterprises present s SPORTSMAN ~ MILE San Jose Fairgrounds Sunday, April 28 0 ·36 & AMA Ru les Open to Short T rack cIasses Semi-Pro. Experts $ Pit Gate open 7 a .m. Pre-entry : $5 per b ike Post $7 .50 Pit Pass $5 . No Minis. Entries f ro m : Speedway Ent , 14 Camp Eve rs La ne, Sc otts Va lley . CA 95060 Info: 415-327-4461 100% financing melee to car ry t he Open Expert class . Riders from all over the state show~d up for today's race . It was dusty. The Old Timers started th ings off. A friendly grudge match between Ron Brown (Yam), Jim Estes (Mai) and Jim Newman fizzled before it got started when Newman's Ka wasaki shook apart in practice. Brown came o ut on top with Estes giving hi m a r un for his money. Kerry Himelwright (Han) led all the way for the first 125 Junio r Division while all the excitement went on behind hi m. In the first mota there Was a battle going for second between Tory Sappington (Han), Robert DeHaan (Suz) and Doug Robertson (Han ). Robertson had just settled the issue when Terry Maloney (Suz) and Kevin Harer (Han) collided com ing over the infield jump and landed in a heap in the dip beyond. On the next lap Mike Palumbo (Su z) crashed at the same pl ace and joined the bikes and riders stacked like co rd wood be side th e track. No serious injuries ca me out of the mess . Don Bronson (Han), Bud Hudson (Yam) and Scott Williams (Yam) switched positions all day before Bronson came up winner of the 250 Junior class. They restarted the second moto when, after th e d ust cleared, they found various piles of bikes and riders. There were still pileups on the restart but not so many. The officials called a r i d ers meeting and there was a unanimo us vote to cut the race program to two motos because of the eve r-worsening dust p roble m . Ya maha s dominated the 250 Intermediates but even the top dogs had some problems . Rick WyIde r was first with a 'fi n and a second. Ro d Kentner 125 Expert Dave Naylor does some ea rly berm plowing . had a wheel lo ck in the first mota whi ch put him back to eighth. He cam e back to win the second . Brad Murray had a seco nd behind him and was leading when his throttle cable broke. Randy Limbeck (Han) took the big money in the Open Experts. He had to figh t off Barney New man (Man) all the way in the fir st mota . Newman came in second in the final race bu twas disqualified for switch ing bikes. Ron Jensen (Hon) carne back from a winter lay -off to nab second. • Vallejo scrambles By James Brammer VALLEJO, CAL., APR. 12 Wilh Fremont still wet Friday ni ght, Vallejo Speedway overflowed wit h 322 big bi kes and 68 minicycles for a District 36 AMA scrambles. With three lap Heats an d five lap Mains and some lOU 's for trophies, the American Canyon M.C. wrapped up the program five minutes before the curfew go ng . As o ld jargon goes, Randy Booth on a MX 500 BSA simply blew them off the track in the 360-500 Expert class. In his Hea t and t he n in the Final, he jumped in to the lead early, and let the Yarrow b rot hers di ce " f o r the fo llowing posi tions. In t he 250 Expert Anderson o n a new Montesa MX swept the field for first wi th Da ve m oving up to seco nd on his Ossa. Among the heavyweights, Cliff Servetti is still a strong winner in the 650 Junio r class on the Norton. Bill Phillips (Tri) moved up for second and a close con t es t for third between Fred Maso n and Bru ce Rollin wen t to Mason. The 650 Expert class has never looked better at Va llejo as Friday night's win ner Conrad Saxebly returned and raced with a lo t o f riders new to the selby motors A good place to b uy a great mot orcycle 20 346 EI Camino, RedwOod City 415 ·36941 12 650 class, like short track champ Larry Drew on an Asco t Triumph. Drew was a middle of the pa ck rider and a fast , closely-pac ke d it is. In the second of two 250 Novice fin als , Ralph Cox (Kaw) mo ved up

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