Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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concerned. We did n't say he 's completed his citizens hip requirements. That takes five years, as y ou know . . . C.C. It wasn't In your coverage of the Houston Astrocro ss MX (CN March 26 ) you had a p icture of what you said was Buck Murphy on a Carl Cranke tuned Penton. Wdl, it wasn 't. t Incidentall y, Bu ck is from Longbranch, WN. J EFF WALTERS Bellevue, WN. Ame rica's No.1 Weekly Moto rcycle Newspape r , Baja hell raising Good old Dugald and other corrections ... I'll bet that if D ugald Clerk, who in 1878 invented the two-stroke cycle engine, were to hear his name misspelled and two years of his ingenui ty lopped off, as I believe was the case in Ge offrey Wood's article of April 2 entitled "How the Two Stroke Got Fast." he would pr obably voice "a few words of dis approval. I stand o n the authority o f "Scavenging of Two-Stroke Cycle Diesel Engine," 1949 by P. H. Schweitzer, who I feel should surely know, as his is by far the most complete tr eatise on the mailer ever published. DAVID KILLION Bat tle Creek, Mich. No rto n ride and another who wanted to meet Pap a. I feel it is a yo ung man's turn to have h is plea for some n ew to o tsies answered. Me. ROB MARION (213) 789-5265 Encino, Calif. Less sound, more ground The Ci ty of Cerritos is cracking down on all loud cycles at Cerritos Cycle Park. Riders are advised to check and make sure their mufflers are working correctl y . ROBERT L. MEYER Superintendent of Parks D-37 No. 741 What, no women? Get it stra i!tlt The Dave Carlson referred to as finishing fourth in the CMC Irwindale race reported on in the April 2 issue rides CMC No. 2C and is not the three time CMC winner mentioned. There are now two 125 Pro Class riders with like names in CMC, me and Davey Carlson, CMC No . F7 . DA VE CARLSON CMCNo.2C Long Beach, Calif. I Why haven't there been any District 37 Des ert Powder Puff ra ce results in Cycle News? We're a class also. This is America and minority groups run th e great race to o. 1£ y o u ' r e ha ving a p roblem distinguishing the boys from the girls . simply look for the yellow number p lates. I wonder why they made it yellow. Blue, green, pink - anything but chicken yellow! SWEET SUE Invaders M.C. Attention sikel nus My name has a problem gelling fro m the en try b lan k to your paper spelled correctl y . I have a worst chance than those baby sea turtles have of getting to water alive, (like you see on TV) . I Mispellings in Cicil Kno os include Blue, Biue, Brice, Buise, Bule, Bufe, and Boie, The act ual spelling is (Are you ready?) BUIE. I would be very grateful if you could do something (Anything!) about it. DAN BUiE Newpo rt Beach , Calif. Dear Ron Schneiders. . . Your article (Gambit, Cycle News April 9) was well written and a fine piece of reporting, with one exception. I refer to the gross distortion of history you attempted by blaming Vietnam on "Ole Tricky Dicky." For all his shortcomings he doesn't deserve tha t, too. You could have said "Vie tnam after Ho/Kennedy/J ohnson and Nixon" if y ou insist, but to bl am e the whole tragedy on Nixon is h ar dl y worthy of the rest of your article. I T hanks for m ost of the article. HOWARD MARKHAM Desert Hvywt. Nov . 288 . An aheim , Calif. This is t he kind of letter we like. No name calling, just nic e and logical. Thanks, Markham. . . Ed. , Lonely dude wants tootsies I am a 19 year o ld racer who subscr ibe s to your newspaper. I feel I've been left o ut. I want to make th e "Voices o f th e West" page. There have been tw o lonesome girls in the colu m n - o ne wh o wanted a Just a hand ful Why do a hand full of people care when others don 't ? Why are t he people so selfish that they can say good boy Russ or Jack or whom ever is fighting for them and won't eve n co me up with a few dollars to help out? There will always be peopl e to figh t for the rights of others, but I wonder what the people would do if M.O .R.E. of California, C.O.R.L. of California, or M.O.R.E . of Arizona would fo ld up and just quit? " The day is almost here when the American people are going to have to ask permission from their government just to go on a vacation and where they will spend it. No more places to go just to have a picnic. No more camping on a weekend. 1 could go on and on, but, anyone who enjoys the out doors knows what I'm talking about. ANN R. SHEAHAN Phoenix, Ariz. Sh aron C la yt on : Publisher T homas R. Culp ; Gen eral Man ager Edn a l\Jewi o n : S ecretary t o Puhlisher In y o ur Cycle News of Marc h 10, on page 18, was the erroneous headlin e, qu o te : And t his guy Kar sm a ker s, he' s American." end of quote. I am very interested to hear ho w you arrive at this ap paren t co nclusion. Are you aware that you are publishing a false hood, also a m isrep resen t a t io n with intent to deceive the public? So unless you wish to get sued fo r falsifi cation and misrepresen tati on, I s ug ge s t yo u pub licly retr act th e state men t yo u m ad e. U A LAN T . MARTI N Sigh . . . Pierre Karsmak ers is officially A merican as f ar as AMA racing is < l-< 0.. Th omas R. Culp: Nat ional Direct or Trud i Cul ver: A ssistant Editoria l Charles Clayton; Edit or John D. Ulrich; Associate Ed itor John Huerter : Feature Editor Lane Campb ell; Calenda r Editor Art & Production Cath e rine Lampton ; Art Dire ctor Nan cy Gray; Advertising Art Dir e c tor He ct or Agu ilera: Lab Tech n icia n Marion Hat ashita : Ty pogra pher Melvin Ph e~ s : Assistan t Typograp he r WES AN D ERSON , SR. Los Angeles, Calif. Circulat ion Rheba Smith ; Man ager Pam H ob b s: Assis ta n t Ch ris Andrews Distaf f deserters Girls , Distri ct 3 7 has final ly allo we d us to ha ve our own class in th e Desert. Our District Powder Puff Stew ard is Dee Grangers, phone 805/407-4983. We h ave three separat e Powder Puff class divisions to choose from : O·IOO cc Trailbike; 101-175cc Lightweight 11; and 176 -250cc Lightweight 1. Remember, this IS only our "trial year," if you want the Powder Puff clas s to be a definite reality next year, you'll get out and support our class now !! Let's all m ake this y ear really count. See ya in the Deseri!! Acco unting Gay e Za io n z: Man ager C h ris Kolber : Assis ta n t Twila Wh eel er: A ssistant Rosemary Ch andler: Assistant J im Squires : Collection .Services & Support Mike Colikas Randy Davis Bill Runy an Jeann ie Dunivan : Reception ist West KATHY ANGLIN 125c Powder Puff P.O. Box 498. Long Beach, CA 9080 1 (2 13 ) 4 27 -743 3; LA 6 36-8!144. Telex No. 67 3-474. East -Dixie rmIBlIL P.O. Box 805 Tu cker, Georgia. (404) 9 34-7X50 Central P.O. Box 1324 5. Austin , Texas 78711. (512 ) 444-754M. Subscription One y ear. se cond class ma il, $12.50 . . 2 y ears. se c ond c lass mail, S22.5 0 3 years. second class mail. $30 .00 Single copy price. 50<1 ~~~ Copvrtght Cvete News. Inc. 19 74. Trade mark regis tered U.S . Patent Office. All rights reserved. Published weekly except the rust and last week of the cal enda r ye ar by Cycle New s, In c.• P.O. Box 4 98. Long Beach , California. Second class p ostage paid at Long Beach, CA . Editorial stones, cartoons, photos, et c . a r e welcome. Addre ssed, stamped envelope assures retu rn of unpurchased editorial matter. Reprinting in whole or part only by permission of the publish-ers. Advertising rates and circulation information wilt be sent upon req uest. See S.R .D.S. Column .. .•........ . ..5 Poop European Bigtime MX . .. .6 Spanish GP Half-Mile 8, 13 Ascot, San Jose National Bigtime MX . ...11 DiStefano and Karsmakers They call it sarcasm . . . ..... - Advertising I just returned from visiting friends in Baja California. 1 have been going there for year s and these people will welcome you with open hearts and homes if you treat them with respect and digni ty. Re cently, several dirt riders were there and chased livestock. One horse broke a leg and h ad tq be put to death. These sa me riders turned over outhouses, ins ulted wives and daugh ters of townspeople, and beat up protesting men. I would like to warn other hell raisers. You will be glad I convinced my ' Mexican fr iends to let you die in peace at th e bottom of a sixty fo ot well. "T he local policeman is very blind wh en true justice is be ing done. 0-37 Desert 12 Who is this Broo ks fellow? Controversy 17 0 -37, BLM , and Hill top pers People 24 Penton Impression 26 Gringo Racers Tech 27 ,36 Ask C.C. ; Miku ni Bultricko Results Route Check Calendar 33 35 38 ~ Z o ~ :> c{ OJ O N T il E COVER : Moto cro ss Ca t. by T ony Bell. III W > 0:( 0 L..... ...J 3

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