Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the dirt" -mo re t ha n I, so I hope thi film can be put on n etwork TV Hopefully it will help pe ople who abus na ture to see themselves in th e prope perspe ct ive. P.C. HEFFERLI Oceanside, Calif T here are at least t wo d ifferent films c re d i t ed to "The Sierra Club ' concerning OR l' use. One, directed by George Anderson, is. to be kind, so meui ha biased. A nother, p ut tog ether largely by Ms. Howard Allen, at least att empts to be somewhat reasonable, even th ou gh it con tains so me erroneous assumpt io ns (such as t he suggestion that OR V park s would be an acceptabl e subs titute fo desert riding.) How do yo u k no w yo u b o t h w rote in about th e sam e film? ..Ed. America's No.1 Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper Sharon Clayton ; Pub lisher Th omas R. C ulp; General Manager Edna Mewron : Secretary (0 Publishe r Advertising Th omas R . Cu lp; Na tio na l Dir e ct or T ru di Culv er : Assist an t V.O.T.E. tabulati on Editorial Dan McCue; Managing Editor John D. Ulrich ; Asso ciate Edi tor John Huerter: Feature Editor Daytona Novice win contested Lane Campbell: Calendar Editor This letter has been prompted by the poor job of reporting by your correspondent in Daytona Beach , Fla . I don 't know what he was doing on the last lap, but I was watching th e fin ish, a finish not at all like your story told. Before I go any furthe r , I would like to establish my position in writing this letter; the two people involved, John Volkman and Skip Aksland, are both personal friends of m ine , and I feel that I am in an unbiased pos iti on concerning the finish . At the beginning of the last lap of the Novice race, I gave Volkman a " plus six" p it signal, which of co urse meant th at he had a six sec o nd lead over second posit ion , who, .!t th at time was Skip Aksland, ver y closely fo llowed b y Chuck Jordan. Vo lkman then received the Whi te flag, a nd co ntin ue d on. A ccording to yo ur article , Volkman's b ike started to sour ; maybe, but th at is not important. What is im portan t is, in t urn ing the fas te st lap of th e ra ce, Aksland caught and p assed Volkman, and crossed the finish line , at least one full bike length ah ead of Volkman , the Al\1.A 's and your proclaimed winner. In fac t , Chuck Jordan, t he th ird pl ace rider, nearly passed John too, being only half a bike length back at the checker. Art & Production Catherin e Lamp ton ; Art Dire ctor Nan cy Gr ay ; Advertisin g Ar t Director Hector Agu iler a : Lab Te ch nic ian Mari on Hatash ita : Typograp her Melvin Phelps: Assistant Typogra p her Circulation Rheba Smith ; Man ager Pam Hob bs: Assistant Accounting Gaye Zaionz: Man ager Ch ris K olb er : Assis ta nt T wil a Wheeler; Assistant R osemary Ch andler ; Assis tan t Jim Sq uires: Co llec tion Services & Support Mike Colik as Chris Andrews Randy Davis Bill Run yan J eannie Dunivan: Rece p tionist West P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 908 0 1 (2 13) 42 7·7 433; 1./\ 6 36·8844 . Telex No. 6 73-474. East -Dixie P.O . Box 805 T ucker , Georg ia. (4 04) 934·7 8 50 IITHIINIL Central p.o. Box 13245, Austin, Texas 787 11. (5 12) 444·754H. Subscription One yea r, sec on d class mail , S 12.5 0 2 yean, second class ma il, 522 .50 3 yea rs, sec ond class ma il, 530.00 Single copy price, 5 04 6~~ Published w eekly ex cept for the firu an d last week of the calendar year by Cycle News . Inc. Post Off ice Box 49 8, Long Beach. Californi a. Sec on d class postage paid at Lon g Beach, CA. Editorial sto ries. cartoons, ph ot os, etc. a r e w elcome. Addresse d, stamped enve lope assure s retu rn o f ed itorial matter. Reprin ting in wh ole: o r p ar t on ly b y p erm ission of th e publish ers. Ad ve rtisi n g rates an d circ ula tion infonnation will b e sent up on req uest . Enduros ••.•••.. •..•.••6 UR A's Crippled Canine an d cri p p ling Tecate 5 0 0 Motocross .............•8 Desert ... . ...... .....• 10 When the' co urse ge ts tough , so do finishers Your chance for the tr ailriding you 've wan ted Trials ..• . ••• •.•.....• 14 The Scott One-Day Replica Gas Economy 16 M.O .R.E. sh ow s ho w to have fun and save mon . Pro Mo tocross 18 AMA Qualifying in Ari zona Apri l Fool! .. '.' ..• •... .26 After "Motomonthly! ", you'll never need another slick magazine Z

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