The Honda MT-250
and MT-t25.
T wo strok e s f r om
H onda. Lightning
strokes for roa d a nd dirt.
The Honda MT-250 and
MT-l 25 give t h e twostro ke rider a great new Slim tank.
choice .
Vented MX fu e l cap.
Designed around the wi nni ng Honda Elsinore"?'
motocro ssers, the MT's have added fea tures for the
best in ro a d and rough r idin g . The MTs ' torque
cu rves are right whe re you w a n t them -wide and
flat. And both bikes feature
a utomatic oil injection with
a large , ea sy-fi ll opening to
the oil reservoi r that i s
under the seat.
When Honda betters the
competition, it doesn't have
to s hout i t-lis te n to t he
m uffl e r systems on the MTs'.
C ycle M a g a zine say s that
out of them "comes the quietest sound of any two-stroke
Off-s et axle fro nt forks .
end uro on the ma rket."
As for the finer points, Honda continues to e xcel.
Rubber d ust cove rs on levers p ro te ct control cab les.
There 's a n e a sy- to-se rvi ce, oi le d foa m a i r
cleane r eleme n t , a
gua r d e d, but eas il y
a cce ssib le p r i m a ry
s pr ocket and a kick
starte r lever that stays
c o mpletel y out of the
way when riding.
Quick. Quiet. Honda- Road-ready Instrumentation.
d ependabl e . The ne w Elsinore MT-250 and MT-125.
Your Honda de ale r has them now . O nce you see
the m, you'll rea lize that Honda has outdistanced
the competition once again. Make that twice again.
Good things happen on a Honda.