Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 01 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE BEAR IS B:A:CK···· ... • •.K ARen 23 ~ 24 •• R/V£RSIDG INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY GREAT BEAR G.P. P.O. Box 6026 Orange, Ca. 92667 NOVICE DESERT 0 AMATEUR MOTO -X 101 - 175 EXPERT SCRAMBLE 176-250 UNClASS PWDR·PUFF 251 - 500 HACKS 501 - 650 OLD TIMER OPEN Phone (7 14) 636-0CMC or (7 14) 636-6262 DIST . No . - 100 RI DERS PLE A SE CHE CK CORRECT BOX Mail Entry $10 .00 a rider - Post Entr y $1 00.00 ENTRY MUST BE ACCOMPAN IED BY 2 SELF ADDRESSED, STA MPED, LEGAL SIZE ENVELOPES PLEASE PRINT CL EA R L Y _ _ _ __ _ Name _ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Club _ Phone _ __ _ _ __ AMA# Expires _ _ Age _ T HE U N DE R SI G N E D E N TRA N T B Y A FFIX ING H IS INITI A LS BELOW . ACKNOW LEDGES THAT HE ASS U MES THE R ISK OF AN Y L O SS FROM INJU RY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE T O H IMS E L F OR T O O T H ERS . D U E TO HIS PA RTICI PATION I N THI S EVENT AN D H E HER E W ITH SPECI F ICAL L Y HOLDS HARMLESS FROM AN Y SAID L O SS THE AMERICAN MOTOR CY CLE A SSO CIA T IO N . SPO RTS C OM MITTEE . D ISTR IC T 3 7 AMA , INC .. TH E S PONSORI NG CLUB OR ORG A N IZ A T ION , AND T HE O WNERS O F T H E REA L P R O P E RTY ON WH ICH SAID EVEN T SH A L L T AKE P LAC E . (entrant's e nd /or pa rent's in it lels) h e unders igned does hereby c e rtify that he is a duly Qu a lified (Cir c le One ) Amat eu r /Expe rt/ Nov ic e class motorcycle ri d e r ha v in g been o qualified by a competent organ iz etion . " t is further understood and a areed tha t in the event I em injure d from whatsoever c ause d uring t he e vent covered by th is e p pl ic a tion, her~ith con sent to and authorize f irst a id and ambulance service a s prov ided b y t he spc nso rina cl u b or prope rty own er . and f urther old a ll p arties harmless from any ccoeeeuencee of sa id a id . nder t h e rules end sa nctio ns of the Ame r icen Motorcyc le Assoc iatio n . I h ereby egre e t o c onfo rm and comply w ith the rules Kover n ina h is c ont es t. _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 19_ _ If entrant is under 18 and does not have a current District 37 Ca rd i ndicat ing not ar i zed consent is on f i le, Parent or Guardian must sign here acknowledging hi s or her notarized consent to the terms of entry. MALE /FEMALE RIDER S NAME ST REET ADDRESS PERSON TO NOTIF Y IN CASE OF ACCIDENT REL A T IONSHI P YOUR INSUR ANCE COMPAN Y AGE CITY G.P. No. STAT E PHONE PHONE YOUR BLOOD TYPE POL I CY NU M BE R 3

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