Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 01 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wind Resista nce When I wrote th e letter to Cycle N ew s I didn't intend to do verb al battle with yo u . I wrote because I 'm very concerned about what is happening to d esert racing. When I said I co nsid ered bookin g th at guy fo r urinating in front of th e sp ec tators . I mean just that. De sert ra ce rs wak e up. y o ur sp o rt is go in g downhill and you 're letting it happen. Mr . Ed it or. I doubt if you have ever ridden a motorcycle, the wind resist an ce from your big fo ul m ou th would stop you before y o u reached second gear. KEN HA ZL EWO O D Big Bear Lake. Ca lif. You r re p ly to Hazlewood was on e o f the more in fantile chil d ish replies I ever read. It sounds lik e he is trying to get la ughs fr om his b ud dies and be a big man. I rode d esert for tw en ty yea rs an d never p ull ed o ne like th is. Why not go back of th e line, ma ybe down in the boondocks a lit tle and d o y o ur th ing? As fo r m a k in g fu n of a police officer, thank God we h ave t he m, just wai t un til y o u n eed on e. T he most welcome so und I ever heard was th e siren com ing t o help m e. JIM WOOLWI NE Sunland, Cal if. Even down in the boond o cks is illega l, Woolw ine... Ed. Who's All Wet? I hope th at I a m one of man y who d isagree strongly wi t h y our response to a le tter fr o m a participant in th e Bar s t ow -Vegas run who was not favorably im pressed b y havin g th e opportunity t o w at ch a nervous no vice reli eving pressure on h is bla d de r in fron t of everyone on th e starting line. I also sus pect th at wives an d children o f en trants d idn ' t smile beatifically at the act. simple an d n atu ra l as it migh t be. At a ti me wh e n responsible motor c ycl ist s are trying to im p rove t heir p ub lic image. I'm sure tha t this perfo rman ce did Ii ttle for the bettermen t o f mo torcy cl in g, else the AMA wo u ld sanc tion u n in hib it ed urination b y all cyclis ts at all even ts with as m an y o nlookers as possible. Children ar e trained to stop pe eing their pan ts an d would have h oped th a t an individual o ver ten ye ars of age migh t exert en ough con tro l o ver his bodily func tions th at he co uld relie ve himself before race t ime , n ovi ce or not. I know from ex perience tha t it's possib le . in . spite of pre-race n erv ousness. I think y o u are the one who 's all wet on t his one. . GARY GRANATH Oakland, Calif. p ublications. b ut a fte r re ading your respon se t o Mr. Hazlewo o d's letter in you r J an uary 8 . 197 4 issue. I feel tha t as a moto r c y cle rid er and as motorcycling is th e m ain ac tiv ity for our family t hat so me comments are in or d er. . I. I agree wi th Mr . Haz lew ood's rem arks a bou t t he novice rider's acti ons. A mi xed crowd is no p lace fo r ac tions of this typ e and gen eral ly is not done in large groups of m en . Woul d yo u advocate this type of ac ti on a t a T rans-AM A race, th e local horse racing track or an y pub lic sp orts activity? If m otorcy cling is to be a respected spor t then t he participants sho uld show th e same re spect and cons id erations as would be acceptable at other public events. 2. The fact that your newsp aper would con d o n e these actio ns. then publicl y d emean and ridi cule a p ublic peace officer b ecause he respec ts th e la ws of co m mon d ecency is be y ond belief. I h ope this attitude is not shared by th e rest o f y our st aff. T he Sierra Club now tri es to d e pic t the OHV pe o ple as screaming id iots who are o u t t o tear up th e co un tryside. You ha ve n ow give n t he m ano ther load of a m munition. If you speak and are b ack ed b y the m aj ori ty of th e other m o torcycle public. then I don't see mu ch hope fo r our sport to coexist peacefu lly wi th the rest of so ciety. 3. Yo u may p rint this if you cho ose and us e you r sharp little pen to d emean people like m e an d Mr, Ha zlew o od. bu t y o u co uld d o much better fo r Cycle New s an d the sp ort o f m otorcycling by being m o re cons truc tive in eleva ting so me aspects of motorcycling in th e public ra ther than co ndoning such acti vities. My vo te goes fo r Mr . Hazlewood an d tho se w ho wo u l d l ike t o see motor cycl in g receive its just dues as a fin e sport t ha t is h eal thy for individuals as well as an excellen t family sp ort. BOB T\llGGS Sunnyvale. Cal if. As an average cinzen wh 0 is very c oncerned abo u t the e nergy cr isis . the p o lit ical crisis. the slump in the mo torcy cle in d ustry of wh ich I am a par t , an d all th e many th in gs th a t today's citizen is conce rned a bou t. I was n ontheless shocke d. o u traged . an d ap al led a t th e article writte n b y John Huetter d ealing with the latest turn o f e ve n t s r egardin g m o to rcy cles an d en ergy . T o b e su re. the facts in th e a rticle we re probahly prese n ted in a fai rly straigh t fo rw ard m anner . (a t least for today 's n ews med ia ). an d Mr . H ue t t e r ' s o p i ni o n s s ho uld b e recognized. Bu t when he makes a totally irresponsible beginning to h is article by calling Rich ard Ni xon the " Pre sident Pro-Tern, U.S.... then no t only is he revealing his t otal ignorance an d st upidity, b u t he is fo rsa king his d u ty as a journ al ist to call th e shots exactly as th ey are , n ot as how h e wants th em to be, even though he is editorial izing. Mr . H uet te r seems to b e typical of t he liberal witc h h un ters who are • i mp e a chmen t ' be fore s h o uti ng knowing all th e fac ts an d be fore c onsi d eri ng th e conseq uences of such action . To find th is sort of trashy dri vel in Cycle N ews is unthinkable. Sure, I thin k th e ' En ergy Crisis ' has been blown w ay o u t o f proportion. and I m ay d iff er with so me o f th e president's d ecis ions, b u t I sti ll recognize Ric hard Nixon as th e president. co me hell or hi gh water. and will contin ue t o d o so un t il o therwise pro ven in a court of law. To even mockingly call h im t he temporary president of the U.S . is a gross insult to the Am eri can sv st em ; I'd like to see Mr. Hu erter do a better job. J th ink Cycle News readers sh o uld expect and demand several things. First . that Cycle Ne ws more carefu lly screen all material for publ ica ti on . and sti ck to it s chose n field. that of mo torc ycl es ; n ot political rabal rousing an d ye llo w journalism. Second, th at Mr. Hu er te r and Cycle News p rint an im me d iate retraction o f. an d apology for . his a rticle. An d finally . that Mr . H u e t ter look for empl oy ment so mew here else m or e suite d to his k nowledge. tern permen t, and a bili tie s, say p oss ibl y Children 's Dige st. or th e J ourn al Of Th e American Trash Coll ec tors Union. He never really knew th at much a bout motorcycles. an y wa y. An d before he asks m e , ye s: I know [ co uld do better. HENRY D. SANG UI NE1TI Pasadena , Calif. Whatever The Reason If you can d o bet ter, Sanguinetti, why don 't y ou run fo r p resid ent ... Ed. I am in agreem e n t with Mr . Haz lewood. I d o not a ppreciate seeing anyone, w ha tev er the reason . urinate: in fr ont of m e. Since people of both sexes an d all ages sp ec tate eve nts such as Bars tow to Vegas it is eve n worse. If I had a d a ugh te r instead of two so ns and sh e were to wi tn ess such an act I would be an noyed . For y o u to class Sec ti o n 314 o f the Penal code as a "stu p id la w " is irresp o ns ib le on your par t. If suc h an ac t were to become a com mon pr ac tice , it will be a sa d day for everyone. In My Opinion, Their Opinions... I su bsc ri bed t o Cycle Ne ws for motorcycl e news. not fo r immature and de cept ive o p in io ns (ie : Schnieders' and Huerter's an ti-oil industry ed it o rials). If I wanted sa id editorials I would have sub s cr ibed to t he "undergr ound" newspapers. In my opinion . yo u have a bused the "right o f free press " a nd ar e no w m orally irresponsib le. Cancel m y subscription! FRANCIS BLAKE SU E WHITE Anaheim . Cal if. Another Load (of ammunition ) I generally don 't respon d t o writing le tte rs to Editors on issues in On The Other Hand... "The t hing I don '1 lik e about desert racing is that you ha ve to do it in the des ert. " International Competition .6 Trials at Sad dl ebac k Persona lity 12 Arizona m o te-co o kie Competition . .13, 14, 16, 22 24 ,26,36,30 North , 18 Club Guide 27 Ask E.C , 32 Almost anything Test , I think that R on Schneiders diffe re n tiated the even tual r e a l -s ur e -e nough pe troleum-sh ortage Continued on page 15 34 Spea k in g of trials Results Trashy Drivel? Down In The Boondocks INSIDE 38 More win ners than you th o ugh t possible Calendar 45 Been worry in ' ab o ut t he fu ture? Well . it 's sti ll th ere . Nosta lgia 54 T he Sac' to Mile COVER: British bogwheeler s logs Saddleback's slimey slopes. Tha t 's t he n ew Suzu ki trials bike. by th e way. Ch ris Ostlind photo. America's N o. 1 Week ly Mo rcrcycle Newspap er Sharon Clayton ; Publisher & Mng. Ed. Tom Culp; General Manager Ed na Mewton; Sec retary to Publisher Catherine Lampton; Art Director Art Friedman ; Editor John D. Ulrich ; Assis tant Editor John Huettar; fea ture Editor Lane Campbell; Calendar Editor Rhe ba Sm ith ; Circulation Ma nager Pam Hobbs: Circulation Assistant Cheryl Ste in be rg; Cir culation A ssistant Hector Agu ile ra; L ab T ech nician Mar io n Hatashita; Typographer Melv in Phelp s; A ssistan t Typographer Gaye Zaio nz; A cc ounting Man ager Tw ila Wheeler; Accoun ting Ass istan t Chr is Kolbet; Ac co unting A ssistan t Rosemary Chandle r; Accou n ti ng Ass istan t Jim Squ ires; Collectio n ~f :mag er Mike Colikas; Se rvices & Support Chris And rews; Servic es & S upport Dav Pau li; Se rvi ce s & Support Bill Runy an ; Se rvic es & Sup port Jean ni e D un ivan ; Receptio n ist Na ti o nal Ad verti sin g Director; Tom Culp We ndy Blanton ; Ad vertising Assis ta nt T rud i Culver ; A dve rt ising A ssistant Nancy Gray ; Adve r tising A rt Dire c to r West: P.O. Box 498. Long Be ach, CA 90801. (2 13) 427-7433 : LA 636-8844. Telex S o_ 673-4 74. East-Dixie : P.O. Box 805 , Tucker. Georgia. (404) 934·7850. Central : P.O. Box 13245. Austin, Texas 787 11. (5 12) 444-7548. SUbscrip t io n On e year, second class mail, S12..5 0 2 year s, sec o nd cla ss mail, 522.50 3 yea rs , second class m ail, 530.00 Single c o py price , 504 Publi sh ed weekly ex cept fo r th e first an d las t week o f the calen dar yea r by Cycle News , In c. Post Office Box 49 8 , Long Beac h, Californ ia. Secon d class postage paid a t Long Beach, CA . Editorial st ories, car to o ns, ph o tos , et c . a r c we lcome. Addressed, stamped envelope assu res re turn o f editorial matter , Reprinti ng in whole o r pari o n ly by p e rmisaion o f th e- publisher s. Advert ising rates and c irc ula ti o n informat io n will be- se-nt upo n req ue st . Sec S. R.D.S . Copyright Cycle Sews. Inc.• 1973. A ll ri ghts re served . 3

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