Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 12 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 47 of 47

~-, SPARK PLUG, CONTACT AND CHAIN KLEAN Pluss usually replaced due to excess oil and soft carbon deposits can now be rene_d in seconds. Just pull pluc. spray e~e. Cleans chetnically, dries In seconds, fires. Also cleans pluss, points, etc. CHAIN LIFE In a recent survey conducted by Cyde ma.azine; CHAIN LIFE placed first over all other chain lubricants. Contains no oil, silicone. moly or sraphite. Penetrates pins and rollers; repels dirt. sand, mud & .rass. HANDKLEAN PETROCHEM ESP Petrochem foamin. Hand Klean is an easy to use, waterless hand cleaner. Removes oil, .rease, paint and ink like Contains lanolin. Keep it handy in your tool kit or glove compartment for that eme,.ency situation. Dries out and waterproofs i.nition system. Also a rust inhibiti.,.. lubricatlnc and penetratinc oil. Spqy entire rnotDrcycIe after ..... ShiMS like _ after wlpe-off. jii otects paint and chrame, hIlM leates ..... needed. MOTORCYCLE WHEEL BEARING GREASE CABLE LIFE MINUS 70· Formulated for hi.h temperature runs and shock loadin. conditions. Adhesive qualities hold better in bearinp, even with poor seals. Available in 2% oz. tool box size or the 1# economy size. ASHLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY DIVISION OF ASHLAND OIL, INC. Specialty Products 0 P.O. Box 2260 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CAL. 90670 m.. Formulated specifically for snowmobiles and motorcycles. Stays fluid to 70 desrHS below zero. Aids in preventin. throttle cable from 'reezina in open position. Displaces • moisture, lubricates and rust proofs all movin. parts.

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