Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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September 18, 1973 Page 9 Trailbike wins Riverside road race Traffic in the chicane: John Weed (111. Pedro Gallinucci (831. and Tom Hermon (7171. point and dropped back t~ seventh. He worked his way up to third and, along with Wally Karpynec, seemed to be subtly closing on the leaders. On the last lap Barron got in front and stayed there. Gill was second, Stein third, and Karpynec fourth. John Chernak was 200 winner, and Mike Baeder again wOn the 125 class. Cook Neilson, editor of "Cycle" magazine, crossed the finish line of the Open Production race out in front and all alone. His win was made more impressive by the fact that his Ducati 750 was beset by mechanical bothers. Fred Walti was the 500 class winner aboard his Honda, and Bob Crossman bested the 350 class. The AFM runs separate practices for Hrst-timers, something that seems like an excellent idea. It gives the beginners a chance to get on the track without being constantly buzzed by fast guys. The course variation was another good idea. What seems to be hurting the AFM the most is its affiliation with the AMA. So far it has yielded less racing and more hassles at greater expense. The only tangIble benefit has been the AMA insurance. Something needs to change. Results 125 By Art Friedman 1. Miko Baedor. . 2. Ro_t 200 Prod, 1. John Chor"",k 2. Glen Harmon. 250 Prod: 1. Rk:ha,d Barron. 2. Ken Gill. 3. John Stein. 350 Prod: 1. Bob Crossmlln. 2. John RIVERSIDE, CAL., SEPT. 9 Unless you're riding for a factory, .it usually isn't possible to beat the Yamaha production road racers. To da y, 40wever, Whitney Blakesleee and Ralph Hudson both beat the Yamahas convincingly. Blakeslee, sponsored by Anza Cycle in Riverside and Dick Pearce, has been working on his Kawasaki Big Horn all year. Each race his single cylinder converted trailbike- (which he built himself) has gotten quicker, and he has begun to win with increasing regularity. He did it again today, quickly taking the lead and keeping it. Tom Carroll (Yam), in second, was well clear of third place but couldn't seem to put anything on Whitney's trailbike. Blakeslee also won the SuperstreetfThumper class at the end of the day. Ralph Hudson has come onto the local road racing scene with a rush. Hudson's talent combined with his Suzuki 500 has kept him at the front of the Heavyweight GP events in the last few weeks. Today he earned the trophy with plenty of time between himsell and Dave Burchards (Yam), the 350 GP winner. , The Lightweight GP event also had a Prod' Benj,."ln. 3. Bill CteYl",.,. J walk-away winner, but John Volkman had his lead established beyond a doubt on the Hrst lap. Behind Volkman, who was the 200 GP winner, Kevin Stafford was working his way up through the Held after a poor start. When the checkered flag feU, Stafford has passed everyone in the 125 class for Hrst in class. Pedro Gallinucci was second. The 250 Production race provided intense competition. Richard Barron (Yam) and Ken Gill scuffled for the whole distance. Each of them led several times and each of them slipped at one point. They seemed to be about even in engine and talen t. The course was changed by running it down to turn eight and adding a chicane on the back straight. The very tight chicane made all the' classes, but particularly the small o,?es, more c,:,mpetitive. On the Hrst lap GIU got on hIS brakes too hard entering the chicane and ran past. He rejoined the race in second and waded in to the tussle with Barron. On the second lap, John Stein, in third, missed his braking Ken Gill (15711eadl Richard Barron during the 250 Production race. Bob Crossman was 350 Production winner. usuk. 3. RlctMird Barron. 500 Prod: 1. Freel Walti. 2. Shepard Rets. Open Prod: 1. Cook Neilson. 2. Art Frledmlln. 3. John Crossman. 50 GP: Eddie Uwson. 125 GP: 1. Kevin Stafford. 2. Pedro Galllnucci. 3. Joh" Weed. 175 GP: Tom Hermon. 200 GP: 1. John Volkman. 2. J...... Young. 3. Tom Beisetm. 250 GP, 1. WIlltne)' B ..k...... 2. Tom Carroll. 3. Kevin Stllfford. 350 GP: 1. Dave Burc....rds. 2. Alan Barbk:. 3. M,.rk Mmer. 500 GP, Ralph Hudson. Open GP: Georr Roche. S uperstreet: • Rod Murufas. 2. Fred Waitt 3. Mike Parriott. Thumper: Whitney Blakeslee. Dragster, Duck win At OCIR road race TUSTIN, CAL., SEPT. 2 Nationally prominent drag racer Cook Neilson was· the winner of the Open Production class at today's CMC road race. Neilson, in his first victory on twisty asphalt, also gave Ducati its first U.S. victory in Open class competition in recent years. . Cook Neilson won twice then broke his duck. Neilson's 750'Duck was Jed right up to th.e last lap by'the very trick Honda 750 of John Crossman. The problem with Crossman's Honda was that it was too trick to be legal in Production, a fact that Crossman made no bones about. On the last lap Crossman puUed over and waved Neilson by. Crossman f"Inished an unofficial second The spot behind them had been hotly contested "for the entire ten laps by Fred Walti and Tom Casey, both on Hondas. At about the seven lap point, Casey pulled up to Walti as they turned onto the long OCIR straight. At the end of the straight, Walti, trying to outbrake Casey, threw out the hooks too late and Casey was past. It was only for ball a lap, however, as Casey's engine stopped as he exited the esses. Walti went on to win the 500 class. George Roche, aboard a 750 Kawasaki H2-R, came from last to win the Open GP event. Roche had gear box problems as he entered the Cll'st comer and was relegated to last before he got sorted out. In the meantime, Walti, on the same 500 Honda Production bike, had taken the lead. ,He was sllortly passed by Ralph Hudson aboard a 500 Suzuki, and eventual 350 class winner Dave I!urchards. Hudson began to stretch out his lead until he had problems and ran off the trac.k entering the last comer. In the meantime, Roche had worked his way back up through the pack and went on to win. Miles Rossteucher, riding a BMW 750 Production bike, was second in the Open class, and fifth overaU behind Roche, Hudson, Burchards and Walti. Kevin Stafford, with the help of a pair of Yamahas, racked up runaway wins in both the 125 and 250 GP events. There's not much to tell. Rod Murufas' win was similarly , unexciting. He left the combined 250 and 350 Production Held and disappeared. Walt Kopeynec was 250 winner. •

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