Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Scptrmbcr 18, 1973 Page 50 SCORE 'NTERNATIONAL First Annual Spectacut.,. F=l V Rlversk:le rnle,natio~1 Rc.wy .• RNerside. Cal. Bikes YS. c.s. 21 ctHses. 7 112 m'fe ~ type course, 75% "isib.. hom stands. Admission. reserved 9QnctsUnds. ampe'.... nd AMEN'GHTMX '"dian Dunes. V.lenc~. 6PM. PoIYDKk. Sign practice 6:45 race 8PM. 213/675-1922. PM. Fremont.. tnfo: fdano. or tickets ... from Ticketron. Mickey Thompson presenution. Raft TibtMin . . . his Husky disP~Y will be ther8. 'ofo: 213/437.0466. 0·36 SCRAMBLES Fremont Rlice • • y. up ~. ~tes or Wille". Silencers muffter'S required415/327-«61. Follow 0-36 SEM'-PRO SHORT TRACK PilY~ilck. up Sign Perus Rxeway Oct. 5-7 AMC MOTOCROSS Monterey Fait..ounds. Monterey. c.l. Entry $5. Ex•• $3 Nov/Am. Fu. Ex. TT SCRAMBLES AMA NATIONAL M.tLE Ascot Park, ~rCtena.. C». Blvd. Entry $2.25, race 7 PM. Willen. $1.50. under twe've free with adult. ~M7:~~l~:.5~t~~4~; walch. $1.00 seconCll bike. All crasse:s. st&enc.en under 92dbA reQui,ed. Info: 415/27&-90&5. Qrilnge 5, dOy. Experts $10. lOO'lf. ~ybilCk~ ~te: 7:00. PrK 8'00. 'nfo, 714/832-4555. PerriS Col. Gote. open 5 PM• .;gr; up 'till 7:30 PM. AM Members FORMULA 750 ROUND requweca. cl.asses.. Silencers. SlNnist'l non $3.50 750 members $4~50_ L(mit to entries due. to curfew~ You are all invited To come see The 7thJ nUl l! Beach., round of the EUI~n rOMl rKil"l9 ch~mpionship. Fin .. 1 round. Motvic~ SPain. 'nto, 714/657-3678. B,X County InternillUoul RoiIceway. SA. Frwy iIIt Silnd c..nyon Exit. No r'l\iIiI entry O¥ memberShip required.. S5 post. 40%0 troPhies same Saturday, Oct. 6 Info: signs from end of Harrison Pari< Irvi.... ~. Got.. open 6,~0 AM sign up 6,31H1,30. I>QCtlce 7:30 to 8:30. first ,-ace 9:00~ Jr & 'nt $S mili1 entry. S10 pOSt. Ex. $10 rnillil. SIS post_ R~s'ed by $3.000 rnecliaI insurance_ CMe. P.O. Box 1402. COsU ..... ~I. 92626. • 3100 Depot Rei .• Hayward. Cili. Signup .. to praC1.te.e 6:30. rilCe 8. tnfo: 408/899-2401. AMA arcis must be valid. ooen 3,30 PM. ~;ce 5 PM. ,xe 6:30 PM. U.50 r;ace OWYHEE Me CLUB AMAMX Boise, tRek.. ,nfo:. drinkS • c.~mpin9. 208/375-6863 20&/344-3041. Cal. Post entry Sportsman $5: 5en;ors $10. Watch, $ 2. 2 1'll. bross., 100'll. Senior ~nd F 00d f r.e MOTOCROSS CMCMX 0-36 AMATEUR SCRAMBLES GOLDEN BEAR ENDURO CERA 200 mi. WOfId c..._ Stuc:lilbaker. PWK. 11, ChilimPionship~ Johnson ValleY. c.. Limed from LUC*'M V"ley.~. 6 AM. Dr_lng OCt. 1. CERA rnembs: S10~ others $12. post $20. Limited entry. SL ..... not . . .·d. 6 per min. 3 per teMlt. Finish• ~ds. 2 SASE to Box 210~ Cyp..... ~. 90630. 714",27"927. ril-ce 12. noon_ 3K brass. 50 cent entry. FABULOUS FUN MX . Cilrrsbild Rcwy_. C.. lsb~, Col. Got. 0IMII.7 AM. NO millil entry_ 714/832-4555. MOTOCROSS R _ _ Pork ~lsino... .. c.l. All c~sses. ba"les open S AM. sign up 7 AM. fbce 9. '''fo, 213/921-5466. SUPER FUNMX saddlebaEk Park. lrYine. CiI..I. No mil-il' entry. $6 Post entry. Tnree 20 minute Infield area FREE Stickies All Sorts of goodies SEE YATHERE GREAT RACING ~ SUPER NEWS CARlS.ADM][ _ au . .'IUS wy J.20 min motos no maiDa :lttip info 714-979-9233 Free camping. reQUired·~ $1.00 Teus bike. per 7910S~ 714/826-2386. FLAT TRACK Owyhee Me. Boise. tCSllho. Follow signs f,om 0-36 SHORT TRACK Pioneer AreN 9600 Pioneer AW:.. biikeule. C..I.. Hwy~ 120 belwn. Q'ilkdille and E~on. Entry $2.50. Signuo 5-7. pX:e 6-7, rKe 7=-30_ CUSS C. Alii c~ Silencen reQuired. 'nto: 209/869-1457. end of turrison 8 BIvd~ A~ C~mpino_ PM_ or 208/375-6863 20&/344-3041. TT COlona RcwY .... CorOftli. Col. 7,30 PM. 714/735-1705. Qq~~"pty. RcwY•• S.nd c.~IIj" Rd. from I-S_ Adm: _.15_ St~rt: 1 PM_ c.: Oct. 6-7 CMeMX ASC01 ~~ 7t4-37~M7 night. live ~ CYCLB~~W~ 0-37 HARE & HOUND C h.e c k Chase WCW1d Championships.. LinMtd c.i.. Lucerne. from Ariiona~ Entry to MC~ Check.-s doses Box 9--24. m~'5'96~'~.92345. TT·SCRAMBLES FLAT TRACK C ~r~ 7R~ii C~C:-: 714/735-1705_ _ _ _.:. ....J • Partie"nt deeMs. Entries open A.,.. 30. dose sept. 25~ nunditory~ Sieenc-s SHORT TRACK &TT El To Frwy. to El To.><\~'" 0< 9114-50&4. 25M_ CMC RR Thursday. Oct. 11 Or~nge MOTOCROSS Corona RCWV.... Corona. Cal. Rae. 7:30 PM. 714/735-1705. Rcwy. exit. rQtL 2nd Annual I Cotton Boll National Enduro Memphis, Texas ] 25+ mile enduro CRC MOTOCRQlSS R.,hide Park. ElsinOre. ~ •• Beg:; n'Mni: October 28, 1973 £Idrir:s ao.e ~ I. 1975. No Poa EaIriI:s. Sasd SbIDlbrd AMA CIIIry bbak to: Track I< T.u JUdas A8oc.. P.o.. Box 9251. ~.Tcaa791" New;- rnt; Ex; PP; oklI~ y:ou"9;. 4011t br.ass s~m.. day. No m.mbefship~ Info: 2J13/83l0-7S19 or 71416&8·1291. AIYlt=:MX _ Spillwoy Cyde Pari<. Sa n t~ Millria. C ... SDQrtsr'nMl clOing. 20&/375-6&63 0< 20&/344-3041. , MOTOCROSS El To'~=~~ '--- rides and a.ttr.clions._ Mot~. ~[\m{S·.d. Garc:lenill. PUtilQlC'Yt Orange Show FrgnClS~. ~n 8«rt¥dino. ~C:-18:94.i4~. race noon~ _aka"'. " ......... CII.............. ~rk. Sign by 6=-30. race h30 PU". CMC only. CUSTOMCAA & MCSHOW ~_. -_..... .nd TroPhy 714/S57-9243. CMcCLASSA SPEEDWAY swimming pool.. party For Info. 7'...." ...215 5.C.A.T. M~nut~cturers points. 903/762-2948. Perris RcwY_ Perris. ~I. Sign up ends 7,30 PM. Silencers required. No Into: Crown Vii-Bey Exit. Entry $1 0 ~ Free campin•• 3 20-min mow. Limed from Golf Coww At ulif. Cily G_ AsphoII Rood .... The Way To"" P.O. Bo. 260S c.Jif. City. CA 9350:5 BRA 7t" LAGUNA SALADA 200 B " ClUlmpions TT SCRAMBLES T uesdav, Oct. 9 s.Uencers SUf'CDY prKtiC.e 0-37 GRAND PRIX Soledod ~ _ Col. Antelope VillDey Fwy~ to MX RACES EVERY SAT. NO MEMBERSHIP s.a. .... De:~e;:'k Vli11JIe~i :~I Ri. .. . - . ~1. on US 60, TheOllO... exit. Sign 7:30. race 9 AM. 714/735-1301. Esalon. Sign 5·7. I>!K 6-7. IKe 7:30~ Class C. silenC:ws required. 209/t169-1457. ENDURO end Annual Cotton BoN Nlition .. 1 Enduro. Memphis. Tens. Entry doses OCt. 1. AMA blillnk to Box 9251. An"l¥illo. TT SCRAMBLES Elsinore RacewillY. Etsinore. C.L Gates open 4 PM. up 5 to 7:.30, practice 6:.30. race 8. W.. td'l $1..50. rttee $2..00. plns Poinb~~ Up sat. & St~rt W 9:30 A.M. Am- E.wty MOTOCROSS Monday, Oct. 8 Info, 213/S8ll-1934 0< 213/Saa-4S51. 7.4-688-.29. DRA 0-36 SEM'-PRO SHORT TRACK Monterey F~irgrouncts. Mon .... ey. ~1. Sign 5.prK 6:30. r~ce I~ 40&/899-2401. MOTOCROSS Moreno Villney Me. De Anu Park, 10 miles east of Rhlerside on US 60. tillke Theodore off_ Si9n in 7:30, ~I. 30% Trophies CASH PAYBACK. Beginners-J r-Int-Sr-PP-Mini NO Membership NO Mail Entry 2K T roohics - Finisher Pim. reQulred_ 415/276-9085. 0-36 SHORT TRACK Stoddar wells. TMce off .....p. SUrt 8. 714/lil1l1-1291. Wednesday, Oct. 10 S.ptember te' Silencers S - _ Rd 714/735-130"1. Sept. 28 & 29 Presents A HARE SCRAMBLES Bel.. Nov., Am•• Ex. 0-36 AMATEUR SCRAMBLES 3800 O.pot Rd •• Hoyw.,d. ~I. Sign 4--6 PM. PfK "'-5:45. rK8 1:30. CRC EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES R~ece-9:~4.if:~ ~~?:; DRA Saturday, Oct. 13 714/S57·9243. Ontario Motor Speedway 'Desert RKi... Asoc. Rex Suten __ . .d win $50.714/735-1705. Elsino,e Rcwy .• Elsi....... ~I. Sign 5-7,30. PrK 6:30. rKe 1 PM. Silencers requirecL Free comping. 714/826-23&6. motos... ~n ooen iIIt 7:30~ Experts $10. 100,," PilYback. tnto: EXHIBIT Sept. 16 - Indian Dunes Valencia c.~.,.,::;: ~~~~ e.e-:: pas' ~ Leis' e.orIel. ~i~~=~M: race 7 . CMCMX Irwindale RcwV. •••iI , . C&. Sign ~ 6<30 PM. rK8 7,30. cue ~. 1973 AMA National Events 9-16• .1. ~ 9-30 om-Io, LA IM-'CA .' RR RR 1/2 ..

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