Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P~e39 September 18, 1973 New Federal Safety Standards WASHINGTON, D.C., AUG. 20 Thi Safety Helmet Council of America lauded the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for issuing the fiFSt federal safety' standards for motorcycle helmets. "We welcome the establishment of the federal standards," said Glen F. Sloore, vice president of the Safety Helmet Council, "especially since they come close to what the present state of the art offers." The Council has vigorously advocated establishment of Federal standards which will pre-empt the variety of differing and often conflicting state laws. "Although we haven't had an opportunity to study the regulations in detail, we commend the government for moving Jnto this important area of highway safety and for its consideration of the industry position," Shore continued. He could not foresee any problems for members of the Safety Helmet Council meeting the new standards. There are some minor technical correotions that the Council feels should be made, and the Council is confiden t that these can be worked ou t with NHTSA officials. The Safety Helmet Council represents the manufacturers of approximately 80 percent of all. the helmets made and sold in the U.S. The Federal safety requirement becomes effective March I, 1974. Requirements include standards for minimum shock absorption, chin-strap strength, levels of peripheral vision, and resistance to pointed objects as well as a requirement that a Department of Transportation label appear on every helmet. The Safety Helmet Council has conducted a certification program similar to the proposed DOT labelling since 1967. Every helmet that m'eets or exceeds the' Council's safetY standards bears an individually numbered label. Testing o( helmets is conducted by independent laboratories around the cou n try, and manufacturers must submit to continued random testing of their helme ts which are bough t off dealers'shelves. Shore noted that the helmet manufacturers had been in "a state of suspension" pending the announcement' of the NHTSA standard. "Now tha'tr~, have somethin~ concrete, we can "4~-J ah e ad to me e t the fed'rilP n:quirements," he said. --'l11'(fi#' HAPPIEST HALF CENTURY I TO ''TEXAS'' NT sbo~ Tluq VI "'''1 E t from Jatthis friends CRC at Indian Dunes By The ShadOw VALENCIA, CAL., AUG. 21 "",., Although the turnout was sligl1tlt1 below a "nonnal" Tuesday nJ~t for the California Racing Club, the competition was spiced by the likes of Matt Bilton and Jeff Blix doing their "thing" in the combined 250 Intermediate.Expert class. Bilton, piloting a Maico, romped around the track, zapping Blix, who was riding a Yamaha, and third placer Steve Miller, a Honda pilot. As for the remainder of the "hot" classes, Brad Williams (Hon), rolled to a victory in the combined 125 Intermediate-Expert go-to, while Bob Schwarw (Rev), outclassed the turnout in the combined Open Intermediate-Expert class. An Open Novice victory was captured by Lou Peralta (Hus), while the top 250 Novice competitor was Lonnie Orr, mounted on a Honda. Incidentally, the Tuesday night turnout at 250 Novice marked the return of Mike Hogan to racing after a long "leave of absence", and he turned his Maico into a second place machine. Fourteen turned out at 125 Novice, with the victory going to George Shaffer (DKW). Scott Brown (Car), settled for second place, and a third went to Tom Morris (Pen). \ Finally, the top 1 00 Novic~ rider of the night was Mike Carter (Pen). • (213) 427-7433 8 AIRFLTERS HANDLEBARS K&N ENGINEERING PO Box 1329. Riverside. CA 92501 (714)682·8813 ~* RADICAl RICHARD'S RACING RAP *: is here free info: PrOlreJlive PrOducts. Box 1051. La Mes.. ea 12041 DISPLA Y ADVERTISING' DEADLINE WEDNESDAY AT 5prn FOR HODAKA·BILITY see your local HODAK A dealer Distributed by Tiger Distributing 653 W. Broadway, Glendale, Ca. 91204 ~~~" ~ (, ' sMutfilisLER A complete travel ['alfer deSigned to carry 5 bikes, JOURNE_YMAN TR~ILERS, lOC,24'lh.... l·".V'· .. l'>rtllu". L., <'O/ll: l~l,i: '1.'4 ].18'1 515 N. Victory Blvd. BURBANK, CALIF' (213) 849-~7295 Hand Washable ,~a~ . ~.. .' ~: ~~ Othman uistributing Co. 18227 Ludlow St. Nonh,;dge. Ca, 91324 • Riding • Racing • Street GLOVES Dealer Inquiries Invited 12131363-6230

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