Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Pate 52 September' 11, 1973 Husky - Yamaha Mike Bast 250 Montesa Cota is for s.lle. Brlnd new. only 200 miles. Call Mlke.1 (213) 78~·7049. (36/2x) Old Age Sale 1973 Yamaha 500 - 5 times out, never rllced, SI025.00. Wife's 1969 Yom.h. 125 MX, super, $275.00. 80 Vamaha, gOOd beglnner's bike, $100.00. 14 ft. Fire Ball trailer. roomy. sleeps 6, S475.00. (714) 963·3590. (36) CZ 250 Late 70 Mikunl. ported, down Pipe, new rings, Akronts, plastic tank, Curnutts, X4 H.D. spokes, new tire, Filtron. cables & throttle. Runs strong and reliable, $600 or offer. (114) 545·8371. (36) 1972 BULTACO Pursang. ex. condition. Musl sell, S625. (213) 676·5332. (36) ~rts mail order. same day expert service. Ask for Tim. Matcolm Smlth's K & N MotorCycles, 1689 West La Cadena Drive. Rlverskle. C.llforn~ 92501. (714) 686-8014. (36/TFN) HUSKY, NEWEST YOU'LL FINO. 5 SPd., '72, all trick goodies! Motor, carb., forks & swlngarm work but Malcolm. Exceptionally prepared by little use..!. $1150/offer, must sell. (714) 837·3425. (36/2X) 70 Yamaha 175 MX Filtrons for Truck, Vans, Can Give your bike "transPort.r the same protection you do your bike. send make, model, e"iine size and type along with check or money order for $9.95 to: K.sco. 12990 B ..dford 51.• Unit O. Arleto. CA. 91331. (213) 768·22.>3. (TFN) Will take any reasonable offer. Call for all the 9004les. (213) 368-1860. (36) Excellent condition. Akront rims, electronic iQnition, 5" Curnutts, Buchanan spokes, f!iItron, new Diamond chain, etc. Must see! S850.00. Aller 5,00 p.m. (213) 326-2470. (36) 73 Penton 175cc Mettco pipe, Husky bars fender. fantastic condition, must sell. Af l er 6 p.m. (213) 275·3540. (36) Neato Suzook 125 '71 Suzuki - 3.00x21, 4.00x18, custom Pipe. plastic, mildlY ported, number plates, many extras, super clean, fast, rell'bl., S375.00, ORV. (805) 831·2777. (36) Shop For Sale Due To Illness Harley-OIIIvidson/Yamaha (213) 749-6235. (33/4x) Well established Repair & Accessories "Books Op.n'·. Full price, S5.500. Perris. C.1I1. (714) 657-3481. (36) 360 Husky Harley-Davidson New '72 Baja IOOce, $495.GO. New '73 Baja 10OCc. S545.00. New '72 Sprinl SX, S695.00. in Los Angeles DKW Hornets in stock. Competition Service, Inc. (213) 547-2203. (TFN) Must Sell - Going East '72 Hartey-o.vldson S·X 350 dirt or Bought new In April. $750.00 or best reasonable offer. (213) 337-5209 or 336-5748. (36) 72 Pursang 125 o hours on rebuilt .ngine. New sleev•• piston. rod & rOCS b.arlngs, 5590. Owner In Army. (805) 929·1354. (36) NORTON OUNSTALL 750 C.fe R.cer. 5500 mll.s. like new, 1971. Dual disc brake, clipons. r...sets, a loy rims, everything.. Factory built. maintained regardless. S1495.00. (213) 398-4948. (36) PUCH·ALLSTATE "175" (1957). Nol running! As IS••. only $35. (213) 484-9394. (36) '72 HOOAKA super Rat, like new. never roced. S475. (213) 863·7144. (36) '72, 125 CZ. S475. ELECTRONIC l,nJUon, Mlkunl. Glrlin, shocks. 51dd pllte, plastic tank and F /F, Fittron. tools and spa-re P.rts. . ports matched .nd polished. (213) 786.....57. (36) BING w.nled, 36mm Husky Iy.... (2131 322_99,2". Bill. (36) 1971, 360 Husky. Like new (800 miles), make offer. (213) 222-7544. (36/2xl 1971 Triumph Tiger 4.1.000 mlle~ new cond., $1100/negotiable. (d3) 375-6.>18. (361 '61 VW 40h, 4 pass. cSirt buggy, shortened chassis, '73 lie., 5375. 36h VW. 2 pass. sano buggy, needs work. S175. Both for $500. 2 whee' custom buggy trailer, super sharp, S2·50. (213) 330·2625. (36) FOR SALE - A profit-producing Japanese Cycle Franchise Includes complete Inventory. Located in metropOlitan Southwest city. Grossing 5500,000.00 annually - Terms available. Cycle News. P.O. Box 498-R. Long Beoch. C•. 90801. (36) Free Beer! For those who come to look at my DT2·MX! Bought in Aug. '72. Ported, polished, stuffed crank, enduro piston. new paint, Konis. fiber reeds. much more. Always wei maintained.. Super fast & torQuey. 5725.00. (714) 830-9226. (36) FACTORY TR3 VESCO BARRELS. Pistons & chambers. 'NUl fit on R5's (I know). $1.0.00 or besl. (714) 528-72.1 John. (36) T.... ° Yamaha Parts Man Wanted 1m med late opening at Harley~Davidson Yamaha of Los Angeles. Contact Dick Hulchlns (213) 749-6235. (33/TFN) Trial It, You'll Like It! 1973 Honda TL-125 trlaler. Great conCiition, Rentl\al bars. Quick throttle. lotsa torQue. Only 10 hours on engine. still under warranty, S565. C.II .fter 5,00 p.m. (714) 883·2642. (36) Roadracer For Sale Monotrack TR2 Yamaha, Vesco swlngarm, Krober ign. & tach mag. wheels & dual disc brak.~ GoOCSyear, 'airing, sup.r trick .. fast~ Sl.20u or besl offer. Jim. (7141 638-9713. Brod (714) 530·3654. (36) Super Sano Yarnmie 1970 HUSKY 360 - NU KNOBBY,, Honda seals. short throw shift. concentric float c-arb .. c_n. xlnt. $595.00 or b.1 offer. (714) 54'e. 1213) 790-3263. (36) 71 CZ250 Real sharp: Plas'tic tank, fenders L Akront front, extra tank and rear hUb, $/50. call Don (213) 675-4523. (36) YAMAHA Thermo flow shocks. Trade for plastic motocross tank or $25. (213) 782-2368. (361 71 Honda 350 SL All models in stock phone 805-259-5350 t Home of Flying Mike Brown Allied Cyde. Newhall. Ca. Runs strong - excellent condition. new paint, street legal, $550.00 or trade-In on dunebuggy or old sports car. Ask for Garry (213) 866-9141. (36) 30" ~erris Valley CarDper 1972 Endur0.t very clean. extras, 5625. (213) 790-4361. (3bl 1972 Jawa Speeclway bike. new engine. very cl. .n, (714) 536-5193. (36) 1970 Suzuki 125 M.ny extras. xtnt. con.IUon, 5300.00. (213) 696-5400. (36) TTFIat Tracker Yamaha DT1, perlect condition. lowered frame. 34 R.R. Mikuni. Konls. Borranl, fiberglass tank fender comblnllUon. Plr.Uls. Spares include: CI. ratio trans•• 21" assembly • 1005 more, S500. (213) 399-2549. (36) 72~ Ossa Plonk_ M.A.R. 250 Trials, like new. 240 actual miles. S600 or best offer. Aft.r 5 p.m. (213) 828-0170. (36) Liahtning Strikes A...,II! walCh for the new Hagon-Lilhtnlng .Mlnl Spe.dway eikes - coming soon. Wrlt. for info: "Lightning" Larry Shllw. P.O. Box 41.2. Anah.lm. C.llf. 92803. (36/3xl 71 Ossa Stiletto Ex. cond .• n_ R pipe. skid pl.t. 3 gol. tank. Circl. Industries sprocket P.P.• FUtron. super reliable imlftllcul.t. f..... ~ust see to ""prec:lole. S~75 firm. (2f3) 2,sJli'5440. (36) for S250 , WI' ".11. " In mint condition ; . _ lIl.ou tol"'~", curt.ins .nd lun Cost firm! (213) '72 HONDA 350 CL S550 or t r _ lor VW. (2131" 335-5373. (36\ 71~ Triu..... Trident 0'Densluoe ch.ln. F _ blKk I.cq_. 5 _ .• FUtron. chrom. coU.ctor 1M tr\ir. I"'IMCCO..... $1150 or' off.r. (213' 37""8OS~ (36) Wan18d IIuh8co any condIUO,\. • ('213t 71 O... StiIetIo 25b Setc:lom ridden, excellent condtiion. Quick. Incl. mlllnt.nance manuail, 5450.00. (71") 821-6532. (31;1 New 73, 350 Buh:aco MX~ This bike is onty 4 mo. old. never raeeel anCi wi" be sotd with m.ny .xtras. Priced to sell at S995. cosl S1365 n_. (71.) 639-1168. (36) FOR SALE -1971 Ounec:ycle, McCulloch .ngln. 10 hP. 5350.00. Excell.nt COndition. for sand and snow fun. (714) 541-8916. (36) 73 Yamaha DT2 MX Fantastic condition. must sell. OHV levers--, PIU95. P.P. tool bOX. aluminum bars, 1 ast ana dependable. Just 5625. GI.nda e (213) 244·7678. (36) 1972~ exl..s! (36) Bultaco 350 Engine rebUilt, S350.00. Bultaco front lorks. S70.00. (213) 896-6209. (36/2x) ~ Fast 125 Honda Cases or wreck: 896-4iH9. (36/4x) 73 Bultaco 250 P"ursang MK 5, 7 months old, matched ports, only raced twice, fast, many extras. Moving. must setl! S850 or best olfer. (213) 347-1424. (36) 250. 5 sPeed. flb_,lIIss like new clelln and Quick. $495.00. (714) 595-4101. (361 Dirt rUdy, .xc.....,t condition. 'S308.od. Call .tt.,,& p.m.'(2r~)422-67.3.(36) S350 n_ _ 697·3009. (36) HOOAKA SUPER RAT. V.n Tech I. .ding links with Glrllngs, nickel plated frame, Webco Pipe, 19" Akront, Webco high compression head Dyke piston, Ceriani shOCk~ full lIo.tlng, S299. (213) 573-3/23. (36) , SUdLa.. Cleal! 1 set of brand new stra~gtlt cuts - stili In pOck. . . - only S35.00,(jtr,.. best affer). Also our new diat tndklltir.) with .ltoChments, S1'5.00. (714) 870-851>1;-'(36) The J ebt one - Racers went to Ascot~ Two 125 Yamaha MX trophy winners for sale or trade. Both fresh and ready to win. Pienty of spares to run bikes. (714) 530-3812. (36) Race Speedway! 1972 Jawa Harley-Davidson Class UA" condition, many .xtras. Can to get dela"", .nd your off.r! (213) 893-2045 or (213) 89.·5486. (36) '72 Bultaco 250 Astro Fast, clean, only $700. Call (916) 241-2964. (36) Yamaha 360 Less th.n 300 mi.• like b .. nd new. (213) 830·3516. (36) This Is the best made. Black with white trim, 750cc saddlebags good rUbber. tess than 12,000 miles. S600.00 C.II .fler 6 p.m. (714) 529-0043. (36) Radial 400 Maico 72 Husky 400 Plastic tlnk. Koni shocks. FUtron IUt.r m.ny extr... Sl.050.00. (714) 528-5 i 85. (36) '72 NORTON. COMBAT, 65 H.P. 6.000 miles, disc, absolutely perlect. '73 TR 'UMPH just built. miles, H.C. cams. pistons, nead work - SI.200.00 each. Take Rickman Trl. or 8.S.A. or 40" sled In trade. (213) 363·9130. (36) 73 Ossa Pioneer 250 Guzzi 71, Police-Special SELL: Monte51 Diablo engine. WANTED: Cerlani RR forks, Fontana brake. (714) 626-398'2. (36) '72112 TM 250 SUZUKI. Perf.ct cond., fast & dependable .xtras, 5650.00. '72, 185 SUZUKI. wifels bike, 21" front • •xtra nice. S450.00. 3 gol. pl.stlc gos I.nk, S20.00. (213) 920-2469. (36) , 72,380CZ P.P. f.nders, 1973,250 CZ Ported. 175 barrel on 125 MX low.r end1just rebuilt. Many extras Pettys, Fil ron. extended swingarm, .tc., 5325. (714) 548·2017. (36) CZ 250. mint condition! Many Musl _ . $850.00. (213) 479-5674. Trick Suzuki TM 125 Reed valve, milled head, 28mm Mlkunl, full floating rear brake. Cheng Shin rellr sUencer. chrome moly bars. just rebulltJ. Iighter than sloc:k TM's. A sleal .1 S5~9.00. (213) 726·1024. (36) '68 HOOAKA 100cc, S225.00. NEW '70, 100cc engine Girlin9 shocks, Turner chamb.r & sil.ncer. i 9" front Wheel, many extras, 900d condo (714) 598·1525. (36) super~tuned, 70 Maico 250, $575 FASTEST Honda MX around. Many, many extros, S300/0I1er. (714) 528-9536. (36) Sharp! Excellent mechanical condition. completely rebuilt. New lower en~ new rubber. Akronts, Konis, Mikunl, new pipe, & much more. Must see & ride to appreclatew (213) 634·6553. (36) J. 72=!4, 175 Desert Mon~ 73CZ4s-f iltiJon. .~.:)O;:;'_ 1 !..o 390• • Ir S6OO. '59 EI Comino. '72 ~t. •00 turtle>. 8550. 125 MX. $450. '67 Cod. eoRV•• t r _ lor (213t 283-9866. (36) tr.n... 1972112 PENTON. runs .xc......t. pOtting. new chOin .nd sprocket. Mll

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