Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 40 September 18, 1973 CMC's Week By John Bethea AUG. 29 - SEPT. 2 B"ruce McDougal's incredible winning streak was fmally snapped Sunday at Saddleback Park, both in the 125cc and 250cc CMC Expert ranks. Leading up to it he had won at least one class at each of the previous eight meetings, a record. Wednesday at Ascot, he topped the 125's after a hassle with teammate Chuck Bower; both rode Pentons. Then he jumped to his Yamaha and chased Dave Pessy down to the wire to only take second. It was David's 16th nigbt 250 win, just four shy of his own standard set last year. When Thursday rolled around, Bruce was still riding both classes and won them both. In each was Bower, coming in second. It was the fourth time this season he had won two classes at a single meet. Tim Hart did it 13 times last year. Jeff Vidic (Mai) ended his bid for a repeat Friday night at Irwindale when he won a wild 250 Expert scramble. McDougal, without winning a single moto, took second with a second and two fourths, wbich gives you some idea as to how wide open it was. He was, bowever, able to put a crack in Chuck Bower's 125cc dominance here as he defeated him for the first time in three weeks. Sunday at Saddleback and McDougal's string came tumbling down. In the 125's he was washed up early with bike problems, placing him 21st in a class of 2 I. The huge, 34-rider 250's was another jumbled mess to score and he wound up running a fair eighth, two spots stiy of the pay-off. On their toes to quic kly take the opportunity were Bower in the 125's and Bryar Holcomb (Bul) in the 250's. Chuck won both rounds with Danny LaPorte (Pen) running second each time hoping for the mistake. The 250 had an air of unhappiness for Rex Staten (Mai). He had b·een caught backing his machD:'e away from the starting gate and was disquahf..d for that moto. He rode the race not knowing this and apparently won over Tommy Croft (Mai) and Holcomb. Then he got the word that he hadn't been scored at all, just like a dozen others during the week of CMC's starting line crackdown. Rex, angry, tried desperately to win the final bu t was only able to keep an eye on Holcomb fleeing the pack. For his efforts, Rex still took third place $40, but it was a big dip from Bryar's $170. Staten made amends, in a way, by winning both ends of the 500 Experts. The real battle had been between Husky mates Billy Clements and Jim West in their swapping of second and third. Jim had won the fast hassle and Billy the second; it was the second that acted as the tie-breaker and Clemen ts took home second place cash. . Friday night, Staten made hIS first appearance of the season at Irwindale, studied the course in the fast moto while taking second, then poured it on to win the final two to take the 500 overall win. He was only six th in the jumbled 250. West ran second over Bill Rubly (B&S). The night before, Rubly had topped this class at OCIR, whipping Ascot's winner Joe Scotland (Mail in the process. . Mike Gillman, who the week earher tantilized his Junior class foes with five overall wins, this week was bumped up to the Intermediates and fitted in quickly. So quick, in fact, that in his fast ride he won the 250 at OCIR. Friday at Irwindale, he took second in the 250's and won the 500's. Working hard in the Junior ranks ~~s Bob Quintin (Hon), who won the MIDIS both at OCIR and at Saddleback. Greg Bartock (Hon) seems to be getting strong in the 125's. He won at OCIR and then followed it up with a second at Irwindale. Mike Todd tried hard to beat Doug Grant, but tired af1lIr leading early in the motos. Don't you wish you could take photos like Steve French. Devil wins, but Little.rides again By Mike Anderson Photos by Steve French SANTA MARlA, CAL., SEPT. 2 Doug Grant and Bill K~ese, both Bultaco mounted, cleaned' house at the AME sanctioned motocross held at Spillway· Park Sunday, with Grant winning both the 250 and Open Expert classes and Keese doing the same in the 125's: Grant's victory was pretty convincing in the Open class as he won three of three with his main competition coming from Kawasaki moun ted Allen Griswold,,,~~e. Sherman (the Lil Devtl ) Schneller (CZ) burst into the lead of the first 250 Expert moto and was never headed to the checkered 'w;th superstar Jeff Little, who doctors~lsaid would never ride again, second bn his Goleta sponsored Bill ~eese plows through the Santa Maria sand to a 125 yictory. Yamaha, and Doug Grant third. Grant went on to win the next two motos, Jeff Little right behind him, putting Sherman down to third behind Grant and Little. Bill Keese (Bul) won all three 125 Expert motos d~ite pressure from Mike Wickersham (Suz). Intermediates [Ode with the Juniors, because of the l:""small tumou t, and to win a trophy had /:ire: come ou t in fron t of the Juniors in an three motos. Steve Adulfo (Hon) had -, no problem winning the 250 hhermediates with a score of 4-1-1, over the 250 Junior winners Ed Huon (CZ) and Dan Ford (CZ). By the way our avid photographer Steve French had really been impressed with motocross, so he went out and purchased a tric k Suzuki and all the motocross goodies, and proceeded to take a seventh today in the 250 Junior class, showing potential for a future winner. Dan Sean (Mai) won the Open Juniors and Bob Griswold (Yam) zapped the Open Intermediates. Dan Smith (Pen) almost smoked the 100 Juniors except for James Keply (Yam), who won the second moto and took second overall behind Smith. Finally James Vincent racked up one for Husky by winning the 125 juniors ahead of Fred Austria (Hon). • Results: 100 Junior: 1. Dan Smith (Pen); 2. James Keply (Vam); 3. Gary Bowden (Vam). 125 Junior: 1. James Vincent (HuS); 2. Fred Austria (Han); 3. Chuck Myers (SUZ); 4. RiCk Davis (Vam). 125 58n1o" 1. Bill Keese (Bul); 2. Mike Wickersham (SUZ) •. 250 Junior: 1. Ed Munn (CZ); 2. Dan Ford (CZ); 3. Gary Murphy (Hus); 4. Francis Smith (Husl. 250 'ntermediate: 1. Steve Adulfo (Hon); 2. Mike Anderson (CZ); 3. Le Roy Cushaway (Yam). 250 senior: 1. Doug Grant (Bul); 2. JfJff Liltle (Yam); 3. Sherman SChnener (CZ). Open Junior: 1. ~n SUrs (Mal). Open Intermediate: 1. Bob Griswold (Yam). Open senior: 1. DOU9 Grant (But); 2. AUen Griswold (Kliw); 3. Mike KnOQf (Vam).

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