Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 09 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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September 11, 1973 Page 3 therefore we discourage you from using them. There are quieter (and cheaper) ways of obtaining performance. However, if you persist, we'll cop out and gIVe you the address of Bill Wirges: Box 12228, Vegas, Nevada 89112. You can call him at 702/457-1559. Wirges only. builds accessorie~ for Kawasakls. Hili S-2 silenced exhaust system will cost you about 8140. If you don't get anybody, it's because he's at Bonneville_.Ed. We Need Each Other From Moody to Mini Again true to fonn, Mr. Guy Outland, Youth AMA Manager, completely mIssed we point. Mini-Cycle racing did not start when the Y.A.M.A., ?ecided to wri t~ a rule book and ge t m~olved. OrganIZed racing had be~n gomg on all over the country for approximately five years. There is already established Expert riders wh 0 graduated under point systems and for the AMA to come along five years behind and declare there are no Expert riders in the coun try un til they designate them is asinine. It also is a bit degrading to their system when the riders they have :\mcrit.:a's No.1 Weekly t\lolorcyde Ncwsp~p('r Sharon Clayton; Publisher Tom Culp; General Manager Edna Mewton; Secretary to Publisher Tad Rafferty; Managing Editor Catherine Lampton; Art Director Art Friedman; Editor John D. Ulrich; Calendar & Controversy Howie Fowter; Advertising Manager Wendy Blanton; Advertising Assistant Rheba Smith; Circula tion Manager Cheryl Steinberg; Circulation Assistant Roslaind Plut; Production Assistant Hector Aguilera; Lab Technician Marion Hatashita; Typog,.apher Melvin Phelps; Assistant Typrographer Dave Crowe; Collection Manager Grace Camp; Accounting Manager Twila Wheeler; Accounting Assistant Chris Koibet; Accounting Assistant Squeeky Nesbitt; Services & ~pport Michael Colikas; Services & Support Dav Pauli; Services & Support Jeannie Dunivan; Receptionist National Advertising Director; Tom Culp West: P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, eA 90801. (213) 427-7433; LA 636-8844. Telex No. 673-474. East-Dixie: 4190 First Ave., Tucker. Georgia. (404) 934-7850. Central: 118 West 6th St., Austin, Texas. (512) 47'6·7571. Subscription One year, second class mail, $12.50 2 years. second class mail, $22.50 3 years, second class mail, $30.00 Single copy price, 504 Published weekly except for the first and last week of the calendar year by Cycle Ncws, Inc., Post Office Box 498, Long Beach, California. Second class postage paid at Long Beach, CA. Editorial stories. cartoons, photos. ctc. are welcome. Addressed, sumped enveJoJ)t assu~s return of editorial matter. Reprinting in whole or pari only by pennission of the publishers. AdvulisinB ratcs and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.D.S. Copyright Cycle News. Inc.• 1973. AU rights reKrved. declared to be the only Experts in the country could not get ill the top ten placlngs at the recent National Mini-Cycle Association Nationals. The Y.A.M.A. National race in Alabama (and quoting Mr. Outland, "any o~anization can call it a Nat.ional",) had approximately 82 entries. The N.M_A. (obviously the recognized National) had 552 entries from eighte.en states including Alabama. In the two day event, 83 motos were run off without a problem and even with 12 NMA officials in attendance not one of them were involved in an argumen t or got physically assaul ted. I am led to believe that Mr. Ou t1and has not been this lucky with his AMA venture. I agree with Mr. Outland that ;>eople truly interested in the sport want a set of rules and an organization set-up through out the country. It is a great pIty that the AMA did not look further into the existing Mini-Cycle rules before they tried to write their rule book by copying part of it from the professional race rules and part of it from the NMA rules. What is the point of having a rule book at all if as per Mr. Outland's statement that the AMA constantly changes their rules at the event and without any prior warning by bulletin to the riders? JACK WARD Mission Honda Mission Viejo, Calif. A Figment of Your Imagination Just a note in regard to your astute editorial comment in the guest editorial by Mr. Bob Ham (Aug. 6 Cycle News). You state "As there is no state DOT it would require fonnation of said dept... Ed." How strange it is that this allegedly non-existen t body transferred a sizeable sum of monies from the state gas tax revenue to the off highway fund. Perhaps the Cycle News editorial staff had better inform this organization of their non-existence. JIM STRACHON Culver City, Calif. We did... Ed. African Aid I am leaving September 15 of this year for Africa. I will be there until November first. I'm going on business nothing to do with motorcycle racing. 1 will be in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunsia, and Morocco. I don't think I'll be able to stay away from racing that long. Does anyone know where there are tracks in the fore-named countries? I understand there is speedway in South Africa. Anybody know where? I would appreciate any help anyone can give me. RUSTY SEWELL 96n Box 752 Beaumont, Texas 77704 Speak Softly 1 want to put a set of street, silenced expansion chambers/quiet pipes on a Kawas~ki 350cc S-2. I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me. I have tried my local dealer. BARRY LONG Sparks, Nevada We don't know of a7!:l pipes for the S-2 that add performance without increa~ing the noise level at least a little, As you know, when we opened a year ago we had very' high hopes of making this a first-class facility for cy~lists. While in our planning stage we got much encouragement from cycle clubs and organizations. We were told how much these facilities were needed and how prejudice prevailed against cyclists in many campgrounds. ":'e also found much prejudice agamst motorcyclists in trying for perrruts and obtaining financing. Ou tside financing became impossible until we completed some facilities, opened and established a good "track record". We were confiden t that would happen so all our partners pu t in their own. money and we put in restrooms with tiled showers, water and electricity to all sites and other things as required by the County to open. Unfortunately, our confidence was soon shattered. The clubs and organizations were no longer heard from. F or years cyclists have been accustomed to riding all ov~,. the desert and even though it is now illegal, many continue to ride on anyone's property they please and do not want to pay for the use of land or facilities. This is a very narrow viewpoint, however, because the time is fast approaching when the desert is b~coming too popula~ed and the cyclis ts will not be wlerated. If our park is not successful, no one else is going to attempt the headaches of trying to open oth.e~~. Th.e cyclists will need mahy faclhues . hke ours if he wants to continue his sport The clubs publications and organizations should be encouraging us and many people like us to. remain open to them and to . expand. We would appreciale your publication exposing your readers to our facility and telling your readers ~it~?ut thei:. support, our facility and s,mlhar facllIues cannot surrvive. Thank you. GEORGE LETTS Oak Hill Wheel World Phelan, Calif. He? (Junior?) A,;nouncing a new type of racing machme! One horse power, 50 miles to the b~, four speed transmission, high torque In gear starts, size nine aluminum alloy tires, four inch steel brakes, 1200 pounds fueled, 16 hands high at bars, top speed 23 MPH, primary kick - very painful, price. $550. Oh, by the way, he IS an Appalosa Gelding, the kind you associate with an "I ndian ". He barrel races and jumps, and, with your pennission, I would like to name him Cycle NewsJr. He like bikes. KATHY GETTINGS N ortbridge, Calif. Sure, you can identify him with a stickie... Ed. Crying About Dirt Roads? . ~an:t a desert du~ at least give some mdlcauon of travel time from first lime to the pits or, better yet, go by the rule book (which prohibits the use of lime) and just publish miles from turn to tum etc. They published that the race wa~ limed from Four Comers but forgot to say it was closer to Las Vegas. I'm not gi~en to crying about dirt roads; I don't mmd them. But shouldn't we bave some warning to allow extra travel time when there are 20 miles at 20 MPH? ALMOST TOO LATE Unbeliever . I c~ldn't believe you actually put m to pnn t all th ose awful things abou t the Suzuki. I notice the test rider didn't sign his name. I don't blame him. Sounds like he needs to learn to ride. He's sure got a bad case of it. C.LYLE Jax, Fla. Like all our tests, this test reflected the opinions of all our staff members who it. In !he case oJthe TM-250, four differ~nt nders spent enough time on the bIke to contribute significantly to the test...Ed. Also Available If you have read Lane Campbell's article on "Community", and/or if you are interested in receiving more i n for mat ion abo u t a community /corporation cen tered around motorsports en thusiasts or if you have any ideas concerning a community corporation, write to me at: 8832 Prestwick Way, Santee, CA. 92071. Should you prefer not to write, call me at 714/448-2354 anytime after 5:30 PM on weekdays. Any infonnation and suggestions will be appreciated. BILL RYER San tee, Calif. The Federal Papers I have just finished reading the Au~st 21st issue of Cycle News and, in particular, your article on the EPA hearings in Los Angeles. I thought it was a particularly well written article bu t more than. that, it will be helpful to us m attempung to secure relief from the pr?posed transportation controls. I say thtS because I know EPA officials are watching closely all industry statements and comments. It is my intention to remain in close contact with EPA officials between now and._October 15th, and additionally, to tesufy before the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. They WIll be ~ olding ~versigh t hearings on unplementatlon of the Clear Air Act :md I certainly think the impact on our mdus'ry should be brought to their attenuon. STUART PHIUP ROSS Legal Counsel, MlC Washington, D.C. Poop , Bonneville 5 6 Brave gets beat by a bicycle International MX 8 & 26 2250's and a 500 Ascot Nationals :. , 10 , 11 & 12 Talladega and Terre Haute 16 & 22 18 Opinion Impression Canadian moty-crossers Speedway . . . . . . . . 17 & 22 North and South Local National MX .20 & 38 , .. , ....28 Beat Pete? Not this week. _37 Cartoon Kitty-cross 39 Calendar Dating selVice Results , 33 The guys who did it. Trophee des Nations North 11 20 COVER: The new Can-t\m powerplant with rotary valve, tuned induction and Multilube injection. And it's only 10 inches "(ide. Story on page 18.

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