Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Page 47 August 28,1973 t:';"k:fet:ea~·aIIFe=; Service. & Custom Palntlno. OUler InQuiries welcome. send $2 for 64 page color accessory catalogue. Thrifty Lad Honda selling Honda Exclusively. Huge supply of Honda parts plus accessories for all makes. Expert repair service for all makes &. models. Open 7 days a week. 8 am to 6 pm. 2411 Lincoln Blvd .• Santa ~10~~c:2.i~61.0405. Phone Torrance . Honda of Torrance 18411 Hawthorne BIVCI., Torrance, Ca. 90504. 213·371·7533 or 772-1823. only authoriZed Honda dealer in the Torrance area. Parts and sales open 7 days; service open 6 days. Parts &. accessories are our business. M/C Insurance. Free local pick UP. M/C Honda generators. Largest outdoor display In the area. Bank financing. Upland For a listing here, write Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA. 90801 or call (213) 427-7433 (ad dept.). Each individual listing $100.00 per year (50 issues). A llied Motorcycle AuthoriZed Dealer for Suzuki & Gemini & Keystone Minibikes. 60 E 9th St.. Uoland, Calif. 91786. 714·985-987l. sales, Service, Rarts &. Accessories. Expert oorUng. Good Selection of used bikes, also tons of new & used parb for all makes and models. Mall order available. Hours 9 to 6 weekdays. Sat 9 to 5. I..urence ·'The Motorcycle Insurance Writer" - since 1937. Fire. theft, compo p.O. & B.I., Individual motorcycle Insurance and Dea lar insurance. John Maynard Insurance, 3447 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 836-5211. Leather Apparel Custom racing apparel. Repairs and alterations. Peggy. The Leather Shop. 11102 Atlantic Ave., ~ r3:~~_~4-l9~a.M~~~~~: Leathers. 44:> so. Victory Blvd •• Burbank, Ca. 91502 or Phone 213.a4;j.1255. Oils 8r Additives "Blendzall" and "Excerutl" World'l Finest. Join the Winners! Dealers Inquiries Weteome. BI.ndzali Corp. 1433-37 Flr5t St' Escalon. Calif. 9532 b • Pnone: 209-338-7912. M/C'~ 8r Parts Jim's Cycle ShoP Used parts Hdq. In the West. We buy and self used motorcycle parts, cust. tanks and wheels. Chrome exch. Used M/C"s. Sates &. Repairs. Batteries and tires. 15 years same location. 11155 Atlantic Ave., LynWOOd. NE 2-4298. 8-5. Call for Sat. App't. CU5tom Made Motorcycle App,arel Number changes, a Ite rations and zippers replaced. Clarice Amberg, ABC Custom Leathers, 9a02 S. Atlantic Ave., South Gate, Calif. 90280. Phone: 213.564-7150. Open 8 am to 4:30 pm. Mon. thru Frl. By aPPointment only Saturday. Evening appointments available. Riding APD8rel Handcrafted In U.S.A. Superior Quality riding or competition leathers and jerseys zipper or buckle rkilng belts. Free literature on rlQuest to Bill Walter's Recap Tires Reid's Moto-X~ Recaps Manufacturer and distributor of the motocross and desert recaps. Also, need 900d 400x 18 casing (recapable). Reid Tire Service. 9455 Magnolia Ave., RI\ltlrside, Ca. 92503. 714-689-0043. Distributor inQuiries Invited. Steel Shoe Ken Maely The Original Shoeman - Custom made to order, $35.00. Established 1950. Don't settle for a chup imitation of my product. Rt. 2 Box 758, Corona, Calif. 91720. 714-735-oS40. Weinut Creek Arizona Cross Desert Cycle Accessories 3203 No. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85252. 602·994·9094. A good snop to stop at If your comlnljl In from out of town. Small and fri.nelly. If you live In Arizona stoP In and see us. Authorized Alsport Steen Cealer. Open 6 days a week till Spm. Jay Lineham-Owner. 'California An8heim sales service on Triumph, Yamaha,' Rickman, eSA. Open Bellflower Bellflower M/C ShOp, Inc., 9135 E. Compton Blvd. (2 Blks. E. of Lakewood) aellflower. 925·5093. "We emphasize service, .. Trl.. Yam. Canon Hockles Motorcycles Sales &. Service.. 22025 ~rbor Fwy. Carson St. turnoU. 213·328·1242. Gre•• Yankee, Ossa, HOd •• Bultaco. Also used bikes. Best parts suPply in town. We service what we well. Complete mach. shoP. Exp. tuning &. mach. work. Hours: 10·7. Closed Sun. & Mon. Compton Custom City Sports Center - Sales & Service. Vam .• Mini-bikes T otegotes, m/c trailers. Cust. acces. See us before ~csu7 ~elal, ~~y, Ae~liat~~1~: Compton. 635-8058. Hours: Sun. 11-5, Mon thru Thurs. 9·7, Fri. 9-9, Sot. g-5. Culver City Ted Evans Motorcycle Sales and Service complete line of accessories for Triumph, HusQvarna, VaO)aha, :~~~cJaw~~~~'c~i~~~~i and speees tuning our specl.lty. Open daily from ~u~~ :n:a~08n~0Ii3~~°S: Blvd. EI Monte SUZUki EI Monte Authorized duler for Suzuki .nd BMW. 10735 ~AG:r7e:r3.A2!3.::~9~203nJ~: Sales•• Service. Parts &. Acces. Mall order .vailable. Hours 9 to 6 Mon. - Sat. Fullerton Town and Country Cycle - SUZUki, Puch and Norton. Sales, service. parts and accessories. Open 7 days. 411 South Brookhurst. FUllerton, California 92133. 714-871-2460. Gardena bKW Penton and Marco. 9-9 k·s. 11.S Sunc1ey. 111 E. Whittier ~~v6d46. M20r~~~eJI~:10gt complete Hnes for street and dirt. Hollvwood Monterey Park Ed Kretz & Son CYCle ShoP 417" E. Garvey Ave., Monterey Park. At 0-8244. Trl., Hon., BMW and Suz. ComPlete parts &. service. Expert tuning &. mech. work. Norwalk o lnhnslfled Crowell Cycle Shop Oua, HOdaka, Malco, Moto-Guzzi. Complete parts & service. 10427 tr:II~l.e ptve213~~,I;~~~: Hours: Mon-Frl. 9-6, Sat. 9-4. Whittier Honda at Gardena 15515 S. Western Ave•• Redwood City - ::~rc~ A & A Motors - Parts &. 213·691·0553. Sales, Service, Parts &. Insurance. Honda, BMW. BSA &. Triumph. Parts Dept. open Mon-Fri. 9·9, Sat. 9·5, Sun. 11·5. - La Puente Motorcycle Supply 14824 E. Valley Blvd., La Puente, Ca. 91746. 31h miles east of 605 frwy. Hodaka, Moto Guzzi and Alsport Steen. Sales, Parts, Service. High 4Mtrformance ~~r~~gayallthr;'uakeSat.?,g:~ 9:30 to 213·336-8815. 6:30. Harley Davidson of Lomita - (2 miles west of Harbor F'rwy) between Crenshaw & Western In the South Bay Area. We specialize In late mOdel parts, prompt service and volume ~Ies of new & used Harley·Davldson Motorcycles. Tues.·Sat. ~1~~5tf4~5~gb~at.till 4:30. Long Beech Harley-Davidson of ~:'lh ~~~426~;i~I~~~ dealer for Long Beach lire.. Full I1ne of parts & acces. for both Road &. Comoetitlon riders. Top ~~i~~ :~~v~~:t 6~~~ Tues.•Frl. 8:30 Sat. 8 to 4:30. Hod., ~rUlpYam~lesBUI~ and Nor. Also and mall order ~~:,::e~eld7ri"g~h~&:tu:':'"Pd delivery :46~::4~~?166:~aI:~'no, Selby Motors - 346, EI Camino Real, 94062. 415-369-4112. We sell, service &. stock parts tor Kawasaki} Suzuki, BMW BSA\ Malco, Rickman and Mon esa. Largest stock of tires. accessories. M/C parts :s~hep~~yI~S~eaa~ln~g~~~ deals that we stand behind. OPln Tues. & Thurs to 9. 0 Richmond Lomite to 5:30, Manhlltt8n Beech J.K. Cycle Inn - 12545 ~~ ~a:~g5~v:"i5~~~h5~o5"od5 or 235·7211. "Good Stock of Hard to Get Parts." 4.2 Gal. fiberglass HUSky tanks. We have everything. Even motorcycles that will jump 144 feet.· Home of Super Joe and many other s~per stars. Stockton Coleman's Husqvarna Sales - 1545 E•. Miner Ave. 209-466·5872. Full line of Husky parts and Hallman accessories for the Motocrosser, Six Day and Enduro rider. HI Point Boots. United Parcel service. Sante Ana Roy·s M/C ShOP 12461 Westminster, Santa ~1~:St '~g~~~Pstedco~g~~ ChamDlon Yamaha 708 S.pulveda (Coast Hklhway). 213-379·2468. Safes and parts open 7 days :h':'u"kf::r~a~~ 99 M~~da~ Saturday and Sunday. service dept. open Monday thru ,.Silt. AU mIIjor credit ards accepted. van~=~ktri~~: ~~~: Montebello California KawaHkl Seiling Ka.wasakl·s exclullvely. C.omplete supply of partl and Steve Hut'd, Inc. Kawasaki. Husqvarna, Pete Joseph's House of Yamaha - Yamaha, BSA and BMW sales, service &. parts. Custom painting &. Pacoima Casey's Cycle Repair Trlmph, BSA, Bultaco, Hodaka. Svc. for mod, complete machine shop. Open Tues. thru SIt. 9-6 pm. 10249 San Fernando Rd., Pacoima. Phone 213-899-9519. ~t4.~al9~'2~~onci~ West Los Angeles glre iUcs~oe~~~~P.:'Ullal:~~ motorcycle Insurance. No down payment O.A.C. Open Tues. thru sat. 8:30-6:00. "Where the stars buy their 2 ·wheel cars." 11975 Santa Monica Blvd., 1 mile west of San Diego Fwy. Call 213-477-2017. Bill Krause Sportcycles The M/C department store. 1257 S. La Brea, Inglewood, Calif. 90301. 213-671-0405. Authorized dealer for Honda, Tri, Yamaha and Greeves. Sales, service, Parts & Insurance. Le Bard & UnderwoOCl 321 E. Imperial Hwy., Spaulding Enterprises The friendly store at 2740-B N. Main St., h,as free coffee, all makes sklecars, AT V's, dlrt/stre.t accessories, 3-rall and VW tent trailers, plus answers to your questions. $1 sent to P.O. Box 943 (Oept. CN), Martinez. CA !)4553 gets unique booklet and varied brochures for a fUll year! H y. Jenks, Inc. Authorized dealer for Vamaha, BMW and Hodaka. Lowest prices and largest selection of bikes, parts and accessories In the area. Dally 9·6. 13200 San Antonio Drlv., Norwalk, Calif. 90650. 213-868·9997. (At the Santa Ana Frwy.) La Habra Friday till 9 pm. W.shlngton 213-390-3406. M onark Honaa, BMW, TriumPh Bill Robertson &. Son5, Inc. - The one stop shop for the Beginner or EXDlrt. Dirt or Street, Racer or Rider. Sales, S'ervlce, Parts, Mall Order, Accessories, I nsurance. Near HollYWOOd Freeway. Open six days a week. 6525 Santa Monica Blvd. 213-466·7191. lnalewood Robert M. Law M/C Sales and Service - Sale & Parts at 224 No. Anaheim Blvd. Service at 239 No. An.h"elm BI\ld. (714) 533·1309. We specialize In aft. r Gardena. Ph: 7'70-0603 or 323~314. Also a full line of Kawasaki M/C"s. Parts and Access. We handte M/C Insurance too! Come In or call for futher Info. dUler!' Honda. Triumph. Kawasaki. 714-531..0742. Irv Seawr Motorcycles 2402 N. Main St., santa Ana. 714-542-8691. S8IlU Monica Whittier Harley· Davidson - Full tim. new & used motorcycles. parts & servic. dept. Lots of conversation while we serve you and Free Coffee. 7930 S. Greenleaf. 213-693·9114. Open Mon.-Sat. "Nlxon·s Home Town." Woodland Hills Kolbe Cycle Sales, Inc. 2 locations, 2212'3 Ventura Blvd:J Woodland Hills, and 7:»14 Reseda Blvd., Reseda. 213·348-7865 and 213-34'5-7616. Honda, HOdaka. and Rickman Metlsse. Safes, Parts and service. North American Continent Nor:th American Imports - Mavrlck Shocks, Hodaka Transistorized Ignitions, Akront 'alloy rims &. stainless steel spokes. Free literature upon request. 2325 Caro ~~~~oitcii': ~ox N, Mojave Services Frames Champion Racing Frames - 23684 Clawlter Rd, Hayward Ca. 94545. 4,1:»-782·312. Yamaha, l ~~:a~~dSo~~klf::~~~Crn stock. Trackmaster Raclno Frames - 18548 Parthenia Street, Northrktvet., Canf. 91324. 213·349-90~4. One WH'k delivery after order received. Forking by Frank 945 Pitner Ave., Evanston. III. 60202, 312-475-1003. Fork tLibes and fro,nt SusPension components for any cycle In any leneth. sprints. collan. crownl. trees. DraclS. kickstand'. spring conYenlon kits. Honda extended cables .tc. We make a ouarant'" tube. Fiberglas A_ries The Flbergla... Works 328 Ingalls St •• CN, santa Cruz, Ca. 95060. Phone 404·426-7305. Custom. Competlton 1 Motocross, Aeplacement AMC •.••••• 39, 41 & 42 Action Cycle ...•.•.. WA Action Supply •••••.•• 28 Allied Cycl. • ••••••• WA Allyn's Honda •..•.•••21 Alsport ..••.••••.•••32 AME ••.• _ ••.••••.•. 39 American MX ...•••••23 American Trl-Wh••1 Raclno Assoc.•.•••• 29 AI Anders Buttaco •.•• WA Arnac.o .••••.•.•••••19 Ascot P.rk .••••••••.41 Gary Bang ••••.••.•• WA Bassanl Mfg" ••.•.....32 Bay Ar.a Bultaco •...•17 B.I Ray •....••••.•.•12 Tile Bike Shop ••••••• 32 Bikoni Ltd•..•.....•. 26 ' Blendzall .•.•..•••.••30 Tile Bolt King ....•••. 26 Robert Bosch ....••••35 Buddha Enter••.•••• Aet. Bultaco American •.•..• 8 Burak-Bye Prod•••••.• 26 C & M SpeCialties •...•20 CMC ••.••.•••....•• 23 CRC ••••.•.••. 39 & 41 Cal·Mlnl Pro •••••.• Res. C~n1'. CYCle Center •••. 12 Campus Su.zukl •••.•••20 Carabela Me Corp•..•• 10 Champion Frames .••.. 17 CoUlns & Son •.•••..• 12 Competition Cycle .•••17 Competition Service Inc••••..••••...••16 Cooper Motors ••...••28 Crowell Cycle ••••••• WA Cycle Craft ••.••••••• 28 The Cyc" House ••.••. 31 Cycle News Subscription In10 . . •48 Cycle Parts •••...•... 10 0& R Cyc'•.••••••••30 o &. S M.e. CArriers .•.••8 Dukhorse Kolor •.••.•10 Jim Davis •••.•••••.• 17 ORA ••••••••••.••.• 39 Dirt Bike West .••.•.•.•9 Dirty Olstrlbutors •••••10 Downen·s Cycle Cent.r .12 Endura Vitamin Dlst. • ••8 Ted Evans Me •.•••..•30 Floyd Bu,k MC .••...•30 Gannon Eng. • •••.••••8 Glenda" Vamaha •.• A-. Government Surplus Alllnc'" ••••••.••.31 Guy Louis Me ..•.... WA HAL Lubricants ..•.••30 Hercules Dist••••••••• 10 Hwmosa Cycle Supply ••8 Hooker He.csers ••....27 Jim Hunter Me MC Reoal, •••.••• WA HuskY MX School ••.•••4 HUlQvama Motor Corporation ••.••.••2 I.C.RA•••••••••••.•27 Indlan Dunes •••.•••••42 1 lnellan MC •.•••.•••••17 Int... Trend ••.•••••••27 Irwindale Aacwv. • ••••41 Jacwa' Corp. . ••••••.••1 John·1 Racing Cyc 4 K & N Eng........•••17 Ka, Cye" ••••...•.. WA Klocke' sa... & 5afv. ..22 Knobby Shop Int'l••• Res. Long _ h HoneSa ...... Malibu country Club ••23 Marv Blgman •••••••••31 MtIIOGY Mufn. . . . . . . Res. Mlulon Hills •..•••••. 21 Moreno Villey MC •••.41 MC swap Moot .•••••• 23 Nick Nicholson Motors .30 r Norm AMves Honda ••• 30 No. American Imp.orts .16 Norton VIIU.n Corp. Res. Orange Co. Cycle West WA Othman Dist. • •.•.•.•22 Otto's Cycles .•.••.. Res. PMC Pro,ducts •.•..•.•27 Pacific MX Inc•..•••.•30 Pacific MX Assoc. • •.•• 39 P,ennzoll .•••••••.••••4 Penton West Inc••.••.•31 Precision Cycle •••••• WA Premier Yamaha ••••••27 Progr.ssl..... PrOd•••••. .22 Racer Products .••..•••9 Red Line Frames •••••.•4 Remco Vans ••.•..•• WA Scoot Co•••••.••••.. 12 SCuderla .•••••••••• WA S.lby Motors •.•••••.•20 SmU9ller Tralters •••••27 Speotl Cente, U.sA•••. .4 SRA ••••••.•.•••••. 42 Sta~Lube •••••.•..•..22 Steve·s Bultaco •••••• WA Steve·s CYCle Supply ...22 Stump Jumpers ••••.••39 Superstar Products .••• 10 Suzuki Fun Center ••••27 T & a Yamaha .•.•..•30 Temple City Kawaukl .27 Tlge, Ollt•..••••••••• 30 Town & Cntry. Cycle • WA Track & Trail \Riden Assoc. .•••••41 Trl/S'uz Pomona .•••••27 Trophy CYCle ••.•••••20 v.tartan's •••••••.•••26 V.nolla Forged RaclnSl Pistons .•.••.•••.••9 Bill Walters Leathers •.•12 Webco Inc. . .•..•.•.•20 Ww.rt~nRerSportcyc~.32 Wheel ClinIC ••••••••• 32 Wheelsmlth Eng•••••.. 29 Whittier Honda •••.•••23 Work Shoe Unlimited ••19 Yamaha of Corona .•••• 9 Vamaha of El Monte •. WA Yamaha of Fontana .••29