Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o .... i CRCMX Everybody's Doin' .1 11. M .... a> en . c .., ~ w Z W ...J U > U BaymareMX by Art Cox SOMIS, CAL., Dec. la, 1972 Motorsport has acquired a three year lease on Baymare Park. This will assure racing every Sunday from now on with the exception of this Christmas weekend. With no prior advertising indicating a motocross today, turnout was light as the riders that came to Baymare did so only by receiving a mid·week notice by mail. Three lengthy motos were run for 50% trophies. The 100 and 125 classes were combined but scored separately. As usual, Charlie Angel won the fust place mantlepiece with his fast 125 Pen ton. Angel "grand-slammed" his event but not without a few front place changes with Paul Allum, another Penton-mounted rider. Allum gathered second overall. Dale Wilds, looking like a champ on his Rickman won the 125 Beginner class by edging out Rick Erwin (Pen) who took second overall. Bill Bledsoe of Ventura piloted his CZ consistently all day to win the 250 Novice class. Bledsoe would have had a rougher lime taking home the large trophy if Rich Leonard (CZ) hadn't taken a nasty spill during the first moto. Leonard is super fast. It was no big job for him to move up from eil(hth to Grst (as he did in the last moto) to earn enough points for third overall. Dennis Treanor (CZ) barely edged out Leonard for the second spot. Speaking of CZ, this writer has seen this machine consistently taking the top spots at Baymare all year. Today was no exceptiol) as the rust four places in the 250 Novice class went to Ceske Zavodny jockeys. Rick Cox (no relation) was lucky enough to get his hands on a '73 Yamaha 250 MX. Cox easily won the Beginners class with 1100 points. Tom Hainley with his Hueneme Cycles big bore CZ won the Open Novice class with 1100 points. The dosest rider point wise was Suzuki-man Mike Dale (750) of Ventura. Jim Data (Hus) was third with 5 07. One of the closest races of the day was the Open Beginner class. Winning first th rough third overall with a few close fought bat:tles for the lead in every moto were Hans Foell (Yam), Bob Arellano (Suz) and Curtis Leking (CZ). Don Hicks, one of Baymare's top riders wHh his super sanitary snow-white CZ, grabbed a beautiful first Open In termediate trophy. place (Baymare tTophies are "out of sight"). Word is out that next weekend a fonner classmate of Hicks from Reno, (a top Nevada CZ rider) Mike Hamel is coming to Baymare to challenl(e him! MALCOLM SMITH LEATHERS AND MOTOCROSS JERSEYS MALCOLM SMITH RACING PRODUCTS 1689 La Cadena Riverside, California 92501 Ph: 714-686-8014 DEALERS WANTED The best leathers available. Made in USA from medium thickness, 1st quality Canadian leather. Padded hips and knees, one front pocket, nylon lined. AI seams double stitched In nylon. o la mond wedge reinforced crotch. Guaranteed. . Black w/red,white & blue stripes $69.96 Tan wired. white Ind blue stripes. 69.95 Royal blue w/dual yellow stripes. 72.45 Red w/dual white stripes 72.45 Tan rough-out w/dual black stripes 72.45 • Sizes: 28-42 in even sizes; other sizes on special order. Childs Sizes: 20-26 in even sizes only 56.95 VENTED JERSEYS Made from durable NYlon, featuring padded shoulders and elbows with knitted cuffs. Will not rip or shrink. Very comfortable. to be used in warm weather. . Sizes: 5 M L ExL ChHds Sizes: M L (Gold Yamaha Only) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '11.95 $ Plain Blue w/white trim; Plain Red w/white trim; Plain Gold w/black trim; Plain Orange w/black trim; Plain white wired trim. Honda: Silver body w/white trim Yamaha: Red body w/white trim Yamaha: Royal Blue body w/white trim Yamaha: Gold Body w/black trim Yamaha: White body wired trim Husqvarna: Royal Blue w/white trim Husqvarna: Red w/white trim Husqvarna: Gold w/white trim Husqvarna: WhitE' wired trim Maico: red body w/gold sleeves and black trim. OSSA: Green w/white trim Suzuki: Gold body w/orange sleeves and black trim Penton: Green w/white trim CZ: Royal Blue w/white trim Monark: Blue body w/black shoulders. Gold sleeves w/black trim ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Same Jerseys as above, except with 2 white $12.95 and 1 red stripe on sleeve Husqvarna: Royal Blue w/white trim Yamaha: Royal Blue w/white trim ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Solid knit Jerseys, same as vented except for $12 95 • colder weather riding. Yamaha: Royal Blue w/white trim Yamaha: Red w/white trim Husqvarna: Royal Blue w/white trim Husqvarna: Red w/white trim Fast Service. Postage: Add $.75 for ea. jersey and $1.00 for ea. pair leathers. California residents add 5%. Complete Catalog of our racing products $1.00. DEALERS WANTED AMC MX at Saddleback by "The Shadow" DEVORE, CAL., Dec. 10, 1972 - It you were offered the choice of sitting in front of the warm fireplace, sipping some uChristmas Cheer", or tTaveling to Arroyo Cycle Park to compete in sub· freezing weather and snow, what would you do? Apparently there were more crazy folks than "The Shadow" Sunday, as 165 of the "Wild Bunch" showed up to compete in California Racing Club-sponsored mo tocross. . Most of them stuck it out to the bitter (cold) end Jate in the afternoon, despite snow .flurries and snow shpwers which occurred on and off all day - and the fact the sun never did shine and temperatures stayed weB below freeZing. One has to take off his hat to the Old timers' Club, all 20 of them who showed up Sunday. Those guys will race anywhere and anytime. Briefly. W. E. Bird (Yam), took the Oldtimers Club Novice race, with John Stewart (Bul), second, and Larry Escamilla (CZ), third. In the Oldtimers Club Amateur event, Don Withers (Hus), was the winner, with H. Scoderis (CZ), second. Joe Rose (CZ), took the Old limers Club Senior race, with Dana Wilson (CZ), second, and Boo Montensen (Mai), third. Those gold by Scott Heidbrink IRVINE, CAL., Dec. 16,1972 - Today was another of AMC's great mo tocrosses, which w·as surprising due to the overabundant amounts of rain that have fallen on his fine park, making races more difficult than enjoyable, even impossible at time. Now that the weather has cleared up some, AMC has had a chance to reschedule their rained ou t races, and the Team MX that was to be today, is now to be on January 6, the AJI Junior Trans·AM is now to be held on the 14th of January, and the banquet for the Smuggler Series has been postponed until January 12. You can prepare your machines over this long three week vacation for the Team MX, which should be a great test of man and macrnnpl . The racing was really fast today In all classes. With the 100 Novices providing their usual battle, the hot action was goats are something to watch! The Brothers Renshaw were present Sunday, all three of them, and two hauled home trophies. Brian pushed hIs Penton to a first place in the 125 Novice class, with a third place in the 100 Beginners, under 16 class going to Gary. George raced in the Minibike class, taking a fourth place, two notches short of a trophy. Which brings us to the Minibike race. There was liule doubt .about it, Sunday featured a battle of the pint-sized hotshocs, with the likes of Jeff Hewitt (lIon), on hand to do battle with Brad Roberts (Hon), and Dana Warne. Personally, I get a big boot out of watching the kids fight it out on the minibikes. Besides, it's abou t the only class where you can get right next to 'em while taking pictures and not risk ins tan t death. Anyway, to make a long story short, Hewitt. much to the dismay of Roberts, placed first, cold weather and all. Young Roberts settled for a second place in the hotly con tested class, wi th Wame grabbing a third. If you follow these writings at all, you know Jeff has a brigl:a-eyed brother Jon. . .. Jon is one hell of a great mmlblker, but he also is pushing teenagerhood. Now what young man nearing 13 wants to ride a minibike much? So Jon talked Father Hewitt into a magnificent new Yamaha 100, which he unveiled at Arroyo Sunday. Well, the bike is a biggie, and Jon has a little growing to do yet, but we'll put our money- on the spunky youngster's head . Retracing our steps just a bit, 'Momma Warne (Alice, that is) was also present Sunday and ready to race as a Powder Puff. When there weren't enough women on hand, she mentioned something about racing with the men. Then it started to snow and Momma disappeared, leaving only Dana to face the cold. That just goes to prQve us men are tougher, huh, Dana? "The Shadow" also enjoyed the 125 Novice, under 16 race, where Cliff Lett (Pen) romped to victory over Kelly Callaway (Yam), who placed second, and Mike Ricker (Pen), who placed third. Other boss rides: Kirk Long (CZl' first Open Novice; Gary Poppett Suz, first 250 Novice; Patrick Hubbs , first 100 Novice; Gary Phillips (Hus, first Open Beginners; Mo.nty Blurton (Yam), first 250 Beginners; Lyle Shroyer (Yam), first 250 Beginners, under 16; Ron Sherman (Yam), fmt 125 Beginners: Marc Jones (Yam)_, first 125 Beginners, under 16; Fred Willis (Hod), first 100 Beginners; and John moot (Kaw), first 100 Beginners, under 16. We'JI c10sp with a little knowledge provided courtesy of cott Breithayst, who piloted his Yamaha lO a third place finish in the 125 Beginners, under 16 class. Scoli advises "Breithayst" means "Bi Head" in German. ~Suz between Don Carlson's red, white and blue Kawasaki, and big Randy chloe, on his brigh t red Bul. These two always go head to head whenever they get on the track together. The two of them went wheel to wheel in the first bout with Carlson's Kaw coming out ahead. The second go-around appeared that it would be just as thrilling, until Randy over-cooked it coming into the mud hole leaving him with a very fussy 'taco, which made Randy lose two laps. So Don smoked everybody easily. By the time moto three rolled around, Randy mounted his Bul and flew. But due to his poor second mo to showing, Randy had to settle for second overaJl, with Don taking the win. Back in third was steady·riding Chris Provost on his rickity Rickman. The 125 Junior was another battle royal between the same players, but each week it seems to be closer, and faster. 1 believe that if most of these riders competed in other events, they would be moved up very quickly through the ranks. Most of these 125 hot shots can pilot their machines around the track as fast as the bigger rockets. The baltle today was between Alfredo Rodil on a Pook, Bob Williams on a Soozoki, and a Yamahammer of Don Wickham. These three daredevils ride so close, you'd think that they were a song aod dance team on wheels. Alfredo came out ahead by winning two mo tos and following home Bob in the other. Bob, as a matter of fact, grabbed the second place brass, by placing second in his other races. The 250 Beginner, first division, was a battle of Suzukis, with a little Bul throwr: in the middle. Rick Fifield took the overall win, by dominating all three motos. In secood overall, was the BuJ of George Darrow, with Bob Lowe's Suzy third. The 250 Junior was the usual battle, with the same top names in different places. Doug Benjamin streaked out in the first moto, with the Maicos of Bill Conroy and Jon "Maico" Miller hot on his wheels. Starting from the back of the pack was the recent transfer Manual Frimbres on his front fender·less Bul, he was out-jumping, out-sliding, and in out-powering all the general competition. From his last place start, he had worked up to the top five by the end of the moto, and was he muddy. The second moto saw Manuel smoking in the middle of the pack, until he unloaded coming down the downhill, putting him out for the day. Winning the second go 'round was Conroy, with Miller and Benjamin closing in behind Bill. The third moto was the big decider, with Conroy getting a clean start, making it very easy to puB into the lead, and hold it for the overall win. Benjamin pulled his Chey-Zed into second for the last mot, and collected the second place trophy in doing so with "Maico" MiUer in third. The Open Juniors and Intermediates ran together, but it sure was hard to tell them apart when they are out doing the thing. It was a fight between four-stroke and [wO, with the big BSA of Frank McNahb giving all the ring-ding freaks a hard time. In the Junior end, McNabb won the last two motos, but had to succumb to the lighter CZ of Mike Reber in the first. In the last bout, the two were tied for points, but Frank really wanted the win, giving Mike trouble and no room for his CZ to pass. Thus Mike took second, and Frank as well-deserved win. Carl Gazafy took his big radial Maico to the Intermediate win over last race winner, Kirk Willis (Hu~. )

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