Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lJ') ;;: w Z W ..J U >U Janene Tunin (nee Pennington) gets slapped on the wrist by teacher Robert. Geboers should try that trick the next time Roben tries to pass him on the inside. After another short break it was out to lbe sandwash for a lesson in riding the whoop-de-<.loos. For this type of riding. Roben stressed lbe importance of staying well back on lbe seat, keeping arms as straight as possible. gripping lbe tank wilb lbe knees hard as if jumping a horse. and giving it some extra throttle each time the front wheel crests a hill. When lbe girls bad mastered lbeir whoop-de-doo techniques. Roben answered some questions about specific problems lbe r,iders bad. Cherry Stockton was concerned about bandling downhills and asked for advice. Robert suggested using bolb front and rear brakes Iigh t1y off and on to control speed. If there is a tum at the bottom of t6e downh ill. he recommended not worrying about it until you get there and riding it as a separate part of lbe course. In setting up a motorcycle for racing, Robert advised to gear it so that you can use second on lbe start. and your IUghest gear on the straigh taway. When th,' girls asked about how to take a jump, he pointed out that a rider should stav low and aim for distance, not heigh t. _ Tired but well-educated, lbe class rode back to their original meeting place. where they presented Robert wilb a trophy donated by Indian Dunes in appreciation for hosting the MX schooL Not to be outdone, Robert reciprocated by bolding a duwing [or ~e Suzuki Team racing jersey be had worn that day. Karen Traw was lbe lucky winner of a sweaty souvenir from her day of learning motocross from joel HART WARPATH~ ON by john Grout VALENCIA, CAL., Dec. 10. 1972 - If enthusiasts to motorcycle racing events were to vote and award a Heisman-type trophy to an outstanding competitor of two-wheelers; 1972's most-probable recipient was present during today·s A.C.E.-promoted motocross.program at (ndian Dunes Park near Saugus. Tim Hart, a veritable typboon from Torrance, would have won th~ hall-oI-fame brass in a complete landslide. The remainder of lbe can lestants, as good as th~y were, W~R: similar to olive garnerings in gin martinis: whoUy necessary. lbough not possessing the Tmal bite of the principle ingredienL Hart came within one race of sweeping all th ree Professional divisions with straigh t grand slam victories. With repeated and light snow flurries lending credence to that which spectators suspected they felt - icy winds - the assemblage sat and stood and twitched frost-nipped toes as 109 of the better Pro motocross racers in the nation brough t total rider participation to over the 300 mark. Hart's single loss during six molos, each of 20-nrinute time duration. was banded to him in the initial heat event ,for 250 machinery - a wild snoner of a meke that featured 49 of this country's best 'cross "cogs". - ~. I { , ' ';, ',J'J'i .. 1 "~1 Roben. Many of the girls expressed the hope that Roben would remove his lealbers and auction lbose off too. but joel chose to ignore the suggestion. Olberwise. the day was a complete success. jeanne AUen ended up wilb $125 in tuition fees wlUch were donated to M .O.R.E. AU lbe girls wbo participated seemed to feel lbey had pi.cked up an abundance of lielpfuJ information about lbeir riding. Even Robert seemed to bave a good time and expressed his increased admiration for tbe American ladies who race motorcycles. A few days later, I checked with a few of the girls who participated in lbe class to see if they felt lbe class had noticeabJy improved lbeir riding styles once they were out from under lbe watchful eye of RoberL Sin ce Robe r thad specificalJy mentioned how impressed be was by ancy Payne's improvement during the class, J asked her how mucb she felt lbe instruction had helped hC! riding. j ancy was quite enthusiastic about lbe tecbniqu~ sbe had learned, and felt that she is cornering much faster lban before. Besides the mechanical aspect of wbat she learned. she felt lbat the class taugh t hcr to u her bead more when racing and gave her some added self-<:onfKlence. Trudy -Stubbs also mentioned lbat she had picked up speed in lbe turns and that she felt more confident in her own riding. Sbe pointed out that many of lbe girls had shown tremendous improvement in lbeir riding throughout the day. ext time you're out practicing and a girl zips by you in a comer. don't be foo shocked. After a1J. she rna have learned to ride from joel Robert. .. The Champion of the World. How does he do it? ROBERTSON Though Hart had originally zipped into a lengthy. first-lap lead, and was displaying all attributes of being a lead-pipe cinch. the Maico rider was to experience mechanical woes (his only of the entire day) that relegated bim to an "also_ran position b~hind th~ ~ventual overall class victor, CZ-riding Greg Robertson. . mong riders finishing closest to Robenson at the end of the first moto were: jim Pomeroy (BuI). Rex Staten (CZ). Tom Rapp (BuI). Larry Watkins (Bul) and Kenny Zabrt. also astride a Bultaco. . (n second-moto action for lbe 250·s. Han and 15-year-oJd Mall Bilton (Mai) engaged in a wild and sliding battIe for the front-running spot. Both riders held lbe lead at three different times during the first lap. before young Bilton tossed a chain as lhe machinery roared onto lbe main tTack from the sand flats. Robertson, by virtue of a 1·3 tally grabbed lbe largest share oI 250 division moncy. Runners-up included Rapp. Hart, Staten and Pomeroy. Witb complete. long-yardage domination, Hart unleashed his high-flying style ·to capture all four of lbe motos for 125 and Open bikes. In 125 warfare, Hart. who was racing a Penton, turned back riders such as: Zahrt (BuI). Eddie Cole (Yam/Pen).jeff . .~.,' ....:" FAST STANDS H First turn action is always tight and rapid on Photos. Vidic (Pen) and Jim Hale (Pen). While his Open victory came against. among olbers. Staten, Rapp. Mike Runyard. Rich ThorwaJdson and jim O·Neal. junior winners included: Mike Brown (100); Russ McAfee and Everett Angle (125); john Pfeiffer and Lou Massello (250); and jerry Beaman. who was the Open victor. .•. ~ ....... ~... ~.• c..:_.....:i f' : .. I'.... • \:.,. ""' _ ..... oJ." _ ':;- .

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