Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ALL NEWI ALL WEATHERI It's Great to Be in Central USA o~~" 2 Stroke- RACING CASTOR Blends perfectly with reqular gas, aviation gas or , alcohol and stays blended in ex· treme cold or ex- treme heat. AI· fords maximum lubrication with blend of 32-40 to I ratio. No port clogging or plug problems. Reduces wear to barest minimum. Keeps rings free. Carbon residue % by weight 0.002. Ash residue % by weight 0.004. Pour Point ·45°. CLEAN ACCELERATION WITHOUT SMOKE, CONTAINS NO SYNTHETICS (Imitations) LOOK FOR THE CHECKERED CAN "Blendzall" Corp. 1433-37 First St. E~n,Catif.95320 If n~s COOD iNOUCn fOR JOil, BUGS, J.N., SYlVAIN AND -_DiCOSliR ... maybe you should try it! by Richard Creed LOCKHART, TEX., Nov. 26, 1972 Maico mover, Danny Weir swept in like a high plains Northern and took first overall Open Expert with ease. The rest of the field staged a distant contest for second which was won by Richard Bigley with Scott Elliott third. Steve Stackable avenged the previous week's deJ;eat at the hand of Gary Bigley by completely dominating the 250 Expert race. Stackable was never chalknged and kept the dial on loud all the way for the win. Phil Green filled out the win, place, and show card. Stackable and Weir captured their classes, but no one seemed to be able to play the winning tune in the 125 Expert. Pen ton pilots Mike Kasson and Joe Witter were a constant hammer and tongs duo with Bultaco jockey, Mark Roberts, waiting, hoping that the leaders would do a number on each other. Such was not to be, however, and Kasson, Witter, Roberts was the finishing order. In the other races, De Witt Knox topped Bill Dee by one point to win the 175 class. Henry Hagemeier was a shoo-in for 100 class win. Kelly Sockwell took the 125 Novice, Mike Dunn was the 250 Novice winner, and Sam Planta of San Marcos took the overall checker in the Open Novice class.' "'" ~, I Rockne Enduro _ ROCKNE, TEX., Dec. 3, 1972 - I thought I'd write you about a thing called an Enduro I was at last Sunday in Rockne. Mother and Cindy Lou and me was on our way to first Sunday meetin' over at Red Rock. We was comin' in to Rockne and I mean to tell you I ain't never seen such a fuss. Hooo Boy! It was worse'n a chicken coop in a hail storm, people was runnin' aroun' everywhere with helmets and them funny looking motorcycles. Well, Mother got flustered cause she was afeared they was hooligans. I must say they was strange lookin' folk, but there was cute little kids and some peachy ladies too. . Anyhow, Mother and Cindy Lou went on to Red Rock, and I wen't into Leon's store to find out what all the commotion was about. Leon said this enduro thing is kinda like a rabbit chase on motorcycles and that all kinds of folks is doing it, young guys, old timers, women and kids to. We been gettin' a lot of rain lately, and it was kinda messy, but Leon said 425 of them folks showed up at· moroin' milk time to run off, seven or eight at a time, through about 88 miles of cow pasture, creek beds, and even the streets of Rockne. They have this enduro twice a year, and it gets bigger all the time you could just barely get aroun' t o w n . ' , Them enduro riders that's what they call th~mselves, started coming back in long about noon and commenced to wolfin' down a big spread 0' Bar-B-Q chicken that was set up in front of Leon's place. It was jist like a Sunday meetin'. I go~ ta taJ~in' to some of the folk there abouts and, ya' know, Bert, they is j,{st good 01 boys hke us, who have ta get out and work up a sweat jist to have fun. !here was quite a few families and they all seemed to be havin a good time. All a whIch put me to thinkin' Bert. If the alfalfa crop hold~ and the frost gets the weevils outa my CO!to~;.come next spring I think I'm a gonna fit some of them motorcycles fer the family Instead of that color TV. That'll be jist in time for the next Rockne Enduro. Take care and good fishin. Bert bud~y. Your friend, Hank Caldwell ,, . III·TECH RACING FORK Oil :w,ON: ~EEi' OUT OF REACH OF , __ 'fi NET CONTENTS 1e OZ LUBRI-TECH PRODUCTS. Inc. 7106 Barry Avenue K?Semont, 11~~O.5.60.oj.8 . M i ... M .... '" en . c: .., ~ w Z W ...J U >U

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