Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SRA Enduro: Christmas Fun for' Everyone. Righi, Sanla? , - M N " '" " "M r- Ol Ol' e: --, " Vl ~ W Z W ...J U >U ~, *0. ~~""- .';1 The young rider seems appropriately concerned that his new mount won't make it both loops. Rigid frames are not the hot enduro set·up. by Larry Langley CALIFORNIA CITY, CAL., Dec. 17, 1972 - SRA's annual Chris~mas Fun Enduro was in my opinion the best enduro they have thrown' yet. It sLarled off slow and easy as per usual SRA policy. The speeds got down to 12 MPH which allowed time to enjoy the greaL sce'nery which the area" is known for. The only p.roblem on the whole enduro occurred when we hit a speed change . which was marked at 10 miles but everyone had only 9.2 or so on Lheir speedometers. A four wheel drive had gone out just before dark Saturday and put the sign ·in lbe wrong place. Afteradjusting our speedometers we then hit the first check 10 minutes I"Le and couldn't figure out why. SRA had a coffee truck there but since most dders came in late due to the sign foulup they didn't get much time to enjoy hot coffee or chocolate. SRA report> they will probably throw out the check afLer checking the time card•. About halfway through the first loop the speed changed to 24 miles an hour and it was obvious we were on an old hare scrambJes course~ as it was milt: afLer miLe of wboop-de-doos. At 24 miles per hour it was ride as fast as you could. It didn't Lake long to find out if you were in shape or not. Finally we hit the pits and took a welcome break to resL our sore b.ods and gas up. . We lined up for the second loop and groaned as the sign said again 24 mph. I though t this was a family enduro 1 said to myself. It was a fast second loop but iL was really great. SRA ran us up a narrow twisty slippery mining road which was out of sighL. It was fun trying to keep up on schedule instead of slowing down to stay on schedule. SRA even had a separate way to go for powderpuffers, mini-cycles, and C . .. Most Powerful . .. MAleC . .. West of Mrssisslppi COOPER MOTORS 110 E. Santa Anita Ave. Burbank, Ca. 91502 riders. -when it got pretly rough. That's a good idea and [ heartily endorse it. I though t the enduro was harder and faster than anything SRA had pUL 011 in Lhe past_and when I asked them if they did it on purpose they said tOO many people had zeroed the last enduro and they wanted to loosen things up a little. While fasL. the course was entirely rideable, as long as you didn't go over your head. After finishing SRA directed us over to signup where' some eggnog was waiting. If you qualified (21 or over) you also goL some brandy spiked in it. J would like to thank Jenny and'Virginia for the best egg nog I have ever had. The riders really appreciated it. S RA had a dra\ving for all kids and moms and gave away two bicycles, a tricycle. and assorted other gifts. Each kid presenL also received a sack of candy from Santa hintseH. The only criticism I. can offer is LhaL the SRA only had four checks wiLh two of them at the pits at the end of each loop. That only leaves two truly secret checks on the course. One or two more would 100sel1' up the .scoring even further. The next S RA enduro will be the Calico Ghost run in February. There have been rumors that SRA would not be allowed to run Calico this year but it's scheduled, so pl~n on being there, 1 am. 1 would like to thank the BLM ranger present for hauHng in an injured rider in his tTuck. He went out of his way to help. Just because we are getting ripped off from his superiors in Sacramento doesn't lnean the rangers themselves are an ti-motorcycle. One last note: I noticed the ribbon from the CEA Last Chance Enduro was still up it was in the same area as the SRA enduro which could have caused confusion. 1t's been over two weeks since the run and there is no excuse for not stTipping it. Results in about two weeks. and MONARCH, PLASTIC FENDERS co ...

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