Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MOTOCROSS Bay Mare Raceway Calif. SPILLWAV PARK MOTOCROSS santa Marla. Calif. Somi~ Noy. 5,1972 Nov. =>. 1972 by Art Cox 100 BEG Joe Hawtorr Tony Jordan Gary Swelfel 100 NOV Jeff Denes Jim Goldberg Randy Porter 125 BEG John Allum Bud Harrold Skeeter Marks 125 NOV Tim Jones Larry Robertson Steve Eisbree 250 BEG Bruce Hoover Jon Maeda Brad Anderson 250 NOV Ken Greene Bob Ridgway Dave Smith OPEN BEG Doug Dewitte Jim Data Terry Zortman OPEN NOV Tom Hainley Richard Mills Noel Woodard 1251NT Carl Wilson 125 EXPERIENCEO Jeff Vldic Ray Byers Tom Grant 250lNT Ken James Mike Puckless Bob McClengham 250 EXPERIENCED Tom Claire Chris Mogenson John Hateley OPEN INT Don Hicks Bob Fortier Scott Pelkey OPEN EXPERIENCED __ Rich Brown Mike Todd Bob Archer Pen vv am am B I u H~ vzam un H us Suz Pen CMC MOTOCROSS Ascot Park Gardena Call f.· Nov. 8, i 972 by Buzz Baty /Creative I mages 100 JR Robert Aslund Suz Richard Lamls Kaw Wess Anderson Hon 125 JR Mon ~I\~~ ~g~eaz Vam Bul ~~~ ~a~BJamer Yam ~e~? ~~~~ Suz Mark Marinez CZ 125 EX Tim Hart g~ Mark Tyer Yam Vam Ric Bul Pen Pen Bul ~~o .h~lnde Suz ~i~L~~isty Hus Dave Foltz Mal CZ CZ Suz Mnk Vam Oss CZ 250lNT Ellsworth Freeman Mal CZ Yam bia~eHp~~sy Mai Os, ~~~·t~~f~e"o 250 EX Pen ~~tf~ Mosier Hod Brian 0 'Ryan Yam H. Marquis CZ E~ CZ Mal TI'l cz CZ CX Gre Mal Mal SCRAMBLES Fremont Raceway 6~~':"f9ti~~~f. by Bill Spencer 100 NOV Fred Falsersack Mark Murray Ed Stegall 100 JR Mike Kunsman Ed Clark 125 NOV Randy Pacheco Ben Borelli Rod Simas 125 JR Larry Forige Bob Casey 125 EX Mark Smith Skip Aksland 175 NOV Lynn George Brad Madden Jon Smith 200 NOV Rick Sliva Fred Willis 200 JR Eric Johnston Doug Hufnagel 250 NOV steve Romano Dennis Rude Joe DiVecchio 250 JR Jeff Pacheco Joh n Solimine Jeff Hall 250 EX Alex Jorgensen Rick Hocking Mike Allen 350 NOV Mike Sexton Pat Stripp 350 JR John Tavis Grleg Fambrlni 350 EX John Gennal Dennis Spence '500 NOV Wayne Morrell Steve Kennedy Bob Toranl 500 JR Steve Burgess Mike Vestal Dave Souza 500 EX Oel Smith Bill Caicura Carl Rodrick 650 EX Steve Young Bill Budde Duane spence by Mike Anderson POWDER PUFF Sue Bowen Hod Hod Hon Hod Kaw Varr Pcn Pen Bul Bul Ric Vam Hon Bul Bul Bul Bul Bul Mal Yam Vam ~g8 ~e;ton Chris Allen Ray Badham ~8~EB~Yant Tim Hart Billy Payne Dave Pessy Mai CZ Yam Vam Suz Mal CZ 100 JR Greg Stewart Kaw Hon Mon Bul Bul Hon Hon Bul' Bul Mal Hus Vam Hu, Vam Mal BSA BSA Mal Trl Trl Trl Continued from P. 3 ~y the hills and the mud and the speed. of the leaders. At the finish, it was Lamppu, Staten (Who just couldn't seem to keep any ground on the crypto-Finn.) and Gary Semics (Hus) came out of the top of the pack for a third: This was his sixth FrransAMA and the best finish for the Ohio youngster. The 250's ran only two motos and in the second one it was DeWayne Jones (V am \ off the line followed by Lamppu and Staten (CZ). Jones got into trouble and the Kawasaki and CZ moved on.by_ Lamppu built up his big lead; Staten built up his big lead, and that's the way it stayed for most of the moto. The real action was the fight for third being waged between Sonny DeFeo, (GZ) and Semics. They were going bananas, and very fast, too. Rich Eierstedt (Mai) 'oined the fray with a repaired throttle cable from Moto One and all three were charging around in a little bunch. Kaw Suz Suz Steve Stewart 125 JR Mike Barnett Dale Hansen Randy Swalenburg 1251NT Dan Waller Ray Marshal 125 EX Vince Clark 250 JR DIV 1 Ron Redding Jim Vaughn Leslie KazarJam 250 JR DIV 2 Ron Beardsly Tim Marquez Eddie Stanfield 250lNT Mike Martin Brett Vager Don Suderland 250 EX Mike Hovator Sherman Schneller BillY Woods OPEN JR Wesley Ayres Mike Knopf Chris Johnson OPEN 'NT RaY Mar'shal Dan Hensly Mike Anderson OPEN EX Bob Rogers Chick Czerwinski John Grossinl N Pen Puc Bul BuddY Stewart Z ,; o ~ w Bul Suz Z w -" Suz U > U ..suz Suz Kaw Bul CZ Mal Mai Bul Vam Suz CZ Bul CZ Hus Vam Suz CZ CZ CZ Mal Mal Mai Mal 0" MEDFORD MOTOCROSS Medford, Oregon Oct. 29,1972 by Michael A. Starr MINI Rod Greb Greg Greb Craig Coffman 100 KIDS Steve Rosecrans Dave Kimball Mart Matthison 125 JR Randy Wing Frank Word Darrell Hringer 125 SR Ed Morehouse Jim Fonts Henry Leslie 200 Lonny Srahein Jim Heath Brad Licklider 250 JR John Henry Kurt Hunter Steve Elder 250 SR Todd Puett Alan Brinton OPEN JR Jeff Carson • Wayne Wallace Gary Alarie OLD MAN'S RACE Doug Coffman Fred Moxley Larry Hackworth MONEV RACE Bob LaFontain Bob Decker Todd·Puitt Oss Bul Ric Suz Suz Dianna Marshall . Vam Vam Vam DKW Suz Ric Pen CZ DKW Suz Kaw Kaw Oss Kaw Suz Mal Mai Vam Mai Vam Peo Pen 1. Gary Jones 250 AMA National Championship Points MX TRANS-AMA MOTOCROSS Phoenix, Ariz. ~80'1~?rtl~~2ATIONAL Ake Jonsson Helffi Mikkola Roger DeCoster Jaak Van Veith oven Arne Kring Christel' Hammargren Brad Lackey Hans Maisch Andy Roberton Plene Karsmake..-s Jiri Churavy Jim Weinert Miroslav Halm Gary Jones Dave Bickers 250 NATIONAL Gary semlcs The 250 National Championship Points Fund totaled $7,830.00. This was made up of en try and post en lry fee's paid in the 250 National Championship Motocros even ts and the Lnter-AMA Series. Ten percent of this money went to Gary Jones as the number 1 rider, leaving a balance of $7,047.00 to be distributed on the basis of National Championship points earned. The total number of poin ts earned by the top ten riders was 5,261. This makes each point worth $1.3394791. The last event at which poin ts could be earned was Talladega, Alabama. Ties are listed alphabetically. p~J5ts Jim Weinert Gunnar Lindstrom Peter Lamppu Boo Grossi Mike Runyard 7. Bill Cook 8. Robert Harris 9. Sonny DeF eo 10. Tony Wynn 781 775 489 430 428 376 373 310 11. Gary Bailey 12. Gary Semics 13. Marty Tripes 14. Rex Staten 15. Jim Wicks 16. Dick Eierstedt 17. Jim Pomeroy 18. Douglas sanger 19. Brad Lackey 20. BlIl Urban 21. Robert Thompson 22. Richard Jordan 23. Ted Presson II 24. John Borg 25. Greg Robertson 26. Jim West 27. Jim Mitler 28. Steven Thorton 29. John Desoto 30. Tom Rapp 31. Tim Hart 32. John Borders 33. Bob Taylor 34. Jim Cooke 35. Francis Daley 36. Fred Hanna 37. Russ Powell 38. Bryar Holcomb 39. Bill Clements 40. Antony Martin 41. Nelson Boyer 42. Dave Longcor 43. Ricky Price 44. Jim Turner 45. Glen Brl ner 46. Ed Cole 47. Scott Jordan 48. Stevens Mobbs 49. David Clemence 50. Jorma Rautlainen 51. Tom Sheppard 52. Jim Wilson .300 270 256 230 226 225 214 195 160 154 148 127 110 100 90 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . Peter Lamppu built up tremendous leads in the TransAMA 250 class but finished second overall. Great is the mystery of m.otocross. 304 88 80 80 74 74 70 68 65 61 60 60 60 59 56 55 50 50 50 50 40 40 40 36 30 30 30 30 53. James Varbr?ugh ~~3~60 54. John Franklin 1332.78 55. Tom Volin $2115.78 56. Donald Smith 1046.13 57. Rick Kohout 1038.10 58. Robert Ellis 655.01 59. Harry Lewis 575.98 60. Mike Penland 573.30 61. Ralph Holmberg 503.64 62. Paul Pfeifer 499.62 63. John Dallaire 415.24 64. Bill Grossi 407.20 65. Dick Burleson $7830.00 66. Harlod Layman 67. Ronnie Matthews 68. Morris Malone 69. Doug Raines 70. Jeff Smith 71. Henry Bassett 72. John Bettencourt 73. Th omas Bragg 74. Leland Rumph 75. John Schewendener 76. Bruce Behar 77. Robin Cerasuolo 78. Lewis Embrey 79. Seppo Makinen 80. Jackie McElwain 81. James O'Neal 82. Robert Rush 83. Gene Bready 84. John Cladwell 85. Dick Mann 86. Gordon Ochs 87. Pat Freiberger 88. DeWayne Jones 8.9. Robert Tuggle 90. Glenn Lund 91. John Maroney 92. William Payne 93. J. Atascodero 94. Chris carter 95. Jim Malone 96. Edward Salley 97. Bruce Warren 98. Charles Lunde 99. Terry Ray 100. James Glanatsis Jr. 101. Brad Holman 102. Ray Kohout 103. Mike Pera 104. Rick Stepanovic 105. Peter Crandall 106. Ronald Fanaro 107. Jerry Williams 108. Dan Zlock $ ~~~e~yL~~~~U Bill Cook John Dallaire Bob Haag Floyd Davis Dave Longcor Ron Desoto Ken Zahrt 30 29 28 24 22 20 20 20 16 16 15 15 13 13 13 12 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 "'C:=~"~:'l'l':~:::":~:::":"n::>'':':::-;:~:=r---:-~-,--:,~";'""'~~~~~~~-::~:o:-~ Semics finally got by DeFeo to get lasted much longer, it seemed like third. Staten broke, so then the chase was on for second. The momentum they had built up in their moto long duel refused to slacken. It was white flag time and Semics propelled his I-Lusky past Lamppu. DeFeo wasn't going to let Semics get away after 20 minutes, so he went past Lamppu, too. If the moto had Eierstedt woufd also go by just so he could race with the other two some more. He finished fourth. As in the International class, the leaders were tied for first on points but Semics had won most recently. He got the first; Lamppu, second; Dc Feo, third. Mai Hus Suz Vam Hu, Vam Kaw Mai Hu, Hu, CZ Vam CZ Vam C2 1-3-1 2-1·2 3-24 5-5-3 74-5 4-6·9 6-7-7 13-8-6 , 8-11·11 14-9·10 15·12-12 12·27·8 9-23-15 11-10-32 17-22-16 Hu' Kaw CZ Mal Mai Hus Hu' Bul CZ Bul 3-1 1-3 5-2 8-6 6-8 H1 4-16 12-10 19-5 .. HOPETOWN RESULTS (U nofficia I) 100 AM/EX Mitch Mayes 125 NOV Jeff Belix 125 AM/EX Bob Brooks 250 AM Mal'k Hateley 250 EX Gene Cannady Terry Clark Tony Rodgers 350 NOV/AM/EX Preston Petty Jim Dawson John Rice POWDER PUFF Jean.nine Pennington Cherry Stockton Joyce Soyka 500AM Steve Rouch Rick Duncan Steve Beil 500 NOV MAIN Edd ie Sanchez Craig Adams Mike Green OLDT'MERS Jess GOldberg John Moroney Dana Wilkson 500 EX John Hateley AI Baker Terry Bilton OPEN CLASS NOV/AM/EX John Hateley {disqualified Gene Smith Mike Konle SIDE HACKS Ralph Whitney/ Russ Jones John Palfreyman/ Marv Tomlison Marv (Red Dot) Le Blancl Fred Soteros H-D Mnk Car CZ Han Hu, CZ Mal Mai Bul Bul Ric CZ Hu, CZ CZ Hus Suz Mal Bul cz Trl Kaw Mal Tri Tri Tri BSA WAsP Bul

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