Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-~ • N It) g, "N r0- O> N ,; o Z ;g w Z W ...J U >U SRA MOTOCROSS Dlxon e Calif. Oct. 2':1,1972 ~~~~uatC. Young Danny Reed Ray Brock Eddie Riggs 125 NOV DIV I Jim Thomas Norman Harvey Phil Wells 125 NOV DIV II Craig Pierce Joel Robert Paul Hamel 125 AM Donald Murphy 125 EX Ken Gerrard 250 NOV 0111 I Al Bauman Jack Combs James Barton 250 NOV DIV II Thomas Hauth Michael Haynes James Nakahura 250 AM Daniel Lane Duane Yarrow Richard Smart 250 EX Don Stover OPEN NOV I Logan Bropklns Bill Shaffer OPEN NOV OIV II Paul L1ndlef Larry Lancaster - • OPEN AM Eugene Price Don Chase OPEN EX ALien Farrow MOTOCROSS Las Vegas MX Club Oet.8 L 1972 by R.MlIler MINI-ENDURO Tim Nay David Farabi Mike Wailing 100 NOV Gregg smith Pat Moore David Jones 125 NOV DIV I Kevin Jarrett Chris G ulttard Steve Brown 125 NOV OIV II Mike SanKovich MiKe Maze Mike Tieman 100-125 AM Bryan Zasloff Doug Stadtlander Scott Cannon 125 EX Daryl Mason Bobby Davidson Ken Cameron 250 NOV Scott Guilland Girard Clark Scott Forwood 250 AM John Malone David Ellis Nick Tanner 250 EX Mark Mason George Antill Fred Kimmel 500 NOV Leon Cnapman Doug Cotton Vittorio Locatelli 500 AM Alan Wall John Marroquin George Musso 500 EX Mark Mason Jack Johnson Rick Miller OVER 40 George Milford Bob Walling .John Van Hoove HIGH DESERT 100 Bend Ore. Oct. 22, ~972 by Larry Ulrich 1. Ken Habeck 2. Randy Limbeck 3. Tom Montgomery 4. Homer Mosley 5. Mike~Mather 6. Arvid Sakshaug 7. Greg Harwood 8. Jim Watts 9. Phil Weeldreyer 10. Jerry DeWitt 11. Rick Jenkins 12. John Campbell 13. Dave Weleber 14. Arlin Pestes 15: Joe Roberts 16. Mike Moore 17. Buzz Sant 18. Charles Andrews 19. Steve Doane 20. Gordon Young 21. Ken Holmes 22. Dave Werklin 23. Dennis Glasgow 24. Marvin Ankele 25. Jerry Fairchild 307 FinIshers - .. .... ~ CMC MOTOCROSS Lions Drag Strip Wilmin8ton Calif. Nov. 1 ,1972 100 JR Dean Dailey Richard Young Tony Greaves 125 J R" Rick Amaya Ron Kramer David Abbott 1251NT Steve Haag Greg Kishiyama Steve McFarland 125 EX Chuck Bower Tom Baugh Tim Lunde 250 JR DIV I Mike seagraves Chris Thorn Buzz BlankenshiP 250.JR DIV II Cliff Odom Russ Newman Carrell Martin 250lNT Bill Wolfe John Atwood Rick Mercier 250 EX Bob Hershey Chuck Bower Rick Schilling 500 JR Jerry Beaman Ron Hardin Buce Boyd 500lNT James Cotten Scott Doornbos Chris Allen 500 EX Dave Pessy Rick Brown Robert Elliott Yam Hod Yam Bul Pen Bul B.ul DKW DKW Bul Ric CZ CZ Hus Bul Suz C2 Hus Yam Hus Hus Mai CZ Mai Hus Hus AJS Yam Hod Hod Hon Mon Yam Bul Hus CZ Ric Pen Ric Bul CZ Oss Yam CZ Bul Mai CZ CZ Yam CZ Pen CZ CZ Mal Hus Mai CZ CZ Oss Gre CZ ESCAI'E COUNTRY MX Trabuco Canyon, Calif. Nov. 5, 1972 Hon Yam Yam by Mike Capalite MINI ENDURO FIRST DAY Steven Mason Hon Scott Gillman Hon MINI ENDURO BEG Yam Ward Ensign MINI ENDURO NOV Hon Jeff Hewitt 100 FIRST OAY Yam Don Johnson Yam Ray Obrien BSA Jack SCheurenbrand POWDER PUFF Yam Toni Harris 100 BEG Hod Dale Watson Hon Danny Jean 100 NOV Hod Dennis Sexton Ari Bill Corcoran 125 FIRST DAY Pen Greg Swanson Yam Chris Ely Kaw Bill Smith 125 BEG Gordon Graninger Bul Yam Mike Lantry Yam Rick Rancour 125 NOV Yam Mike l=ox Pen Jon Whitcomb Suz Ronald Steele 250 FIRST OAY Hon Craig Faerber Oss Doug Cavanaugh Yam Pen Yam Pen Yam Pen Mnk Pen Hon Bul Yam Ric Pen DKW Ric Yam Hus Yam cz Suz Suz Pen Yam Yam Tim Hart's Maico 185 FIRST DAY Dan BUCKley 250 BEG Greg Sokol Mark Miriani Bob HertZberg 250 NOV Lexie Holtzclaw 250 AM Richard Hansen OPEN FIRST DAY Ed Gleason OPEN BEG Scott Still OPEN NOV Ray Badham OPEN EX Mike Causey Suz Suz CZ AJ~ PAY WINNERS Hus Bul Hus Riders of AJS Stormers winning their class (or should write to Norton Corp. for details of our Bonus Program. I-fus CZ Mal Hon BSA Suz Hus Hon Hon Yam Yam Yam Yam Yam Hon Hon Pen Hod Sui Hus Oss CZ Yam Hon A-E Ric Hon Yam Hon CZ Hus 1st Open 2nd Open 1st 250 2nd 250 3rd Open 4th Open 5th Open 3rd 250 1st 4 st 4th 250 1st 125 1st TB 6th Open 5th 250 6th 250 7th Open 8th Open 7th 250 9th Open 8th 250 2nd 125 9th 2S0 2nd 4 st lOth 250 11th 250 OttosCyc!es ....... , :l,.r; ~ 1 I', We sell the same race-prepared CZs! Time f.or you to start winning! 1'1)" I .'HI)CK.'; \lIKI·"I ....\IW FIl.l IW" ATTENnON RAaRS membeh " - BIG DISCOUNTS Dale Stricklin's 1 ·"f-o-r-a-I-i-mi-te-d-t-im-e·olln-I-Y·· TRANSISTORIZE IGNITION with the purchase of a MELODY MUFFLERS NEW CZ all models a SPECIAL JAWA FREE SHIPPING 8YH~UCK ANYV'oHERE IN THE UNITED STATES SERVICED BY COMMERCIAL CARRIERS (TO COMPETITION RIDERS) COMPLETE AND LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST 1213 ENGRACIA TORRANCE. CALIF. ,"I R E "ars. cal. 114. m - 115-111& MOTOCROSS - DESERT - TT ENDURO - ROAD RACERS ~o'liI. puts Discount to 0/37 or AMA ~. 1550 BIIIIII 11ft. . V. 1'1 ·\.I1lents.. fDr up. r PLEASEI Will anyone who witnessed or has any info about the train accident in which Lloyd Cox was killed during the Check Chase on Oct. 7, contact me by mail or phone collect. Thank you. Area Code 213 Kris E. Cox Bus: 321 ·1672 1125 W. 190th St. Gardena, Cal. 90248 Res: 541·3214 THEBIKESHOP IS BIG POWER. THEBIKESHOP IS EXQUISITELY PREPARtoU H CZ'S AKA now comes to THEBIKESHOP 4418 E_Chapmaa,.oronge (714) 532.3634 JAWA 250 & 350cc STREET JAW,. JSiIn, CALi~Of'lH'AN12 ~ ....., JAWA 2'5C)c(;CALlFOf'lN,"H II...,....' JAW," DUAL CONTROLLED 1100 dl 1

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