Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'" ~ New PllIkIcts, Snuff and lbillS '" C1. • N .... ~ "" N ,; (You'll see a new cransit housing first in CN) 0 z Ul ;:: SUNBURNED CYLINDER HEAD W ROAD RACERS'UNDER GLASS :..'" f Z 4. W ...J U >U ... Ever try to get a factory fairing for your Yamaha road racer? Not too easy. Wonder where the H2R fairings come from? How about a gas tank or a se~t. [lick Kilgroe, sometimes known as the Czar of Road Racing, and his firm, Fibercraft, is the answer to lots of those- questions. In his over 10 years of racmg involvement Dick has produced fiberglass products for every manufacturer and distributor ~ow in '.'class C" AMA racing. The line of over 100 dJfferen t Items covers the gamut from 6 gallon AMA approved road racing tanks to desert tanks for Bultacos. You see 11.15 stuff through Racecrafter's or Triumph of Burbank or on the motorcycles of Gary Fisher, Borris MUR'ay or several factory raoers. If you have any requests ranging into the unusual you can contact Dick personally .. He'll try anything once (at least). FoUow the fiberglass smell down 17th St. ll1 Costa Mesa or call 714/646-7251. Write: Fibercraft, 833 17th St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Attn: fiberglass dep t. Are you down and out cause your Husky can't look as fancy as the next guys CZ or Maico. Have faith South Bay Motorcycles now offers' you too a radial-finned cylinderhead. "Manufactured ,from high grade aluminum alloy and precision machined to bolt right on." (We think that's really considerate) They make them for Yamahas too. Contact: South Bay Motorcycle, 2001 Artesia ~I., Redondo Beach, Ca. 90278. In that never ending search for the all plastic 'motorcycle, you now have the opportunity to extend the plastic potential of your bike. As you can see International Cycle House (we don't believe it either) now offers plastic levers for sale. They're guaranteed against breakage forever, weigh 3Y, ounces, and cosl $7.95 eaoh. IT SOUNDS DIRTY TO US HI-POINT OIL MEASURING POURER IF AT CHEAT This is a device lhat makes life pleasanter for the pit crew. It costs $3,.95 and you can control your oil can for the first time in your life. It punches the right holes in lhe can, gives you a handle, a clear, flexible tube to channel the icky stuff inlo those wierdly placed orifices through which motorcycle designers expect you to add oil, and a bubble-gauge tells at a glance how much oil you've poured out and how much is left in the can. AU this is a pretty orange and white package from Pen ton dealers. ..... the development and volume production of the LX 1600A semiconductor absolute pressure transducer is a significant example of how curre.nt silicone technologies will eventually be used to replace most electro-mechanical devices - in this case the pressure transducer." "The LX 1600A is a highly accurate, completely field interchangeable, temperature compensated, absolute pressure transducer. By applying automatic laser trimming techniques, the output of each LX1600A is factory adjusted so that it meets the nominal values within the specified tolerances." If you're cunous what It really is, read ,on. This is one of those funny devices exhaust tuners have been waiting for five years for. It can measure, pressures and velocities ri~ht in the exhaust port while being smaU enough to disturb flow very litlle. There ya are, a re.a1 breakthrough by the National Semiconductor Corporation. CURE FOR VERBOSITY FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, Tired of taking a thrashing on your SL 125 from aU those tricky two strokes. Here's the answer: 145cc and 10: 1 compression. Powroll Performance Prods. offers a kit with a 61mm piston, rings, pin, Teflon retainer, an oversize sleeve and headgasket f()r $54.00. PowroU wiU fit the cylinder and piston for an additional $15.00 or you can have it done locally. You can get more info. in the form of a complete catalog for $1.25 from PowrollPerformance Prod., Box 1206H, Bend, Ore., 97701. WHY THE TIE-DOWNS Here is a new item with a multitude of uses for the motorcyclist. It might help prevent colds in two out of three roadracers, or keep the desert dust out of your lungs, or even extend your life when riding to work on the San Diego Freeway. If smokers would wear one of these we're sure the incidence of cigarette related lung cancer would be drastically reduced. Contact the Wessy Company, Box 24523 Village Station, L.A., Ca. 90024. .FIREMAN HAS Tell Them You Saw It in CYCLE NEWS. (Stay tuned for the latest on the variable ratio bandersnatcher) • ,. I , I, i I ....... ~ I ~ RED When it comes to lashing your sled to the pickup or trailer, tie-downs are the hot setup. There must be ninety-seven different brands of tie-downs on the market andl they all work better than clothesline rope. Tnese 6·booters are mainly distinguished. by their pretty, red nylon straps and gold anodIzed buckles. Bill Blakeslee, who is a firematl, has a patr and he's got class. They're $8.95 a pair from the Ancra Corp., Box 891, EI Segundo, Ca. 90245. All you guys ou t riding your trials bike in tne desert who get mud cLogged fenders, here's your solution. B. F. Goodrich, 500 S. Main, Akron, Ohio, has a new kind of rubber called "mudphobic", which incorporates a fin-like surface that forms air pockets to prevent mud from clogging the wheel. Right now they're putting it inside of the fender, but we Watt an,qously for a tire using the same design. t • I .. ; j

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