Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 11 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Smith and Jack Knebel are all within striking distance, so it makes it a battle to the finish. Also it looks like the Checkers MC are getting a push 'from the So. Calif. M.C. for the top desert club. We will have to wait and see. No club has beaten the Checkers in many a year. • The banner dropped at 9:10 AM. and the Amateurs and Experts headed for the orange banner, but it was a power run. The leader on the left hand trail was Tom Smith on his Glendale Yamaha. Righl on his tail was young Fishback on his Fontana Yamaha. These two hot shoes diced it out for about two miles until Fishback got the fast trail and turned 00 the big Yammie. He took the lead for good wheo Smith broke his goggles and had to fix them. Coming into the pits it was Fishback getting his check first and power sliding around the tum crossed up to the stops, then doing a w heelie w hen he hi t third gear. A. C. Bakken and Larry Jones didn't waste any time in the pits and went out after Fishback. Tbe course was a little of everything, sandwashes fire roads, pavement. Fishback said, "It was like a big Motocros ". It must have been to his liking because after fifty·five minutes on the firsl loop and an hour on the second loop Fishback pulled in for the win, saying, "That was a good Tide. I had a little trouble shakiug Smith and Bakken, and I got in to a little trouble in the rocks. After I hit them my legs were flapping in the breeze until I could get a hold of my bike." Bill Saltzman was the next man in, adding more points for the Checkers, Following was A.C. Bakken. Young Rick Mark was next on his Husky. He bas done very well since leaving the 100 class. Steady Tom Smith WaS next, he has done very well since coming back in April after a bad injury. He said, "This club reany used their heads, they had everything in the course. You never got ceal tired because the course kept changing from one type of riding to another." Steve Holladay took second 250 Expert on Yamaha. Larry Jones finished seventh to keep the Open class point race hot, sliding Allen Lunde took third 250 Expert. He is a master of the "feet.up slide, in the sand. Kelvin IIalin was the first Amateur in on a 250 Race For No.1 Heavyweight .Plate Gets'Tight ,; o Z ~ w Z w -' U >U J _ Tom Smith (95) gets a,ound Jack Orndorff and proceeded to finish fifth overall. Suzuki followed by the ftrst 125 Amateur Robert Morrison on a fast Penton, second 250 Amateur went to Dave Cheney. First 100 rider in wa; Jim Wolsing(Hod) seventeenth overall. Jerry Skipper took the first Open Amateur honors. Bruce Ogilvie waS second 100 on a Harley. Firsl 175 was Andy Kirner he was pretty tired. First girl rider in was Sandy Terman. a The ovices started after lhe Am·Ex and Number 1381 had the lead at the banner, but we didn't get his name as he got a nat tire and was passed by Don Grive who led the Novice race through' the pits. Grive must have had trouble also because the guy who had the lead at the finish line was Gary Hymes on a hot 125 DKW. He is 18 and has switched from motocross to desert and SALESMAN WANTED· Career opportunities, High earnings for ambitious individual willing to wo rk hard selli'ng -motorcycle dynamometers & specialized shop equipment. Must be willing to travel. Age 26·35. Must have complete knowledge of motorcycle & tuning principles & will go through a complete training program on all types of Dynos & shop equipment. Send resume or call Patraco Inc., 1638 W. 135th St., Gardena, Ca. 90249. (213) 327·5650 . .. . :~ Screeech. "Aw, got it stopped. Now to fuel up." is doing well r would say. Second Novice in was big Mike McElrish on a ffusky. Third man in was Bill Decker on a 125 Yamaha, next man in was John Husick taking second Op~n class on a Yamaha, foUowed by Gary Barber on a Husky. A very happy George Guiles was the first 100 Novice in, foUowed by Lance Hackney. Both were on Hodakas.

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