Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 11 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ g. ... N ~ ,; ~ 31 ~ w rj > U Start Up Motocross by Mike Weiland START UP, WASH., Oct. 15, 1972 First showdown of the day was between old man Mike Weiland (Maico) and young squirt Bert Noble (Maico) in a very exciting handlebar to handlebar duel. Weiland was apprehensive and shot to an immediate lead only to drop it in one of the early slick turns thus allowing Noble the lead. Wellan? .remounted and in several laps was on Noble and then past. After several laps in the lead Weiland dropped it again and Bert squirted (chuckle) ahead again and didn't wait around for Weiland. Second moto Mike Weiland banzi-cd the first tum marker like a kamikazi pilot, sending tires and pieces of fender flying; luckily no one was hurt. Soon the race turned back in to a twosome between Noble and Weiland. Weiland again dropped it on the slick and Noble wailed on for the win. The third moto was ahout the closest bit of racing with the lead changing several times each lap. Noble shut the door leaving Weiland playing gopher and break his brake lever in the same move. Noble won quite handily; it seems this young lad has much more experience than a lot of older motocrossers. The Open A was the stage for the next duel. Bob Cooper who usually enjoys a substantial lead, was pressured most of the time by Dave Ringel who eventually passed each moto. Dave turned in a three win set for overall win and Cooper went home early complaining of a unfun rough track; he was right. Unsuspecting Ed Dolder (Yam) motored to a second overall and everyone's favorite crosser, Bob Atkins finished up third on his Husqvarna. 125 A and B classes were run together and B rider Marc Wareham ran the pants off of everybody including all the Bs and all except one A rider, Mitch Simmons. Simmons must have messed up as Tom Jesner made it for the overall win with Simmons second. Wareham headed up the B division and Kirk lngerfild wound up second. 250 B action was dominated by Greg Curtis (Husky) and Todd Halty (Maico). Curtis showed most class over the mudhole but when you checked the positions at the start finish line it was • never too much distance separating the two with Halty usually playing catcb up but caught up for the overall win, Curtis second. Both these guys are A rider caliber. The Open Bs provided much good racing beaded up by Fred Sessions on his oveq>owered radial Maico, S!eve Ran (Husky) and Howard Grondahl (Husky). Fred has really been slaying 'em lately with his new thing, but when the dust cleared Steve Rau got first overall, Fred second seekiog out Grondahl in a poin t tie. HuT DOG! Flldlllrllll,il E.T. CYCLE SALES BAY AREA DIRT BIKE HEADQUARTERS Cycle Nevvs HOT HATS ALLNEW! Only S1.oo Cyele News Dept. CNP P.O. Box 498 Long Beach. Ca. 90801 BaZOOka Pete says: "Mmm, Hot Hat good," ACK PRODUCTS. 676 Auzerais Ave.• COLISEUM CYCLE MAIL and ORDER ACCESSORY CO. ~ KAWASAKI ~ MOTORCYCLES 3958 E. 14th ST., OAKLAND, CAL. (415) 534·5461 94601 San Jose, Ca 95125, 408-293-5111 WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE Cow 'rail '.r a a ENDURO srlOClns 2 TOOTH CZCounter Sprockets $9.25 Cal. res. add 5% sales tax, P.A.L. MX at Santa C l a r a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by Steve Castillo Photos by Tom Sako SANTA CLARA, CAL., Oct. 22, 1972 - Pat Doran (CZ) was the big winner in the 250 class third division. Pat, who rides for Charley Brown Cycles io Moun tain View, really got it together on the super-tacky surface at the P.A.L. track. Mike Edwards (H us) was the winner io the 250 second division with his buddy Tim Hart on the Cycle Craft Development bike coming io second. A nice touch was added to the closing trophy ceremonies, that being the addition of three very foxy trophy girls. These very brave girls made for some good warm laughs on a very cold nigbt. Pioneer Rough Scrambles----by Loretta Davidson OAKDALE, CAL., Oct. 8, 1972 - Jerry Griffith has changed his track, bigger, longer and rougher, to begin his series of Rough Scrambles to be held in the n~xt six weeks. AU riders seemed to enJoy competing today and the crowd showed their appreciation by cheering their favorites on to victory'. Also, the high point trophies for the last sixteen races were presented today. Taking tbe high poin t Overall, donated by Ray Hook owner of Blendzall Corporation, was Butch Davidson current leader in the District 36 Black Plate race. Mike Bowling ran away with the 100 ovice main as he took the flag almost a half a lap ahead of the second place man. Mike was riding the Blendzall Hodaka. Dwayne Clark took his first Junior Class win today beating out flying Danny Mills. Danny isn't beaten too often so that makes the victory all the more sweet for Dwayne. Again Craig Scroggins walked off with the wio io the 125 Junior Main. Craig will be joining the Expert action before too much longer. After leading the 125 Expert Main for seven of the eigh t laps, Ted Davidson goofed and that was all it took for Neil McDannald to take over. Ted recovered in time to claim second io front of Mark Smith who took third place honors. Ted and Mark are both in the top ten in the current Black Plate race for the district. Ken Brown took high honors in the _ 175 Novice class on his new Penton. He looks like he is out for a Sunday ride but movin' he is. Bill Hawkins and Bill Mason managed to stay in front· of the others and take the brass for second and third. Max Patte celebrated the birth of his new son by taking' home a first place victory in the 250 Junior Class ahead of Donnie Rasmussen and Ken Cave. Max basn't been in the winners circle for quite some time so we all congratulate him, not only for the win but for being a proud papa as well. Butch Davidson showed his stuff by taking tbe wins in the 250 and 500 Expert Mains. This rough stuff is righ t down his alley and may be just what he needs to hold on to the ever elusive number one. Mark Muscio and IVlark Smith again battled it out for second in the 250 Expert class with Muscio comiog out on top this time. Del Smith took a much needed second in the 500-Open Expert Main. Del has had a lot of problems lately and is beinning to feel much like a yoyo as he is on and off the black plate list. Garty'Trammeli came out in one of hi~ rare appearances to take third in "this class. Bob Perkins, who rides only the local races turned out a beautiful performance to take the win in the Open Novice class. Bob beat out Billy Beach who does a beautiful job on his Maico. C&M SPECIALTIES-P.O. BOX 717 MOUNTAIN'VIEW CALlF.94040 fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil SJle~ * Service custom work· all makes ""UlftphY CYCLES MAICO 184 San AnlOnio Rd. Mt. View, Calif. 9-l040 941·7317 parts sales service mail order selby motors A Good Place To Buy A Great Motorcycle 346,£1 Camino Real Redwood City, Ca. (415) 3694112 (.'IIIII·d. [mill /Jage 2/) Jim is very. quiet, and equally as unassuming at the race track. He doesn't like goiog into the winning circle with Mark. He likes walking ahou t and seeing what other people are doing, and lends a hand around the Harley gang pits. "There's nothing worse than having to build the engine at the track; changing plugs is just about right." othiog flusters him either; a valuable and rare trait io a wrench. A magneto failed on Mark's bike at the San Jose Race of Champions. He was puzzled," I rebuild those after every race." But then he found out that Mark had put fifty laps on the bike the day before. In an unbelievably short time the old one was out and the new one in. He didn't even test the bike. He knew it would run just right for the Main. Jim Belland and his family are fantastic people. They fed me a home-eooked dinner and pressured me to stay the evening at their home. Mark Brelsford says, and he's right, that they treat everyone that way. As far as beiog Tuner of the Year, take if from Mark: "Without Jim, I wouldn't be anywhere." • • J

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