Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 11 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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by Elaine Jones CORONA, CAL., Oct. 18, 1972 - The weather is getting nippy at Corona and the riders almost got over ruled by some liquid sunshine which luckily held off un til the last four races. The evening was marred by a tragic incident. Gary Coffman's father was stricken with a heart attack while pitting for his son. Although rushed to the hospital, he later passed away. I know all the riders would like to send their condolences and sympathy to Gary and his family. Gary said he would be back racing as his father enjoyed it so much. We all hope this is so as Gary is a good competitor and fine sportsman. Danny Hockie went home with the lion's share of the loot. The 250 Expert short track was won with comparative ease while Doug Mason and Rob Morrison duked it out for the second and third spots. It was Doug with a wire to wire lead in the third moto that was the deciding factor. Danny's win in the 250 Expert Half-mile did not cOl1)e quite so easy. Rob M9rrison had it sewed up with two wins working for him but halfway through the Final he blew up. Rick Milner, who has been reigning supreme in this class, had a second and fourth working for him while Danny was sitting with a third and a second. With Rob out, it was Danny all the way with Rick finishing third overall and Rob second. Walt Foster also got knocked off a throne but only one. In the Open short track it was Sandy Armstrong that did it to him, game, set and match. Walt was in there for strong secoI}d even though Scott Smith slipped by him the last moto for a second place finish. Scott ended up third overall. The Open Half-mile was a different story with Walt far outdistancing the whole field. Jay Hunter on a Norton was second and Sandy Armstrong picked up the third. Bob Graves and Gary White each had a good nigh t and each did it in the same classes. In the 250 Amateur short track it was Gary White who got it home first. Bob Graves again started off well finishing second his first moto. In the second heat he was involved, not by choice, in an accident and was unable to finish the race. Frank Schnetz, riding steady all the way through picked up second with Bob having enough for third. Bob switched the tables in the 250 Amatuer Half-mile and did it in a very frustrating manner to Gary. Riding Gary's exhaust pipe until the last lap, Bob went by to take the checkered. Gary was second and Jim Wood third. The 175-200 Expert short track ran with the 250 Amateurs since there were only two, but were scored separately. Scoring the whole field, Rick Milner would be the winner but because the field was scored separately it moved Charles Soderstrom up one place giving by Elaine Jones PERRIS, CAL., Oct. 14, 1972 - Doug Mason posted the fastest times of the evening winning the 250 Amateur.Expert go. It's getting to the point where the riders who have to ride against Doug start consoling each other before they ever get to the line. Mark Reichert was second and Mel Stoner third. The last go round of the' Open Amateur-Expert class had Doug mixing it up with Walt Foster in the most exciting racing of the evening. Doug was aboard a Maico for the second time in his life and he certainly gave Walt a run for his money wi th the lead changing faster than a woman's mind. Walt still got to the wire first and Doug was only in it for fun s.o Steve Robb, the charging new Expert, copped the second in the race and overall. Jack McCafferty was third and is improving rapidly. R.G. Stone, not to be disrespectful, is one of the oldest riders on the Perris scene but he's got the guts' of a youngster. During practice he did an unload that took the'leathers off his sit down and' elbow, but he not.only was there on the line for his Novice Moto II class, he won it from Don Moore and R.A. Miller. Fred Scurlock won Division 1. Both winners were Maico mounted. Jim Wood and Steve Lyons had some great heats in the 100 Amateur-Expert' class. Steve has come from the Corona Short Track/Half-mile :> o z S!1 S w z ~ u t Perris TT .,.. ...... ATTENTION DEALER IF YOU'RE NOT SELLING CYCLE NEWS * First with Your customers will come back for every issue of CYCLE NEWS. Each and every issue is filled with News of happenings in the two-wheeled sport. Motorcycles from mini to monster, coverage of competitio.n events, all the AMA National Championships, local sportsmen events, local fun runs, tests of fact, new products, legislation, want ads, and a voice for readers. This is CYCLE NEWS. -I I 'I ---------------------~------------ I I I I I I I L 0 0 0 Cycle News East Cycle News Dixie Cycle News West (Check one, two, or all three) I wish to receive copies of: 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 Q0 0 ~::eCo~~t~~e NEWS to: Address City National and Regional Coverage _ mini-cycle ranks to an Amateur rating this season and one look at him in action shows this boy's ability. Jim, the more seasoned rider, won the overall but Steve did beat him in the final go. Third place Pryor Campbell did a commendable job trying to stay with the field on his poor tired Suzuki. We will be losing Pryor for a while as he has joined the Navy Reserve and will be leaving for basic training in the next couple of weeks. Miller was the last name to have Saturday. Danny Miller started it off winning the 100 Novice I from Greg Kelso and John Guthrie. Dean Buswell and Jeff Henry won Divisions II and 1lI. Then Wiley Miller won the 125 Novic.e I over Mike Barrett and Conrad Weber. Vern Maxwell topped' Joe Monohan and Brent Knever to win Division II of the 125cc's. He added a second to high night's earnings in the 250 Novice II. Clyde Dennen was the one that grabbed away the double win. If Vern keeps riding like he has the past few weeks he'll find himself in the Amateur-Expert ranks. Craig Denlow took the third .. Ernie Morris was the man that won the 250 Novice I but Brian Garcia was right in there punching and gol> the second. Don Boon was third. Ken Fuller rode his Bul to the win in the 250 Novice 1lI topping Kawasaki mounted Doug Goering and Ossa mounted Jeff PoUastrini. Ken Norris a new face to the Perris winner's drcle won the 175-200 Novice go. Mike McBain was second and Ron Bell third. Kay Kanaki showed up after an absence of over a year. Kay was rated one of the better riders when he was competing but has opted for a medical degree and seems bent on being one of the youngest men to do it. Right now Kay has a 4.6 average and to maintain that you can't have much time left for anything.. Seaview Cycle Park Opens - - _ Profit You make 14ยข on every copy sold. Plus you have full return privileges. The profit maker that cost you nothing. Minimum order is ten copies and we pay shipping (via 2nd Class mail). Okay, what can I lose. Start my store selling CYCLE NEWS with the next issue. I understand you will bill me monthly and I have full return privileges on unsold papers,by returning the price tag With my check for the !;lalance. him a third and two firsts instead of two firsts and a fourth and he became the overall winner with Rick second. Troy Fisher ,picked up the green in the 100-125 Amateur-Expert. Doug Westly was second and Scott Smith third. ' Rick Younger and Crajg Harbin, 100 Novice short track winners had no difficulty winning their classes which was not so true of Rick Lee who had to put it together after a bad first race in the 250 Novice short track. Mike Barrett and Jack Cover were second and third. Barry Tolson made a clean sweep of the 175-200 Novice short track with john Shipley and Mitch Saunders second and third. The same held true for Don Kemp and Gary Juola, winners of the two 250 Novice short track. The Open Novices appeared very content'to follow each other around and Kent Wilson was more than happy to lead the way. State _ Zip A th . d b ' u orlze y ---------------- Mail to: CYCLE NEWS WEST, Box 498, Long Beach, Ca. 90801 by John McManns Due to the recent land use laws imposed on off-road vehicles the people of the low desert area; I.ndio, Coachella Valley and the Palm Springs area, suddenly found themselves without a place to ride their motorcycles. Most of the land in the low desert area is privately owned or belongs to the various governmen tal agencies. Permission to ride these lands is difficult to obtain. A partial solution to the problem is in sight. The Seaview Cycle Park Corp. was formed and 120 acres under developmen t for a cycle park by the Salton Sea. The motocross portion of the park is already available to racers. The 1.1 mile course was designed as a fun course with enough of a challenge for the Expert rider. I I I I I '. -----------------~

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