Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 11 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N III ~ • GAS UP M.O.R.E. ... N .... ~ ;:: ,; 0 Z i--------------------------------~-------------------~----------------------, ~ I W. Z I W ..J U ~ I I I I I I I I HOUSTON 1. FLOURNOY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLE" CLAIM FOR REFUND OF MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL LICENSE TAX 1: CLAIMANT (Please print clearly or type) your name or M.O.R.E. ._----~---------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------;----.--------------- 2. MAlLING ADDRESS . - -.---.- .__ ----------- -. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. --------- -----.--- --- .---- ------- --------------------- --- - ----------- .-. ------------.-------------------------------------._-------- 3. LOCAnON OF OPERAnON (If other than mailing address) ----------.---------.-----------.---------------. Prepare claim in Duplicate. Send the original with mpporting invoices to HOUSTON 1. FLOURNOY, State Controller, Division of Tax Collection and Refund, P. O. Box 1918, Sacramento, Cal.ifornia 95809. Retain, the df/,plicate for yaur records. Enter all information as required. Period in which fuel was used: the calendar year oL__ , or from . 19 .__ to . . (PLEAS.E 00 NOT USE THIS SPACE) 5. HOW MAllY PIECES -------._ OF EQUIPMEIT 19-- -----. 1IS11l6 MOTOI YEHICLE FUEL: AUTlIS: CLAIM MUST BE FILED WITHIN 13 MONTHS from date gasoline was purchased. Gasoline must be used before claim for refund can be allowed. Claim based upon exportation of gasoline must be filed within 3 MONTHS after the close of the calendar month in which the fuel was exported. 511011 lid _ _._ __ nuns: 511ll11 _ ...••••..•: .••.••••• 1Id11ll __._ _Diesel _._...... .__... 8. ATTACH ORIGINAL INVOICES TO SUPPORT ITEM 9. Invoices of purchases must be the ORIGINAL (top copy) not carbon copy, to be acceptable to support claim for refund. Statements or receipts are not acceptable in lieu of invoices. Invoices must be made out to claimant. Invoices billed to "Cash" are not acceptable. Invoices must show month, day, and year of purchase, purchaser's name, dealer's name and address, type of fuel, price per gallon including taxes, and total cost. TUOORS: &llOIilll. Iul... . _._ __ . . _. Dlesel _ DUllE: The State Controller is required to deduct the state and local sales taxes from the fuel tax refunds. OTHEIS: 9. Total gasoline purchased and used during period covered by this claim. (See instruction 9.) 10. . _ ~:dl:ep;:;li~~:cili~~~~~--~~~!~c~--~~-~~-~~~~~-~~~~--~~::-::~~~~~~L .J:g!.:a: :ls~.1 (See instruction 10.) 11. Taxable gasoline-not subject to refund-see instruction 11. Totals of items 10 and 11 should equal item 9. . 1 .....!g;:;;a;.:Is;.:·1 6. If 12. Price most commonly paid per gallon for refundable fuel-see instruction 12.---L13. For what purpose was fuel subject to refund used? (LIST IV TYPE AND FUEl. USED) gals. 1 C:11l&:AClEA5E ~:::::::::::::: ::::::::.._-._: (If farming, also complete item 6.) '. 7. STOIA6E: T.,., ClplClty ef all Sltraoe T'lb: . ,_ ~ 1I"·Is. DECLARATION UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY 14. - STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of. . . } _ FOR OFFICE USE 1 h~rlb'Y Jul.rt ,,,.," lbe /Jnul#tI 01 ~,jllr)'. ,h.1 Jl ",'ritl .1IJ It.ttWl,.,./1 0" thit cl.i.... O"d.Ji"K ."y .c~",.p.",;,., JONj"'nt's) " #nu, r:orrul•• "J compldti Ih.t I ,,,. July ilulhori:l!J la Ii,,, lor thi elM••"t; thu C'u.I"...,,1 .c1••lJy P."CNI~J tlw I~l -J fl-JJ 1M I.x Ihw~o" ., Ilu,~ _ 1.601- Iry II. j,woia, .u.tb~~ bertto; t"', '~fll"J of I.,; 0" ."y I.rl d.jrJI"J hrrdfl IuJ ,.ot brn d"irJItJ br/orr: tb.t Ibt' hilI .C'III"I1" bet" IIJlJ by d"irJI."t ""J 1,. 1M .",,,,,"r" ",,11 rqvip.",,,,,t JprrtfitJ .,.J Ilnl "0 1'11,.1 Ihtrrol h., bHfl (A) 'olJ b, elM. . ./. (8) 10JI i. h.,.JIi",. "_'11'0'''.,. or JlM'''1 tlw"o/. or (e) fUn 0" ~/~ In,~, uC'tpl .", It.tei j" thiJ d"irJI; Ihd rt.j"..", i, l".,!.tl~ ftllitlt'J to rt-I•• J '" d.i"'tJ Nr .""orll""ct with the Mo/or VtbiC'w Flltl LilY"le Tu .t... (P.rl 2 01 Dw;,.Oft 2 &nor,....,.J T.ntirn. Coil') nJ "prei"U" ~djo", 1101 101107 Ibnrof. . . , Count SIGNATURE AU 'W' TITLE (Owner, Partner. Pre:iJent, etc.) Dated this.. day oL ooo 19 lnd CA 000 RE NOTICE TO CLAIMANT You will note that this claim form does not include the amount of refund being claimed. Electronic ,computers, using information entered by you in items 9 through 12, will compute your refund, t - - - - - - deduct State and local sales taxes and prepare the warrant for the net refund. FORM SCGR·l {REV. 1·70) I ~ ~------- ~ ~ MORE FUEL IN CALIFORNIA You are entitled to claim a refund of the tax on gasoline used for operating vehicles othcr than on state highways in California. That means that you can get back some of the tax you pay on each gallon of gasoline to operate your trailbike or racer. It is also possible to have the amount of your refund sent directly to Motorcycle Owners Riders and Enthusiasts. the only motorcycle lobby you have going for you in California. That sounds like a nifty idea and is a very painless was of supporting the organization that is working to ensure that you will have some land to burn that tax·refundable gas on. i.e., ride your scooter anyplace but on public highways: Just fill oul the handy form but, for a change, don't send it to Cycle News. Send it to: Gas Tax Refund Dept., State Controller's Office, P.O. Box 1918, Sacramento, Calif. 9 5 8 0 9 . ' , Note particularly Items 8 and 14 on the state form. You have to attach your original gas receipts to get credit. (and money back to you, or to M.O.R.E.) and you have to sign the line in Item 14 youTself. Make sure all of Item 14 is filled out completely. There are two ways to go if you would like to see M.O.R.E. get some money back out of the state tax coffers. On Line 1 of the form, you can list your name and add "or M.O.R.E." with the address: P.O. Box 26062, Sacramento, Calif. 95826, on Line 2. Method two is to list your own name and address on the fonn and attach a cover letter stating that the refund should be made directly to M.O.R.E. at the above address. It won't take much of your time to do it and think of the satisfaction you'll get out of redirecting some of the money the state has taken from you to operate your off-road machine arid redirecting it to where it's actually going to do you some good. The more gas tax refunds Russ Sanford gets, the more powerful M.O.R.E. can be as a lobby. Right now, it's a matter of survival. • - -- ~- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J

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