Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:!: from Cycl" N"ws East WESTERVILLE, D., Oct. 13, 1972 ~ Not only will you not b" ab'" to td1 th" N play"rs without a program on n"xt ~ year's AMA professional circuit,. you ~ won't b" abl" to tdl what th" program is un"'ss you're up on th" ruJ" chang"s ri and modifications that cam" out of th" o just compl"t"d AMA Compdition tI) Congress. In some ways, this year's ~ congress has had som" of th" most ~ far·reaching inipact of any in recent w years. This is in addition to th" obvious increased influence of motocross in > AMA planning and rule-making. Uust U think, a coupl" of y"ars ago you couldn't get th" AMA interested in that furrin racing.) Briefly summariz"d below are som" of th" major rule chang"s aff"cting th" pros and a ft'W of th" more significan t equipment changes; ones that may mean machine modification or reclassification. N"xt w""k, we'll g"t into th" amateur rule changes and th" creation of a new competition class: the "semi·pro". Effectivdy, that means that amateurs will be able to race for cash, in some cases. Q> AMA PRO RULE CHANGES i d P~ofessional Rules The maximum piston displacement for Experts and Juniors has been reduced from 900cc to 75.Occ. Any meet carrying the title of state or local championship shall be limited to bona fide residents of the territory covered by the championship granted. The address as shown on the application for the current competition license shall be the determining factor. The number or points required for advancemen t from Novice to Expert in motocross has been increased from 40 to 70 points. However, advancement points per moto were also raised to 10 for first place, nine for second, etc., down to one for tenth place. Using any machine other than the one used in the first moto will be prohibited. Of all motocross meets with a purse of $ 1,200 or more. except National and by Bob F. Read A LOOK CONGRESS AT THE AMA Motorcycling suffered for years from the old adage. "If it was okay last year, it's good enough this year." This was true for years and years under the old Competition Committee, who annually met in various parts of the country to renew old friendships. Then pressures were applied and t;he p resent Competition Congress was created. The first year they met, five years ago, they abolished a longtime rule that allowed some machines to be 750cc while others were restricted to International events, the promoter may charge riders a general admission fee. As of January 1, 1974, the following class breakdown will be employed for motocross, excluding National ,,!,d Intemational events: 0·12.52-stroke 0-I504-stroke I26·2502-stroke I51-3604-stroke 251.()p<:n 2-stroke 36I-Open 4-stroke Professional National Championship The deadline for National Championship sanction applications was chang"d from 30 days to 60 days in advance of the date set for the annual meeting of the Competition Congress. Now Hear This Effective. January I, 1973, all National dirt track championships. (professional) shall be limited to Expert riders only The following format will apply for all National race meets. (A) A total of 48 Experts will be eligible from time trials to compete in the heat races. (B) A total of four heat races; twelve riders maximum in each heat. (C) Two Semi-main events with a total of twelve riders maximum in each. (D) One Trophy Dash with twelve non-transfers from the Semis. (E) All past heat race and Main even t money that was paid to the Junior portion of the program (20 percent) be paid to the twelve riders in the Trophy Dash. (F) All past heat race and Main event money that was paid in the Expert portion of the program (80 percent) be paid to the twelve or twen ty riders in the National Final. 500cc. But after that first year there was maybe one change through a year and be happy. Things started to happen and this year the many changes border on the near unbelievable. I t is true that the presen t Congress is burdened by some people who are only there for their own District or individual selfish reasons, but the majority 'now appears to have swung over to people who are there for all of the AMA and for the bettermen t of the sport. The insurance program for amateur events is badly mis-used and handled. This was an opening day statement. The claims far exceed any projections by the company or the AMA. Change next year Jim Rice and Mark Brelsford discuss how they are going to get the mootah home from this week's Race of Champions at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds on October 22. First place will grab·$l.loo of the $5000 purse. It will be presented in silver dollars, so getting it home may be a problem. There will also be a regular Half-mile program. Rice has won more races at San Jose than any other rider. On a two-day dirt track race meet, a $5,000 time trial' purse will be paid to the top 20 Expert qualifiers. The $75 "competition license" for National Championship Expert riders has been deleted. CIl!iming Rule. 0-2;;0 (any type except road racers) - $2000. 750 cIass dirt rack machines $3,500 Open MX and all other dirt machines - $2,500 0-250 road race machine - $3,500 '25I-Open road race machines $5,000 The price of a 750 dirt machine goes up by $1,000; 250 road racers will cost $500 more than last year, and Paul Smart's Kawasaki will set you back $1,500 more than it would have this year. As the price of prosperity rises, accompanied hopefully by the quality and prestige of American road racing, Mssrs. Augusta and Agostini may well join the growing list of European pavemen t aces getting in on part of the action. Safety and Engineering Equipment Approval (Reference this section in your pro rulebook.) Chapter XIII (Professional) "Upon meeting all requirements of the AMA and upon approval of the Competition Congress, a machine may be used in competition immediately." The stipulation, was made that applications for motorcycle approval must be accompanied by a fee of $50 and be received no later than 30 days prior to the Congress. Applications received within 30 days prior must be accompanied by a fee of $100, and or higher rates and perhaps no insurance at all my be more than a possibi.'tity. There will be a· new "Semi-Pro" racing class that will allow licensed Novices and Juniors to compete with Amateur riders onjust about every.type of track except Half-mile and Mile ovals. There will be a maximum purse of $450. This is supposed to help in areas where there is little or no AMA racing at the present time. It was proposed by the AMA staff and was the hottest topic a,t the Congress. I t was passed after long and bitter debate with few guidelines. If you are a licensed rider, do you remember waiting in ii long line to have your engine number checked at inspection? Well, you won't have to any longer. The Congress decided to do away with engine numbers and the AMA was' directed to start inspecting other items. The machine no longer has to have an engine number, or even a file scratching on the case. It could mean at least an additional hour's sleep for every rider entering a National next year. Another giant step for mankind, and racers, was taken when a rule was passed that you no longer need to beg or threaten a distributor to get a frame, tank, or brakes approved by them to race. No approvals are needed on major items any longer. But you will still have to convince the inspectors that the items are safe and professionally made. If you can find somebody to' build you something better than any body elses built it. The controversial subject about what size engines will be run in the Ugh tweigh t classes next year were brought up but legally there is nothing that can be done. The Congress voted, in 1971, to allow the 250cc limi t to go up to 360cc's. Many of the "Yes" votes came that year from the elected rider representitives. In July the rider Reps said they made a mistake and wanted to change the whole thing. The Execu tive Committee stayed with the Congress decision and refused the appeal on a spUt vote. For next year it will be 250cc if you ride a twin two stroke, up to 360 if you ride a single two stroke and as many cylinders as you wan t if it is a four stroke, with a 350 top. Yes, you must might see a four cylinder Honda 350 on the half miles in the Novice class, or in the "Lightweight" road races in both the Novice and Combined events. If you have been having hearing problems lately the Congress may also have partially solved your problem. All applications received after the Congress will require a fee of $500. (No more Astro hassles - or so the intent is ...Ed.) Equipment Standards - General "Rotary engines may compete in competition providea they fit into the displacement class obtained by the following formula: C equals 2V over N. where C is corresponding capacity, V equals the total capacity of the differen t chambers composing the motor, and 'N' is the number of revolu tions of the engine's shaft necessary to complete one cycle within the chamber." "All footrests must fold ..." "Forks must be adequate in strength and size for the motorcycle on which they are used." uGas tanks must have a' minimum capacity of five litres (1.32 gal.) and a maximum capacity of 24 litres (6.34 gal.). Gas tanks must be constructed in a safe and workmanlike manner." "Leaking gas tanks or fittings are. prohib ited. " "As of January I, 1973, all motorcycles (except 750cc class professional motorcycles) must have an exhaust.system meeting 92 DB on the A scale measured at 50 feet. As of January 1, 1974, all motorcycles must meet this requiremen t.'" Explanation of the above: Frames, brakes and forks will no longer require AMA approval. It will be the responsibility of the scrutineer to determine if any of these componen ts are unsafe. Motocross machines will not be required to have a guard over the countershaft sprocket. Exhaust systems: Yep, just what it says. For '73, everything except machines in the 750 Pro class must meet the noise regulation. Note that it reads "exhaust svstem"; there is no specification . regarding mufflers or silencers. For '74, the 750 class comes under the same rule. The only foreseeable change between nOw and then would be a lower decibel figure. Quiet. Novice events next year will require that a maximum of 92 DBA be the limit. It will also apply to all riders in all short track racing, and all lightweight road racing. The only classes that escaped are the Junior and Expert big bike classes and they will have to conform, starting in .1974. The AMA is the first major racing organization to do anything about excessive noise. Let's hope that it is recognized by the righ t groups and individuals. Twen ty five N alional professional championships were approved. For the first time there will be more road races than any other type of nationaI-. This one is questionable as there are no road races except National events. New Nationals include road races at Dallas, Texas, Charlotte, N.C., and Pocono, Pa. a new dirt track is slated for Terre Haute, Ind. The lowest purse is $12,000. One of the· biggest and best approvals, a,ccording to many of the Congressmen, was the decision that all National dirt track events next year will be limited to Expert riders only. This breaks one of the oldest and long standing traditions and was passed with very little debate. About the only di s c ussion came from a member representing a company but the member has held,a Junior license for the past six years and each year has entered only the Houston events. The Expert.only program will be competely revised and the new look will start at Houston in January. National road races will continue to have Junior and Novice classes. Nearly fifty Experts will qualif.y for every dirt track National in '73. The last of the irregular engine sizes was also eliminated. Starting in 1974 all racing engine will have a 750cc limit. In recen t years some could use larger than 750 in TT events. ln '74 it will he 750 for all riders in the Expert and Junior division races. The one year wait is due to the rules that state any engine size change must have a one year lead time. A hot topic, believe it or not, was whether or not to have separate rule books for dirt track, road racing and motocross. It wen t through, but not until there was much debate. 1973 professional license applications are now available from the AMA. One final word: the 1972 Buhaco Astro was finally submitted and approved for competition. You no longer need a lawyer with you if you plan on entering one of them.

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