Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o Santa Rosa Short Track _ by James Brammer SA ITA ROSA, CAL., Sept. 30, 1972Martin Harvey captured the 1972 Chris . Beck Arena Championship with his it third place finish in the 100 Novice final on a Kawasaki before the largest paid u o attendance since opening nigh t be n e fi t race last April. According to the official ~ record, the point contest for the w Z Championship had not been in a tie up W to the final night. Runner-up Jim ..J U Perry's win in the 175 Junior final could ~ not exce~ Harvey's season total. U Harvey lost the lead of the 100 final race to winner Fred Mertens and then Joe Bacon came by for second leaving Harvey unhappy with. his third place fmish. That disappointment soon ended w hen trophy girl Debbie Ristove presented the championship trophy to the smiling youth from Hearlsburg. Jim Perry (Ossa) easily won his final with Jerry Simpson passing Kevin Sinclair for second. The first Expert heat was closely contested between Mike Richardson and Terry Otten with Richardson winning. The second heat went to Ron Davies in an equally exciting race with Ron Davies beating Russell Powell. Mark Dunaway picked up the semi final win. In the Main, Russell Powell was out of the comer in the lead on the ou tside as second place finisher Terry 0 Lten held the inside with Ron Davies centered followed by Mark Muscio. Otten and Davies diced for second with Powell riding high and leaving the pole groove open. As the final laps neared, Davies came in line behind Otten who was controlling second place on the groove by the pole. Powell won his second Main within four races at the Chris Beck Arena. Lots of the trophies for the evening races went to far comers of the State in the 175 Novice final where Bob Whiting from Fortuna won over Clifford Higgins from San Mateo. The 200 Junior final went to Dennis Axelson with Larry Matson in second. This was the final scheduled race of the year by the North Bay Motorcycle Club. Other than racing, the NBMC holds parties, picpics and poker runs for members and guests. This winter they ~ ~ ~ Sdle~ .. Service (18GI leads second place Terry Otten 143G), third place Ron Davies and Mark hope to hold their Sawmill Enduro. Currently they are looking at tracks of land while considering a purchase so they will have a place to hold motocross. Then next spring, if not before, they will be back with sh.ort track racing. 1J K cu ... torn work'" .III make, ~ftphY roducts Inc. _1<0.. - . . . CYCLES ACK PRODUCTS, 676 Auzerais Ave., San Jose, Ca 95125, 408·293-5111 COLISEUM CYCLE MAICO MAil and ORDER ACCESSORY CO. 184 Setween the first and fourth place" riders. No one rider dominated the class, but Ron Jensen on a Honda won overall with a first, third and second. Steve S totesbury won second overall. The 250 .Junior went WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE parts sales service mail order selby motors A Good Place To Buy A Great Motorcycle 346 EI Camino Real Redwood City, Ca. (415) 3694112 _ _Ka G- ~.ellg;lIeer;lIg_II1II FRAME MODIFICATIONS Production pric' now available fOl Yamaha DT-l, RT-l, CT·1, AT-1 & Suzuki 400 & Hodak. 100 Other makes & models altered per your specs at slightly higher cost 2353 San Fernando Rd. P.O. Box 65735 Los Angeles. Calif. 90065 (213) 222-8778 Argyll Park MX much the same way, with Sieve Baldw," on a Yamaha winning overall and AI Vavrosky second. the 250 In termediate class, it was .Barney Newman on a Montesa all the way, with Roger Caswell on a Bultaco keeping him honest. The Expert divisions were won by Randy Limbeck on a 250 Maico, and Craig Farnsworth on a 400 Maico. A Nogouchi 125 ridden by Bill Oliver at times was running second and really pressing some of the larger Expert bikes. Bill managed to win his share of the prize money. In ~--------------- by Reese UItz DIXON, CAL., Sept. 17, 1972 - The Sacramento Racing Association today held another of its Novice Only events and witnessed several riders rJIloving in to Amateur status. The order of the day was two 30-minute motos, and strongman Cloyse Holland, Jr. posted back-to-back first-place wins in both the 250 and Ope.n classes. Count 'em! That's two full hours of rugged fust·position motocrossing! In the other half of the 250 class, Bill Klein walked off with the big honors with a 2-1 score which narrowly edged Alfred Bauman into second place with a 1-2 score. The Second Division trophy for the Open class wen t to Kenneth. PeschelL The 100 class brass went to Tom Brown while Craig Faucett and John Baca cinched first place wins in the two divisions of 125 class, respectively. The next and fmal All-Novice event will be held on Novement 5th.

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