Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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/C NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS SUBJECT: OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE USE AND CONTROL ~ '" ." '" N ,... In order to provide the public with an opportunity to participate in the development of its study of off.highway vehicle use and control, the California Department of Parks and Recr.eation has sched u led a of one-day meetings to receive statements from interested parties. These meetings, to be held before the California Recreational Trails Committee, are scheduled as follows: San Diego:'" October 24,1972: Anaheim - November 8,1972 Pasadena - November 9,1972 Oakland - November 14, 1972 ~ 0- ~ .,: N U '< 0 U Because- of the number of parties expected to testify, presen tation time will be restricted to five minutes. All oral testimony should be supplemented by ten copies of written material which wlll be made available to Committee members. In addition, organizations should present consolidated testimony on behalf of chapters or units. While content of the testimony is not restricted. factual information on the following topics will be of greatest value to.rhe Committee: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. _8. Design standards for off.highway recreational vehicle trails and areas. Safety considerations for vehicles, users and areas. Noise tolerances. Erosion considerations.. "Rules of the road" for off.highway vehicle operation. Criteria for the' local grant program. Criteria for location both and local projects. Criteria for the rules and responsibilities of the various levels of government and the private sector. ,; Questions concerning the Off.Highway Vehicle Study or these meetings may be addressed to Mr. Ronald D. Rawlings, Off-Highway Vehicle Planning, Department of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 2390, Sacramento, California 95811. RUGGED REC-PAC ...... You don't know how great motorcycle eutings can be until you take 'em with a Rec-Pac. This spiffy new accessory rides easy on your back (or your passenger's if you pack double) and carries all those amenities you'd like to take along if only they could be carried easily and safely, without regard to bouncing and crashing over rough terrain. Well, now you can. with this new invention from Cycle News Products. We use ours (we have two of them) to keep our cold drinks and cameros, etc. handy when we cover events. The Rec-Pac makes a comfortable s1001 when we feel like sitting down. It sure beats tying stuff all over the bike when we head out for an overn igh ter, ann it rides comfortably for Hot and cold riding Rec~Pac _ any tength of time, thanks to a cunning padded strap arrarigement. It's easy-on, easy-off, too. Just slip the arms through the loops and pull the strap. Once you adjust your balance to compensate for the Rec-Pac, you forget it's there. It has no effect on handling. O-rings are installed at handy places to fasten extra gear like sleeping bags, firewood, or wh a thaveyou. With dimensions of 9xI5x22" it gives you 2,970 cubic inches of cargo space. Introductory' price $24.95 with free ice chest (holds one 6-pack) and list of available accessories from Cycle News Products, Box 498, Long Beach, Calipurnia 90801. IA.NZ E N • REC-PAC Now you' State Championship Trials Final preparations are in progress for the first round of the California State Trials Championship which will take place October 22nd at Indian Dunes Cycle Park in Valencia. , The S tate Championship now held by Lane·Leavitt of San Francisco wiJJ be challenged by such outstanding riders as Richard Bledsoe and Mark Eggar of San Diego, Kevin Walker of Newbury Park and a host of other top riders. Several Trialsmen from out of state are expected to try their skill against USMRC M o t o c r o s s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by Pat Gross EL TORO:CAL., Oct. 13, 1972 - So Friday the 13th is unlucky? Not if your name happens to be Don Stenersen. Donny's luck held as he and his CZ swept the 250 Int. This last in a long string of such wins clinched the grand prize in the Mabee's Tire Series. The three·way tie for first was only decided by the final moto. Bryan Menne had already swept the 100 Junior I, but Menne was down on total motos won during the last seven weeks. As of last week, Dave Messersmith was in favored position, and the first two' motos of the 250 11 seemed to better his chance. Dave had only to win the final race to take first prize, a set of Mag wheels. But it was not to be. Messersmith messed up, not getting his usual lead. He tailed leader Ray Schubert the first lap, but by the last lap and the- all-important finish was third behind Darrell Keen and Don Pfaff, two Suzuki moun ts. Keen got second, and Dennis Briggs and Don Pfaff followed overall. Even though Messersmith won the race, that third CAN take ~----...;.;;;;.;.;;...;;.:....;;;.~-- California's best. From California's mother country, Spain, will be master rider J ordi Permanyer giving support to the Mon tesa team. While the Championship applies to master class, all classes, novice through master will be riding. Kids class through age fourteen will also be open. Trophies and finisher pins will be awarded to all classes. Valley Observed Trials Enthusiasts are sponsoring the ATA sanctioned even t. Masters and Experts will start at 9:45 with other classes following. saw his chances'of winning the series go down the tubes. -In addition, that finish put Menne second and Messersmith got the worst of the three·way tie. Finally an Expert showed up in the winners list t but it wasn't Dave Carlson expected as of last week. Ajay ace Morris Malone beat out Carlson for fifth spot and the helmet prize. Morris did it with a 250 win, a very near thing with Jon Derhammer sizzlin' on a CZ. Davy Carlson was down to his last holdout in the 125. There he met up with Jeff Vidic (Pen) and Murray Hoffman (DKW) , two 125 whizzes. They proceeded to whiz their way to a one-two finish in that order. Appm;ently it was all Davy could do to stay in third. That allowed Morris to pass him in points, leaving Carlson sitting in sixth. Bill Zuehl (Yam) found first in the 250 Junior lover Chuck Williams (Hus). In the 100 11, Rick Wever (Yam) took top spot, as did Daniel Snow in the 5,00 on a Suzuki. Rick Stehle (Bul) topped the 125 Juniors Division 1, but Steve Hesse couldn't believe he'd won Division II. We can't understand why. He won each moto. as it with Comfy you! Light Get this Strong quality BIG accessory Rigid designed Protective ~or off- road motorcycle use. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY P$RICE2J,-.91~ .,. '.;;J if you order NOW! Colors: Orange pac, white top, black nylon webbing, chrome hll'rdware. Order from: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS 2499 Cerritos Ave., Long Beach, Ca. 90806 -------------~-----~ Send me one Rec-Pac for motorcycle use and I I my free fiUed ice chest. ! enclose $24.95 in I I check or money order. I Name' I I I I I I Address I I I I I C'Ity, State & Z · I Ip I L ~ • ~

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